Episode 2:Into the human world

Eliot's POV

"I need to go back home. I need to have revenge on the murders of my parent's,I need to kill,I need to rip,I want to shed their f**king bloods!!" I echo,punching hard a nearby brick wall.

"But firstly I need to adapt and get stronger,finding the method the beings in this world perform should be my number priority and through that I could find a perfect way to gaining more powers." I thought, slowly stepping out of the shaded deserted area only to get cut up in flames due to the brightness of the unshaded area.

"Shit...." I groan, applying slight pressure to the hot reddish palm which slowly heals up.

"Fuck.... solar effect,can this day get any worse?" I ask angrily, staring around for more shaded areas.

Back at kingdom mondendrea,the magical barrier shielding us from the world map also protects us from solar effect radiation but out here, am gonna have to improvise.

"Shit,what to do?,what to do?" I whisper, pacing toe and fro within the shaded area while frustratingly running my hands through my hair.

"Finally I've gotten it...the solar ring" I utter,happily sliding my hands into my pocket,pulling out an ash coloured glowing ring with unknown writings encrypted on it.

An unwanted tear escape my eyes the moment they came in contact with the ash coloured ring,a birthday present from my dad at the age of twelve.

I can vividly recall the words he sounded to my hearing before cheerfully handling the ring over to me.

Years back

"Elliot my boy,you are no more a kid, today marks your tenth birthday making you old enough to handle this gift" he muttered slipping out an ash coloured ring from his sack clothes.

"Son, this is a solar ring, it protects us vampires from getting consumed by massive light radiation from the sun" he adds,this time sliding the ring into my palm.

"But dad, why haven't I been consumed by massive light radiation for the past twelve years since am just receiving the solar ring?" My younger self asked, arching a brow making a smile curve through the lips of my dad.

"Son,have you ever heard about the magical barrier surrounding kingdom mondendrea,preventing it from being noticed in the world map?" My dad asked,making my younger self nod in anticipation.

"Good job son,you are even smarter than I imagined"he echoed, softly ruffling the hair of my younger self making him smile out proudly.

"Well,for your information Elliot,that same Barriers protects us all the vampires of kingdom mondenrea from the massive sunlight from the sun". He utters making my younger self nod in approval.

"But son,you need to train to be as powerful and strong just like your pop's because today you may be protected under the shelter of this magical barrier but tomorrow,you may be the greatest enemy to the light radiation, you may be the prey and the light radiation the predator " my dad advised,sounding pretty serious while staring directly towards the sky and from that day henceforth, I cherished and took the ash solar ring everywhere.

Present day.

"Hmmmm......, I hope you really protect me like the words of my father to prevent me from being the prey and the sun the predrator" I whisper, slowly sliding the solar ring into my index finger.

"I guess this is it" I add, heaving in a deep breadth while taking slow steps out of my shaded hideout towards the open solar ray's and to my greatest surprise,I walk into it unhurt without any form of burns of bruises.

"Yepeeee,am blending in" I squeal, hopping around like a baby gifted with a lollipop but slowly, I stopp my jubilation on noticing the preying eyes of beings on two fleshy foots boring through my skin.

"I wonder the type of specie these beings are from?" I ask no one in particular while taking in a deep breadth.

"Humans" I mutter, feeling happy they are the weaker species before me but suddenly, the sweet aroma of something appetizing collides with my nostrils making me salivate like a hungry lion,but to my greatest surprise, the salivating aroma is from the flowing blood of a slightly injured young man beside me.

"Shit!!" I mutter, diverting my gaze the other way round,trying my best to shield my red glowing eyes and blood thirsty crept out fangs.

"I need to get the hellout of here and as fast as possible" I whisper Inwardly, briskly walking away and at the same time trying impossibly hard to cover up my elongated claws and fangs.

I thought the rumours of us vampires being unresistant to human blood was false because back at kingdom modendrea,we all feed on unlucky animals even the Royal household does, but now that the fact that we are unresistant to blood have been proven to me by myself,blowing up my cover is the last thing I'll ever want to undergo right now.

Minutes later

I keep walking without any sense of direction roughly crashing my broad shoulders against men and women.

The more I walk,the higher my urge for human blood heightens,the more I move,the more I hear and perceive the wonderful aroma of fresh blood pumping and flowing freely around the heart regions of this weak humans.

The more I feel their bloods flowing,the more I transform into a monster.

My neck twitches, my claws twitches,my inner swallowing organ twitches for blood,my pupils dialets slower than an animal,my breath siezes and with every passing second I become paler and whiter than normal.

"What's wrong with me!?,what the f**k is happening to me!!,I can't take this anymore!!,help!!!" I scream in pains,clutching tightly to my head,allowing the devil within possess the upper hand and without further hesitations, I dash inhumanly towards a pregnant woman digging my fangs into her neck region,draining every single drop of blood meant for her and her baby and with a thirsty moan,I let go off her,letting her lifeless body crash.

"Hmmm...refreshing" I moan, licking dry my blood stained claws".

"Oh my god....he just killed her with his bare fingers" a young teen girl yells with panic filled voice making everyone around cringe in fear while taking slow steps backwards.

"You bitch" I mutter, dash towards her,detach her neck from its sockets, and hungrily munch on her lifeless blood covered head.

"Ahhhhh!!... He's a monster" another teenage girl yells, making everyone take to their heels running for their pathetic life's.

"Not this time humans" I mutter vamp speeding towards them all, ripping and draining off their blood making their screams play melodious tunes into my ear.

"What are you?" A damaged ankled young mam ask in visible fright, crawling backwards in order to escape my wrath.

"Am a monster" I reply in my deepest darkest voice ever,before driving my fangs into his neck region,enjoying every ounce of blood contacting my tongue making him struggle till his last breath.

"Perfect" i moan louder in salivation while sucking dry my blood covered palm.

A week later

Authors POV

Inside a well decorated building fashionized with glittering modernized tiles,well polished furniture's, decorative bulbs and statues of Christ and Mary.

A large congregation of people could be seen praying silently with accordance to the steps of their priest making the holy ghost flow free without an obstruction.

"And through Christ our Lord amen" the priest concludes, forming a cross sign with dots above his shoulders and head but with a flash, his head could be seen rolling on the floor letting his blood splatter over the walls of the church and the few congregation closer to him earning fearful screams from the lips of everyone.

"Hmmm thirsty" Elliot moans,using his blood stained tongue in cleansing his blood covered tooth's.

"Let's get down to business" he mutters, licking his lips but lowly groan in pains after feeling a metal rod drive into his stomach region from behind making him crash weakly to the ground.

"Die you monster" a member among the congregation yells, feeling proud of being the one to end the popular monster or so he thought.

"Lame trick, next time use a stake not a rod" Elliot mutters,now behind the frightened member and without warning digs his claws into the chest region of the member making the member shiver in more fright.

"Say hello to Zeus in hell..." he whispers deep into the ears of the already crying member but with an emotionless smirk plastered on his face,he quickly rips out the heart of the member allowing him crash lifelessly to the ground while Elliot munches on his blood covered heart.

"So where were we?" He ask, boldly walking around the trembling congregation.

"There are no escape way for you all so quit your prayers because all entrances have been sealed with heavy rods and only someone with same level of strength similar to mine can set you free and there is none of you here who can level up with me in strength so your prayers should be a one way ticket to hell not even heaven" Elliot mutters,smacking both claws together.

"You know,I had it within me to let few of you leave here alive while I butcher the rest but since one among you nincompoops tried taking my life,you all are gonna pay the price for it all" he adds making few women burst into fresh new tears.

"So who am I beginning with?" he ask,showcasing his long deadly fangs.

"Well,I guess am beginning with everyone" he smirks, smiling widely and with a speed faster than a speeding car,he charges towards the frightened congregation feeding on them with their fresh blood splattering on his body and all of the walls of the congregation.

Location : The craft.

Deep into a room in an organization decorated with synthetic indestructible glasses,beings cladded in all black outfits could be seen seated opposite numerous systems expertly punching buttons on their keyboards, not taking their eyes off the glowing monitor screen.

A young female being cladded in an all white priceless suit could be seen walking around the premises inspecting all activities performed by the electronic experts. She stinks of power and authority and the closer she gets to an agent the harder the agent works.

"Good job Matthias,this look re...." The female being utters,trying to compliment the work of an agent but rudely gets interrupt by the rough flinging of the door open followed by a man in his mid forties briskly walking towards her with anger clearly written on his face making the young lady swallow a huge lump of saliva.

"Delilah!!??" The man calls with gritted tooth's on getting closer to the woman.

"Please sir before you yell at me can we please head to my office to talk in private" the young lady known to be Delilah speaks out already trembling on her kneels.

"Sure,you lead the way" the man replies, pacing around angrily.

Delilah's POV

The door to my office flings open,revealing my spacious office decorated with expensive synthetic glasses with well polished exclusive furniture's placed at it's centre giving it a modernised appearance.

The sun ray glitters through the transparent glasses in a zigzag motion proving browain's motion correct.

"You lazy asshole" Mr Ferguson yells immediately I shut the door close,in the process activating the sound proof system.

"Mr Ferguson you need to calm down,am trying everything within my power to get this heartless murderer stopped. How do you expect me to easily kill someone or should I say something who kills like an animal leaving undescribable claws and tooth marks over the body of his victims?" I ask,feeling bold and scared at the same time.

"Calm down?" He chuckles.

"You dare tell me to calm down when los Angeles is experiencing over 250 death within a week by an unknown killer!!" He yells banging my table hard like a psychiatric victim.

"You need to work harder Delilah, your best is not enough. Work harder,get this monster and bring him to Justice!!" He yells,making me flinch backwards in fear.

"Well,sir from the few Intel we've gotten on this thing I must say its something out of this world, the way his vitims are always pale and marked with tooth marks. I believe there is more to this killings" I boom out but Mr Ferguson seems unconcerned.

"I don't care about the past of this bloody killer all I want is to see a batered monster in that cell and after that......." Mr Ferguson tries saying to me but rudely gets interuppted by a terrified male worker.

"Ma,our scanner have just detected another ongoing killing within the premises of a nearby church" the voice of the male worker booms into my ears.

"Alright Jayden,get our strike team ready and text me the co-ordinates of the attack" I order, quickly bouncing off my cusion chair.

"Am on that ma" he replies, taking brisk steps away.

"Time to get this monster once and for all" I mutter loudly,briskly stepping out of my office while Mr Ferguson walk past me with pure rage devouring through his system.

Elliot's POV.

"Ahhhh........."I moan in pleasure letting the last lifeless body among the numerous congregation crash to the ground.

"Time to bounce"I gasp,forcefully sliding the hardly locked door open only to meet eye to eye with men cladded in funny uniforms with black objects clutch tightly in their grasp and with the look on their faces, they weren't here for game's.

"Light him up he's the killer!!" A feminine voice orders from within the crowd and without warning, countless tiny objects speedily begins emitting from the holes of the black objects, knocking all parts of my body, weakening me till I crash almost lifeless to the ground.

"Ouch that tickles"I cry out still on the ground but quickly bounce to feets, grab a nearby human relentlessly dig my hungry fangs into his neck region, drained all the blood in his system and allow his already pale looking body crash to the ground.

"See you next time people" I announce with a wink before super speeding out of the premises at immense speed with a male agent clutch tightly in my grasp making fearful screams escape his lips.

Though I may be a newbie to this world but am no fool,I knew those unknown uniformed were trying to take my life but unfortunately for them am immune to metal weapons. Am at the advantage here since they are yet to figure out my abilities and weakness else they wouldn't have tried attacking me blankly without any defence strategy,but now I know am a haunted murderer,I need to keep a low profile and I hope the large amount of blood I've taken in will last me a long period of time.

Delilah's POV.

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!" I yell, angrily flinging my hand gun meters away.

"We let him go,we fucking let him escape when we had him all surrounded!!. This is all messed up!!" I scream again, angrily smashing my foot against a nearby wall.

"We lost two agents to his hands including the 198 people in this congregation whom he murdered in cold blood making it a total of 200 deaths within a single day and we fucking let him go!!. How the fuck am I gonna explain this to Mr Ferguson?" I ask no one in particular, running my hands through my hair,badly ruffling it

"And how the fuck can someone possess claws,fangs,be immune to countless bullets and still have uncalculatable amount of speed!!!?" I ask,restlessly pacing fort and back on a single axis.

"Ma please can I have your attention?" An agent ask,triggering the already boiling anger within me to a higher level.

"What the fuck is It agent Connor?!!!" I ask,transferring all aggression towards him making him flinch in fright.

"Am sorry ma I just wanted to hand this over to you. I have a feeling it's a clue to our target" he replies, handling over a blood stained rod to me.

"And how can a blood stained rod help us in capturing this monster?!!" I ask in form of a scream feeling annoyed and fustrated.

"Well,I found the rod in the grasp of a dead man among the congregation and if my calculations are right,I think he tried standing up against our target with the rod as a weapon but wasn't a match for him so I believe the blood covering this rod belongs to our target" he concludes, earning a broad smile from me.

"Good thinking agent Connor,am sorry I yelled at you earlier, I was just feeling fustrated" I apologize making a smile play on his face.

"It's nothing ma,i understand the tight position you are in and after all you're my boss,you have the right to yell at me anytime you want" he concludes making the smile on my face broaden.

"Thanks to you agent Connor,i will not be only able to save my job but also have a fifty percent chance of capturing our target. Maybe today isn't a bad day after all" I state, smiling widely with my gaze fixed on the blood dripping rod.

Location; the craft.

Two hours later

Delilah's POV

"Delilah, why the hell is the test for the blood sample taking for ages?, remember the only reason you are still in this premises is because of this blood sample else you'd been a goner so don't try screwing this petty chance up?!" Mr Ferguson growls, rudely barging into my office but with my eyes still focused on the test I paid little attention to his continuous yells and threats.

"And am done. The test for the blood sample is finally complete" I announce not taking my eyes off the screen of my laptop.

"Ohhh my god,this blood sample is amazing" I compliment,still not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Screw the nature of his goddam blood just explain to me what you've figured out" Mr Ferguson orders, disorienting the expression on my face.

"What did you find?" He asks again on seeing the expression on my face.

"This being we are dealing with is something out of this world,he's neither a human nor a god nor an animal,his cell vibration and frequency are faster than that of a normal human and he possesses special abilities" I state,pausing to take note of the expression on his face.

"Special abilities?, abilities like what??" he ask, cringing his face in a wried manner.

"This being possesses special abilities like, super hearing, super excessive speed,super strength, higher level of agility and stamina,higher level of sensivity,compulsion,sharp six inches claws and fangs and lastly IMMORTALITY"I conclude, reading directly from the laptop forcing gasps off the lips of Mr Ferguson.

"Is that all?" He ask making me stylishly roll my eyes.

"Well,he also has a problem and side effects.

Firstly,he has high cravings for human blood to the extent he can rip out a whole city and this explains the recent massive killing in which bloods have been drained off the victims body. Secondly,he has the ability to transform humans into the monster he is,this is the worst of it all sir because if we have more killers like him flocking freely around the city then the human race is sure going into extinct. And finally,he's reactant to massive light Ray's. sun light from the sun is capable of setting him ablaze and that is an advantage for us because we just need to lure him out to the open so nature can perform it work" I mutter with glints of hope in my voice but the blank expression on the face of Mr Ferguson remains constant.

"That's a good idea Delilah but this monster of ours is immune to direct sunlight and that's the reason most of his hunting are directly under the sun" Mr Ferguson replies, making the glint of hope wipe off my face.

"Now that's what I hate,don't ever allow the little glint of hope leave your mindset because in this life,everyone has a weakness,something,even the devil himself has a weakness so search deeper Delilah and trust me you will surely find something so get back to work" he assures,placing another smile on my face.

Minute's later

Delilah's POV

"Wait I've gotten something, I've found something!" I happily announce and in no time,Mr Ferguson came running briskly into my office.

"What did you find?" He ask feeling delighted and proud.

"Well,through the sample of the blood, one of the greatest weakness of this monster is vervain,a rare flower found mainly around fresh water swamps" I reply, earning a smile from Mr Ferguson.

"Good job Delilah,like I earlier said never give up"Mr Ferguson compliments,placing weak taps my shoulders.

"So what's next?" He ask,now returning to his cold hearted bossy tone

"Well,the secondly,this monster is....." I try saying but inappropriately gets interrupt by my computer system which unwantedly goes blank.

"What the hell happened?"Mr Ferguson and I both ask in total shock, continuously exchanging confused glances.

" Ma there have been an overall power shortage and our last reading detected the cause from the blood of the monstrous killer,his blood is a virus to our system and its badly infecting it" a female agent replies,flipping tabs on her tablet.

"What should we Sir?, she ask, staring directly at Mr Ferguson.

"Well,since we've been searching for the weakness of a particular monster,why don't we try figuring out the specie of this monster we've been dealing with" Mr Ferguson suggests, handling over a tablet to me.

"Make good use of the internet" he whispers into my ears before walking away.

Minutes later.

"Sir,I've gotten a clue on something" I voice out drawing the attention of the soliloquizing Mr Ferguson.

"I made a search on the internet using the few Intel's we've gathered through the blood of our killer and I must say sir that the world is truly coming to an end" I echo,earning weird looks from him.

"Spare me the crapy speech Delilah and tell me what specie of monsters our suspect lies under" Mr Ferguson utters already feeling annoyed.

"Well,sir our suspect is no other monster that the popular blood sucker. A VAMPIRE" I mutter,earning gasps from both Mr Ferguson and the few agents around.

"I thought vampires were mere mythological stories told by older ones to their children?" Mr Ferguson ask,earning nod of agreement from the available agents.

"Well,that was what we all thought but can't you see the few Intel's we've gathered fall in place with the mythological stories told by our parents. The vampires undying crave for blood, their bodies being reactive to direct sunlight, their sharp fangs and claws and many more. All we have to do now is accept the fact that los Angeles is now a death zone and is slowly becoming the preying home of a blood sucker and only us the craft can stop this monster because the day of los Angeles and the world in total are numbered by the mere existence of this predator" I utter, implanting fright into the mindsets of Ferguson and the agents.

"The world is coming to its end and so are we if nothing is done and fast" Mr Ferguson mutters

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