Mayor Danvers

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Episode 3

Elliot's POV.

The more I try avoiding blood to keep a low profile the faster I disgenerate.

The more I walk past the peaceful citizens in a beautiful place known to be a market, the more the flow of their blood collides with my enhanced senses making me wanna rip them all apart. Its been only two hours since the attack I made at the Church and here I am thirsty and still craving for more drops of blood. I think am a heartless monster.

My breadth itches,my body whitens,blood flow down my nostrils,my internal organs melts slowly and pains I've never felt since birth slowly consumes my body forcing loud screams from my lips,earning the attentions of the passerby's who quickly burst out laughing.

"Oh screw trying my possible best to prevent my claws from tearing half way down your damn throats and you dare mock me for that?!!!" I Inwardly yell making my eyes take a shade of blazing red with my blood stained fangs and claws slowly creeping out making their laughter slowly die down to fright.

"Say hello to Hades" I mutter,super speedimg towards the laughing gangs ripping them all apart while brutally draining their blood.

"Its the brutal killer. Run for your life's?!" A masculine voice yells,making the market go heter sketer with everyone running in a zig zag manner with no sense of direction.

"More meals for me and more deaths for Hades" I grin wickedly, charging at the frightened citizens, draining the unlucky ones of their blood.

The more I feed, the stronger I become, the more I feed,the more my humanity disperse from me,the more the death of my family replay in my head making my hatred for everything and everyone grow beyond passion.

"Being a vamp is actually cool when amidst the weaker breeds...." I mumble, licking dry the blood dropping down my lips.

Location: The craft.

Delilah's POV

"Ma another on going attack has been detected by our sensors again"

"Seriously, another on going attack?,its barely three hours since his attack on that church and here he is carrying out another killing spree. Don't this guy ever get filled up!!?" I ask,frustratingly wiping the sweat breeds off my forehead.

"Send the coordinates and location to my phone,also prepare another strike team with vervain coated weapon's, the vervain we ordered for are now available" I order and with a nod,the agent took to a sprint.

"We are sure getting this monster this time and nothing is surely getting in our way" I whisper, stepping out of my dark office in preparation for the attack.

Elliot's POV

"Tastier than normal" I moan in pleasure after munching on the heart of an old lady.

The last prey within the market

"Time to bounce" I thought, heading towards the markets gateway but countless bullets from nowhere speedily comes flying towards my direction knocking me on all parts of my body forcing painful screams off my lips.

"Arrrgh vervain" I yell,groaning in pains with my skin slowly glowing greenish in colour.

"How did they find out my weakness?" I ask my sub consciousness who only groans louder as a reply.

"It's working, his slowly fading away"a feminine voice similar to that of the attacker back at the church booms into my ears and with that,similar being's cladded in similar dresses like the previous attackers speedily begin tropping in from different angles of the market making fearful gasps escape my lips.

"Light him up again,he needs to be extremely weakened. We have no idea thow powerful he is and what he's capable!!" the same beautiful feminine voice orders followed by another round of countless vervain objects sinking deep into my veins.

"Arrrgh...." I snarl out in pains at the same time coughing out huge amount of black coloured blood.

Shit I've never felt so much pains like this,it's worse than the beating I recieved from prince Ronnie body guards and am sure another round of attack like this will surely take me out for good.

But that isn't my priority,my main priority is to avenge my parents and am only three percent positive of achieving that so dying isn't a problem.

My main problem is their ability of them easily figuring one of the weakness of a vampire.

"Arrrgh..." I growl loudly in pains,feeling the vervain flowing closer towards the inner region of my heart.

"Ma,I think this is enough, another attack like this to him will surely take him out for good and remember we still need him for many purposes,and Mr Ferguson wants him alive" I heard a masculine voice whisper to a being.

"You right Connor but he must be taken to the craft unciouncious so leave that to me" similar voice recognised to be a that of the bossy female replies to the guy while taking slow steady steps towards my direction.

I tried brightening my view to have a clearer view of this courageous female but the blurry nature of my eyes continuously prevents me but with the figure shape of the being,the being is obviously a female.

"You picked the wrong city to mess with VAMPIRE" the breath taking feminine voice of the being booms into my ears while a tiny vervain coated object flies deep into a skull, slowly drifting me into an unciouncious state making my body crash to the ground like a dead animal.

Delilah's POV

I heave in relief after seeing his body crash unciounciously to the ground after releasing a vervain bullet into his damn skull.

"Take this body to the the craft,we have a lot of work, experiment and interrogation to do with it" I order the straight faced agents who quickly spring into action.

"Phew,Los Angeles is save once again,all thanks to you ma" Connor mutters to me smiling widely.

"I can't have all the credits alone Connor,we all worked hard to make Los Angeles a dwellable place again so the credit goes to the entire agents of the craft" I reply making his smile broaden.

"Thanks alot ma" the agent all chroused, gladdening my already happy heart.

Location: The Craft.

Delilah's POV

"Phew,Los Angeles is once again a safe and dwellable place again" I chant, happily stepping out of the sliding elevator only to encounter Mr Ferguson on the phone and with the expression on his face,am seventy percent sure it isn't a good news.

"What's going on?" I ask in form of a whisper,still demonstrating with my hands to help him understand better.

"The mayor actually found out we've captured the killer and now he's seeking for free passage to pay a visit to the craft" Mr Ferguson replies,shielding the speaker of his phone with his thumb.

"How on Earth did the mayor find out we've captured the heartless killer?" I ask feeling as shocked as Mr Ferguson.

"I don't know Delilah but what should I say to him,am really under pressure right now?he ask making me sigh in defeat.

"I really hate to do this as much as you hate it but I have no option,we can't say no to the mayor. Grant him safe passage, he can come visit the craft whenever he wants" I reply, making stares of shock combined with sadness flash through the face of Mr Ferguson.

After few minutes of Mr Ferguson talking over the phone with the mayor,their boring conversation finally comes to an end making Mr Ferguson sigh out in fustrastion.

"So in any moment from now we will be expecting the arrival of the mayor" Mr Ferguson's mutters with an eyes roll making me chuckle inwardly.

"Well, he's welcome anytime, anywhere and we are sure going to give to him a befitting invitation" I state,grinning weirdly but roughly gets pulled to a scheduled coner by Mr Ferguson.

"Ouch..what was that for??" I ask.

"Oh great,all thanks to you I now have a reddish wrist" I groan with an eye roll but immediately gets hussed by Mr Ferguson.

"Dosent it bother you than even before an hour of us capturing the ruthless killer the mayor has already gotten the news?" Mr Ferguson ask, earning stares laced with scarcasim from me.

"Of course not Mr Ferguson,he's the mayor he has lot of people working under him so him having fast information about a news quickly shouldn't bother you" I reply, feeling stressed out.

"And there's the problem Delilah,he has lots of individuals working under him even the citizens we have no idea of,so what if someone here in the craft is working for the mayor, imagine we having a mole amongst us here giving the mayor all informations about the happenings in the craft even the once we prevent him from knowing?. Think about it Delilah" Mr Ferguson pressurized and to be honest,he actually has a point.

"If what you are insulating is true Mr Ferguson,then we are not safe not anywhere,not even in the craft" I utter , already feeling scared by the outcome of things.

"Yea Delilah but we have to remain normal to prevent any form of suspicion since we are yet to figure out who the mole is. All we having to do now is be more careful,that's our only option for now" Mr Ferguson adds, earning nods combined with fear and confusion from me.

Few minutes later

The gigantic gate to a prestigious sky scraper slowly springs open,granting free access to a luxurious range roverv2018 model which steadily halts at a scheduled conner.

The door to this luxurious car slowly swings open, granting free access to a priceless black coloured leather shoe which majestically springs from the car.

After few minutes being wasted,a being in his late forties cladded in a net worth black expensive suit slowly makes way out of the car,proudly getting rid of his sun glasses to scan the area.

"Let's get moving" he's authorative and powerful baritone voice booms out to his few bodyguards who nods readily while exchanging glances within themselves, they slowly begun advancing towards the entrance door of the sky scrapper with their floor colliding shoes playing melodious tunes into the ear.

The more he walk past agents,the more they bow to him in respect

After few minutes of walking, he abruptly stops on his tracks before a metal elevator which automatically slides open granting him and his subordinate's free access into it.

After few minutes of the elevator ascending upwards towards the highest part of the building, a loud ding sound loudly emits from It,making it come to an abrunt halt with its door slowly sliding open revealing a whitish decorated room recognized to be a laboratory.

"Good day Mayor Danvers" Mr Ferguson and Delilah both greets in union but receives no response.

Delilahs POV

A ding sound consumes the room allowing the elevator slowly sliding openbrevealing the long awaited mayor who proudly takes majestic steps forward having no emotions written on his face.

"Good day mayor danvers"Mr Ferguson and I both greet I'm usion,expecting a reply from him but his stern disgusted gaze upon us both seems to be the reply.

"Save your pleasantries for yourselves Ferguson and Delilah,am not here for pleasantries but for business purposes,so where's the heartless killer?" he ask going straight to the point making me roll my eyes stylishly.

"He's somewhere safe within our custody" Mr Ferguson replies, trying hard to appear bold before the mayor making me chuckle inwardly.

"Good thing he's under your custody, so where's his cell I want to see him?" Mayor Danvers request, maintaining his straight cold expression,an expression a whole lot scarier compared to that of Mr Ferguson who obviously seems intimidated by the expression.

"We are sorry sir, but we can't let you see him,he's too dangerous and he's still a threat to the world wether in a cell or not" I cut in, earning the fury gaze of the mayor.

"Am sorry Mr mayor but Delilah here is right,that monster in there is a threat to mankind and must be neutralized"Mr Ferguson adds, backing up my words, making a loopside smile involve my lips but the evil smirk plastered on the face of the major only widens similar way a little devil with an evil plan undeaneth his seleves.

The smirk on his face broadens, while he takes slow intimidating steps towards Mr Ferguson. A type of gesture that can make any being pee on his pants.

His smirk slowly morphs into a sly grin while he bends to the height of Mr Ferguson, whispering some words into his ears.

Flashes of fear, shock and intimidation,all at once envelopes the face of Mr Ferguson making me cringe my eyes in confusion.

"This is not good" I thought, staring akwardly at both men.

"What's going on?" I ask, only to receive an order from the calm but authorative voice of Mr Ferguson.

"Delilah,do as the mayor requests" he orders, earning stares laced with utmost confusion from me.

"B...bu...but sir you were just against his decision few minutes ago,so what happened,what did he threaten you with sir?" I ask, feeling reluctant in disclosing the location of the vampire and good thing am the only agent with the idea of his location and the passcode to unlocking his cell, Mr Ferguson himself is yet to have an idea of his location and cell.

"Are you questioning my authority Delilah?" He questions, staring down towards me like a demon and growling like the vampire within my custody.

"You need to get a new personal assistant Ferguson. This Delilah or whatever lacks morals and respect" mayor Danvers chips in, earning a deadly glare from me.

"Am sorry sir but I can't disclose the whereabouts of the vampire to you. He will be alot more dangerous in the hands of someone like the mayor" I state, feeling courageous,not caring about the consequences of my words and actions.

"Spill out the his whereabouts Delilah,or you're fired, remember your dying mother in the hospital and remember how I promised to help pay her bills worth millions of dollars, once you get fired Delilah,that promise is over,so are you gonna trade the life of your dearest mother for that of a heartless vampire you barely know?" Mr Ferguson ask, grinning from ear to ear, having complete knowledge he'd trapped me the perfect place he wants..

"Shit...,what am i going to do?, I can't trade the life of my dearest mother for that of a heartless killer who I've barely know" i thought inwardly, feeling fustrated and devastated both at the same time.

"Tick..tock.... Delilah, valuable time is being wasted here" Mr Ferguson adds, furiously taping on his wristwatch with his index finger while his eyes and facial appearance burns with rage mixed with chuckles.

"Okay"I mutter, taking in a deep breath.

"Am sorry sir but I can't disclose the whereabouts of the vam......." I try saying, only to get interrupt by the loud banging sound's emmitting from the innermost part of the laboratory making me gasp in shock.

"Oh shit....he's awake,his continuous banging with help them know his whereabouts,that moron......" i curse inwardly, furiously breaking the pen within my grasp.

"Looks like your cover has been reavealed by the one thing you are trading the life of your mom to protect"Mayor Danvers mocks, making me grit my tooth in anger.

"Asshole...." I curse beneath my furious raging breath.

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