Episode 4:The birth of the ripper
Episode 4
Elliot's POV.
I slowly stir my blurry eyes open, moaning lowly in pleasure, wanting to feel the softness of the soil but only the hardness of the environment collides with my skin,forcing me stir both eyes open while rapidly wiping reasonable amount of dirt off them.
I quickly bounce to my feets after taking note of the unfamiliar environment around me, a glamorous spacious room made,created and built with numerous glittering glasses.
"Ugh.." I wince,permitting the memories of my capture slowly reload within my head. How I was weakened by vervain weapons and how a feminine figure released a vervain coated object directly into my skull, driving me into the unciouncious state.
"Oh shit am in custody (jail)" I mutter while freely running my hands through my hair but after few minutes of studying my environment,I crash to the floor laughing uncontrollably.
"Do they really think a mere glass box can withstand my speed and strength?" I boom out, laughing uncontrollably.
"Time to get out of this dumb glass' i utter,super speeding towards the glass with a mighty punch which I vigoursly connect against it,making the whole area quake vigoursly in response but the glass remains still possessing not even a slight crack.
"What the fuck is this glass made of?" I ask, massaging my already bleeding knuckles.
"Fuck shit!!...Diamond!" I yell, running my already healed hands against the surface of the cage.
"Well,it's obvious am doomed and I really need to feed" I complain, scratching the outter region of my throat.
"I can't take this anymore, I need to feed else am gonna dessicate. Let me out of here!!!" I loudly yell,continuously banging the surface of the diamond glass, making the whole area vibrate vigoursly.
After few minutes of banging the glass cage to my exhaustion,I crash weakly to the floor, allowing my already bleeding hands heal slowly,but the sudden quake and sliding of an unknown door amidst the walls of the room catches my attention.
After few seconds of the door sliding open,three figures majestically make way into the room staring deeply towards my cell and i from head to bottom.
The continuous and frequent throbbing of their heart and apetitizing stinch of the free flowing blood within their hearth reaches and collides with my nostril's and sense organ, heightening my uncontrollable desire and cravings for their blood's.
Delilah's POV
The door to the laboratory's inner room slides open after I reluctantly punch in the pass code.
We slowly but majestically make way into the room with Mayor Danvers leading the way.
The stain of blood and it stinch fills the atmosphere, making me shield my nose with a handkerchief.
"I think he was trying to escape by punching through the glass cage,his bleeding knuckles explains his exhaustion while the blood stains on the cage explains the countinous loud banging" I whisper into the ears of Mr Ferguson who only responds with an unconcerned nod.
"So this is the almighty murderer,the so called monster who murdered over two hundred citizens in Los Angeles within a week. It's a great pleasure seeing you in person" mayor Danvers manly baritone voice blurts out in a mockery tone making me roll my eyes in disgust but the vampire remains mute,staring awkwardly at us all without uttering anyword nor make any move but suddenly,faster than our eyes could see,he wooshes towards the front edge of the cage, snarling and punching it while revealing his deadly long teeth's and unusual long fingers making Mr Ferguson and I both flinch in fright.
"Perfect" the mayor mutters, grinning from ear to ear earning akward stares from both Mr Ferguson and I.
"He's perfect Mr Ferguson,he's all I'll ever need and desire so we can set to work right now to hasten the process"Mayor Danvers blurts out to Mr Ferguson, earning stares laced with genuie confusion from me.
"Sir,what does he all he mean by ×he's all ill ever need* ?" I ask, diverting every ounce of attention towards Mr Ferguson.
"Ohhh....did I forget to mention to you Delilah that this beast over here is gonna be my new puppet,he's gonna do everything I command,he'll currently become the sole doer of my biddings,he'll sure be a valuable asset of me rising to power as the new governor of Los Angeles and you both including all members of the craft are sure going to help me achieve that,either in your will or against it" Mayor Danvers states, making my jaw drop wide agape.
"Sir did you actually agree to this or you recently got brain washed?!!" I yell, channelling every ounce of anger within me towards Mr Ferguson.
"It's none of my fault Delilah,I had to agree to this,he has me covered within a tight spot by a secret I thought I'll never think,hear or even speak of again,but he knows about this secret and if such secret eventually gets out to the public,my life and that of my family will be ruined and doomed. So as your boss,I order you to begin an experiment on this mythological being,he may be powerful but we are about to make him something more powerful, something exceptional, something not even the defense force of the United States of America can withstand, something that's gonna help the mayor become the new governor of Los Angeles without any force or stress,something unstoppable is what we've been planning to create and transform him into and it sure requires a lot of hard work to achieve that so get to work,we have little or no time to waste!" Mr Ferguson orders, earning stares laced with disgust and anger from me.
"Am sorry sir but I ain't gonna to be part of the destruction of Los Angeles. Listen to what you are currently attempting to transform him into sir,you are about to transform a killing machine into an ultra killing machine and am surely not going to indulge in it" I reply, earning deadly glares from both Mr Ferguson and mayor Danvers.
"Don't test my temper Delilah" he threatens, caressing his short blackish beards with his hands but I give no damn about his anger and rage.
"I'm sorry sir but I can't,you are about to release something unstoppable into this world and I can't let you have your way or even get away with it.Sir think about the world,think about Los Angeles,think about the people this killing machine is sure gonna murder and drained dry if his abilities gets amplified, think about the havoc heading towards Los Angeles if his abilities get amplified,think about........"
"Do I look like I care anymore Delilah??!!!!, Do I look like I fucking give a damn about the welfare of the citizens of Los Angeles??!!!!" He yells, banging the table hard, making me flinch backwards in shock.
"I give no damn about this state or this country,all I care about is preserving the name and lives of my family because if my long protected secrets goes out,then I have no formidable reason to live anymore, meaning dooms day for myself and that of my family" he screams,but currently in a less harsher tone.
"Think about your dying mother Delilah,think of the only way to save her and follow that route which is our route,even if this killing machine comes for you,you know it's weakness so you know possess the knowledge of defending yourself, remember you previously took him to an unciouncious state and I bet you can perform such over and over again,you are an undeniable gifted and talented scientist Delilah and now is the perfect time to pour out your acquired knowledge into good beneficiary use,besides mayor Danvers has promised up twenty four hours protection so we've got nothing to be scared or afraid of. The alternatives are right before you Delilah,make the right choice,the one which is sure going to benefit you and you mother. Make it now,make it now Delilah, choose" Mr Ferguson persuades, placing slight taps on my shoulder.
Countless thoughts envelopes my mind,making me pace to and fro around the room. Slowly down my pace,I come to an abrupt stop, diverting my general attention towards the two men expecting a response from me.
A loud defeating sigh escapes my lips making Mr Ferguson stare deeper at me.
"Am only doing this for my mum and nothing else,when this is all over am flying far away from the country and from all this madness" I voice out, earning victorious smiles and chuckles from them both.
"It's a deal Delilah,you've made the right choice" Mr Ferguson mumbles,earning reluctant nods from me.
"I hope I did Mr Ferguson,I really hope I did" I whisper, trying hard to hide my sadness with an inferior smile.
"Well,now we've gotten everyone and everything that we require,you both need to commence working because I want my killing machine ready before the end of today, he should be a monster,a demon, someone without emotions, someone who tears aand murders relentlessly, he's abilities should be ten times multiplied,his strength multiplied,his speed and everything multiplied and with that accomplished,he shall be known as and called THE RIPPER OF LOS ANGELES" the mayor concludes, earning an eye roll from my reluctant self.
"Don't bother yourself Mr mayor, all you've just requested shall surely be granted to you in your highest expectations, I trust my lab assistant,she's sure gonna make this experiment a success without any casualties" Mr Ferguson assures, making me scoff out loudly.
"Well for starters,you can't begin an experiment without a weak spot and all we've been discussing about are the abilities of this vampire,why don't we discuss about his weaknesses" I suggest, picking up my tablet from a nearby table.
"Well,I ran another test on a fresh new blood of his and I found more of his vulnerabilities. He's vulnerable to vervain which we all know,silver ploutinum,wooden stakes,and most importantly diamond ploutinum. So it's a good thing we placed him in a diamond cage" I state,not taking my rapid blinking eyes off the glowing tablet.
"Well,since we've already know his weakness,why don't we discuss how we can make him an ultra killing machine?" Mayor Danvers suggest, earning a devilish smile from me.
"By using this"I reply, slipping out two greenish and black coloured liquid substances from a centrifuge machine.
"What are these weird things?"the mayor asks, broadening the smile on my face.
"Well,this greenish substances is what we call a morphex" Mr Ferguson cuts in, earning an eye roll from me.
"Morphex is like a power source which boosts and enhances abilities" he explains,making me scoff out loudly.
"Well,this second blackish liquid is what we call black matter. It also enhances the abilities of an individual and boosts out the inner powers of any individual. But just as everything within this world has it negative side,so also does black matter possess a negative side effect associated with itself" I add, making the mayor cringe his eyes weirdly inconfusion.
"What may be the side effects associated with a power granting chemical, a chemical capable of making someone unstoppable" Mayor Danvers inquires doubting my discovering.
"Well,just as the name implies, DARK MATTER,it clouds the mind of anyone,even the most righteous person, making them heartless,emotionless,rentless and selfish,transforming them into a monster,a demon and even giving them a heart similar to that of Lucifer" I state, hoping to change the mayor's mindset but the expression on his face tell others wise.
"This is the perfect element Delilah,no being in this life can ever be a monster with a soft heart,he must be relentlessly, wicked and be compared to Lucifer himself thats what I want and desire and this element you call dark matter is the perfect substance for that so give him the damn element!" He orders, making me roll my eyes in defeat.
"Well,if I may ask how are you guys going to make him take both the morphex and dark matter into his system, because from the look of things any close advances towards him means death for such person,he's sure going to tear such person into shreds without thinking twice" mayor Danvers ask while staring at the snarling vampire in the diamond cage.
"Well,we don't plan on injecting him with the liquid elements" I reply,making him cringe his eyes in confusion.
"Then how the hell are you gonna serve an unknown substance to a raging monster who plans on ripping us all into shreds if we make any slight advances towards him?" Mayor Danvers ask,yelling loudly, making me shield my ears with both thumbs.
"Enough mayor Danvers!!" I scream, earning shocked expressions from both himself and Mr Ferguson.
"We have a better plan of making him take the elements,he's not going to get forced but he's surely going to take it on his own will. We are gonna send these elements to him in their gaseous forms by putting them into these specially designed vaccum pipe connected to a pore in his cage. The vaccum possess the ability to transform any substance either solid or liquid into their gaseous forms,permitting our morphex and dark matter free access in their gaseous forms through the pore connected to the vaccum."
"With that,our Vampire here guarantees no other option rather than inhale our element as the oxygen he breaths into his system thereby transforming him into the monster you've always wanted and desire" I conclude, allowing a broad smile pave way into the lips of the mayor.
"Good thinking Delilah,now I see the reason you remain Ferguson's lab assistant but it's better you put your knowledge into the practical aspect than just saying it out so get to work!!!" he orders, while Mr Ferguson slowly empty both substances into the vaccum connected to the cell, letting the vaccum perform it's work by morphing the liquid substances into it's gaseous forms, allowing it flow freely into the cell of the Vampire which he rapidly inhales.
"Wait for it" I whisper after taking note of the anxious expression revolving around the mayor face.
"Arrrrgh!!" the vampire growls, clutching tightly to his head making a victorious smile play on my lips.
"Arrrrgh!!!!!!!" he growls louder, crashing to the floor with red glowing eyes making his loud roar explode through the cell, crashing everyone and everything backwards.
"impossible,how on Earth did he break through a diamond ploutinum cell?" I ask, staggering up to my feets with dizzy eyes are bruised face only to meet eye to eye with a demon on earth.
His eyes are as void as the death pit,his fangs longer than a blade,his tooth sharper than a tree saw and his huge sprouted out scary bats wings a as scary as beluzeebe himself.
"Hmmmmmmm, perfect, excalty how I want him to be"Mayor Danvers whisper's, staring deep into the eyes of the monster while visible evil grins plays on his face.