Episode 6:injustice

Episode 6

Location: The craft

Mayor Danver's POV

"Woah....." I squeal happily like a sweet sixteen female teen before stepping out of the elevator still squealing amidst excitement.

"That was great. With over two hundred of my political rivals gone,I currently have no obstacle stopping me from advancing as the next governor of Los Angeles" I thought, maintaining the visible excitement roaming around my face.

"You performed excellently great today Elliot,wish to see you in action some other day.T him to his diamond cell agents" I order two nearby agents who trembly grapl him by both hands, slowly leading him towards his cell but the fear of being ripped apart by his ripper claws could be seen clearly obvious on each of their faces.

"Faster agents!!" I yell,making them increase their pace after taking observation of their shivering and fearful nature.

"Good day Mr Mayor" a familiar masculine voice greets behind me, allowing a wide smile elude my lips

"Ferguson,the second master mind behind my achievement,how's your day slipping by?" I ask, earning an inferior fake smile from him.

"Fine sir,my day has been moving both greatly and smoothly" he replies,still having his inferior fake smile's playing on his lips.

"So Mr mayor,how did the ripper perform??" He questions, attempting to enlongate the conversation.

"Well,the ripper performed awesome and exceptional Ferguson,he ripped and killed without mercy and he shows no ounce of remorse or guilt for his actions. Delilah really did a great job transforming him into an emotionless beast" I respond,earning nods of agreement from him but his countinous fidgeting and twirling with his fingers replaces my excitement with slight eagerness and rage

"Okay..that's enough,spill it out Ferguson, what do you really want?" I inquire, currently feeling infuriated and annoyed by his mere presence.

"Erm..ermm....,for the past two months,I've been undergoing numerous research and thought on how Elliot remained your puppet excluding dangers and complications because Elliot isn't any mere ripper vampire,he's a dark mattered ripper vampire currently gifted with ten times strength and ten times ripper genre, so Mr mayor,I've been curious,how on Earth have you been able to prevent him from tearing half way down your throat" he ask,forcing a devious loop side grin above my jaws.

"You know in life Ferguson,you have to figure out the greatest weakness of your opponent,bend it to your advantage and serve it as a disadvantage to your them" I reply,making him cringe his eyes in confusion.

"I don't get Mr mayor, kindly explain further" he pleads, earning sighs and groans etched with fustrastion from me.

"Ok so,do you remember one among the numerous weaknesses of vampire's,their reaction to direction sunlight?" I question, earning the dummies nod from him.

"Well,we also figured out that Elliot never got consumed by the direct sunlight as a result of his solar ring right?" I ask again, recieving another nod from him.

"Great,So,I used that weakness to my advantage and to Elliot's disadvantage. I secretly swapped his solar ring with a replica of my personally created solar ring and in thst solar ring of mine, comes with a kill switch connected to a remote,so with just a single click on any button in the remote,it deactivates the working system of the ring making Elliot prone to being consumed by the direct sunlight. So as you can see,his life lies within my hands and any form of ill behavior from him,he goes kaboom" I explain, swinging a black coloured remote before his not so happy expression.

"Well Mr mayor I must compliment you by saying that's a wonderful idea, having the life of a killing machine clutch within grasp, but have you carefully thought of the repracuation if he ever gets rid of the ring?" He ask, earning sighs laced with frustration from me.

"You dummy,If he ever pulls of the ring he'll get consumed by the direct sunlight from the sun!!" I yell, wanting to rip out his heart same way Elliot did to Marcus.

"Ohk sir bu....but hav......"

"Shhhh... Ferguson be quiet,the news is currently beginning" I hush him from asking more dumb questions while pointing my index finger towards a king sized television hanging on the wall.

"Welcome to another day on channel's new, bringing you the information needed . Today is currently another bright sunny day in the world but it turns out to be a bloody, crying, gloomy and sad day for the people of Los Angeles as a result of the death of over 250 most powerful politicians within their location including their governor, Gilbert Salvatore,his deputy Mr Forbes and their prime minister Marcus. All death caused by an unknown creature recorded they've been battling with for the past two months. Today serves as a really bad and unhappy day for the citizens of Los Angeles as all businesses are meant to be shut for the meantime serving as a means of mourning for their dear governor. Order directly from the president and secondly,any form of encounter with this unknown being who kills by draining every ounce of blood streaming through the veins of his victims still leaving them with sharp finger and tooth marks should be hastily reported to the police so as to make Los Angeles once again a safe place" the female newscaster concludes,making smiles laced with satisfaction envelope my lip before decreasing the volume of the television.

"Did you order Elliot to sluthger two hundred and fifty of the top most politicians in Los Angeles including the governor and his deputy? Ferguson furiously questions, making me groan in fustrastion while weakly getting off the couch.

"Of course I did,that's one among my major aim of enhancing Elliot's abilities,to transform him into an unstoppable being powerful enough to get rid of everything and everyone along my path, preventing me from ascending the seat of the acting governor,and late governor Gilbert and deputy Forbes were obviously the major threats to that achievement while the remaining 248 politicians foolishly stood besides them both,so I was left with no other option rather than to get rid of them all" I explain while heading towards the exit elevator.

"How do you take a peaceful nap at night after performing such demonic activities under daylight?" Ferguson furiously ask,making me halt along my tracks.

Turning around with an expressionless look displaying on my face,I reply with a question of mine.

"Are you judging me Ferguson?" I ask, taking slow but daring steps towards his direction,making him take slow frightful steps backwards.

"I vividly recall the day we were to make Elliot an ultra killing machine,you were on my side that day Ferguson,you courageously stood besides me all because you were aimlessly trying to protect your damn reputation from the outside world and similar to you,am doing same,am doing all these for my reputation ,Am sick and tired of being addressed as the mayor,I wanna be addressed as the governor and getting to that position is obviously my major priority either with peaceful or brutal force,as long as my obstacles are torn apart and tossed off my path. So as you can see,we all have reasons for carrying out dark activities and don't ever try judging me again in your damn life because the worthless secret you are aimlessly trying to protect is worse compared to the killings am currently carrying out. Like I earlier said Ferguson,we all have reasons for our dark side and it's actions but what we should always try avoiding is letting the guilt associated with the actions performed by the dark side consume us" I state,heading towards the refrigerator to get a bottle of water while he stood numb revolving, thinking and drowning about unreasonable stuffs.

"I hate pep talking Ferguson you've just made me go through one so now am thirsty" I groan, emptying the bottles contents directly into my mouth.

"Refreshing" I moan in pleasure, crashing once again on the sofa to watch an interesting program before heading for my mayor's office.

Delilah's POV

"Am leaving!!" I announce, pulling my chemicals and physical portable shelf along with me.

"So early?" Mr Ferguson questions, currently standing in my way.

"Yeah...I want to go as far away from here before this madness gets outta hand and my mom recently commenced her treatment all thanks to you Mr Ferguson but I need to search for a suitable dwelling place far away from here before she becomes a hundred percent okay. So am heading home to get my already packed luggages then am off to the airport. May me meet again Mr Ferguson" I explain,trying to walk past him but his manly shoulder makes that temporarily impossible.

"Please sir I need to leave,it's already two months and our deal was once I've perfected mayor Danvers killing machine, I could leave anytime I desire. Please keep to our deal and let me go" I plead.

"Am sorry Delilah but I can let you leave. You are still a valuable asset to the craft and when this monster goes rouge,I believe you are the only one capable of stopping him" he responds, trying to get a hold of my arm but I roughly jerk his hands away.

"Please let me go and keep to our deal,I can't and won't be able to stop a vampire not to talk of an upgraded vampire" I plead,impossibly attempting to break free from his now tight grip after succeeding in grappling my arm.

"Am obviously keeping to our deal Delilah,in aspect to your mom's bills,am surely going to take care of it until she becomes a hundred percent perfect but am sorry I can't have you leave,not in this lifetime or any other lifetime but I can make reservations for your mom within any region of the world where she can peacefully and safely reside immediately her medications and treatments are concluded" he replies, forcing emotional tears from my eyes down my Chin's.

"I want to be with my mom and not a blood sucking monster machine!"I yell emotionally, hoping it pierces through his heart as he slowly loosens his grip around my arm,thus setting me free

"Go Delilah,you are right,you need to be with your mom, not with a taboo we created. Go before I change my mind!" he orders, moving sideways, granting me free passage towards the elevator or so I thought.

"Sorry Delilah but I've got a change of mind, actually I never changed my mind" he mumbles before driving a sedative syringe deep into my neck region, blurring my view before slowly drifting into the land of unciouncious.

Location:Kingdom mondendrea

Author's POV

Into the prestigious cottage of lord Kai decorated with expensive silver statues and portraits of past Lord's,lord Kai could be seen majestically seated on his throne while draining the blood of an already lifeless zebra.

"Hmmmm.,, Salty but tasty" he mumble amidst low moans but unexpectedly gets interrupts by Ronnie who barge's in with an expression filled with confusion and hopelessness.

Lord Kai's POV

"What the hell is wrong with you Ronnie?!!" I scream, feeling angered by his unprofessional entrance, but the constant expression displaying visibly on his face explains otherwise.

"What's the problem son?" I inquire,this time in a more calmer tone and reasonable tone.

"Am in trouble dad" he replies, placing both hands in his head,sending unstable electrical shivers down my spines.

"What's the matter. What the hell did you do this time?" I ask,morphing my fright into rage before channeling them all towards him.

"You remember you banned me access of satisfying my sexual desires with the female vampires but instead I should make use the female slaves right?" he ask, earning nods laced with anxiousness from me.

"So how are you currently in trouble?. Don't give me the impression you sexed a non slaved female vampire?" I ask,receiving negative nods from him

"Then how are you now in trouble?!!" I scream, feeling fustrated at him for interuptting my blood meal.

"Well,I forcefully sexed a female slave two months ago and now she's two months pregnant for my child" he releases the bombshell, earning huge gasps from me.

"You dummy,must you be told everything,aren't you smart enough to make use of protection!!" I yell, smacking his head hard with my strong palm.

"And who and what is the name of this so called slaved?" I question, having pure disgust laced within my eyes.

"She's Annabel Amber,sister to the banished Elliot Amber" he answers, bulging out my already widened eyes laced in both shock and fright.

"You good for nothing asshole, you've finally pulled the name of the royal family into the mud. How will you think the vampires and my cabinet will react when they figure out Annabel Amber is pregnant for the prince after three months of banishing her brother!!?" I yell, once again knocking some knowledge deep into his scanty skull.

"Am sorry father,am really sorry" he pleads, earning scornful stares from me.

"If the vampires find out Annabel Amber is pregnant for your child,they will demand the return of Elliot Amber and when that happens, Elliot will be able to carry out his revenge on us" I thought, running my sweaty hands through my hair.

"What should we do father?" My dumb ass son ask, earning temporary states laced with hatred from me.

"Well,we are left with one option. We have to kill Annabel Amber before the pregnancy becomes visible" I blurt out, earning painful gasps from him.

"Don't you dare gasp at my opinion because your foolishness caused this and now am gonna have to fix it by staining my hands with the blood of my own people,not just any blood but the blood of an innocent,harmless female vampire slave!" I utter,making him cringe in fear.

"Am not attempting to go against your opinion father,am just thinking,if we just kill her for no reason wouldn't it get the people talking and suspecting stuffs, recall the vampires of mondendrea are pretty observant and presistent?" He adds,making a little smile curve out the edge of my lips.

"I've thought that through son and I've a pretty solution to that problem" I reply, backing him to face the bright day light shining brightly past just outside my window.

"Which is?" He Inquires, making me sigh in sadness.

"I dislike pulling plans similar to this but we are gonna have to set her up for a crime punishable by death. It's the only way son" I state, earning a guilt filled expression from him.

"Hey son,don't feel bad. I understand you made a mistake,we all make mistakes but the problem is how we solve it and I will never stand by and watch the royal name dragged into the mud,not in this lifetime and neither in any other lifetime"I assure,forcing a faint reluctant smile off his lips.

"For the family's name, for the family's name" we both chorus,, placing both hands together.

The next day

Author's POV

Outside in the open at the square of kingdom mondendrea, vampire's of different categories, strength and popularity could be seen gathered together with lord Kai, prince Ronnie and the vamp Luna his wife watching few meters away.

"Let's get this over with" lord kai whispers, stepping fowards with the aim of addressing the thousands of vampire's present.

Lord Kai's POV

I step forward,trying possibly hard to seem both normal and stable,at the same time,shielding the grin glooming on my face.

"Hkm,hkmmmm" I clear my throat,felling ready to address my people,making them all go mute.

"Well,for years which clan mondendrea has been in existence,many crimes have been dealt with with brutal force,we have pardoned, enslaved,banished and even killed, but today,the greatest crime we've never experienced in history of was recently carried out yesterday and so is the reason you all are present here giving my guards enough time to ransack your cottages for the culprit" I blurt out,earning shocked and fearful gasps from everyone present.

"Well,the golden staff of authority which serves as a link of passing lordship and rulership from lords to their offsprings have been confirmed stolen immediately after the sun rise" I announce, heightening the shocked and frightened expressions displaying on their faces.

"And with the search still ongoing, no one is permitted to leave this premises until the guards returns" I conclude,making both murmurs and grumbles consume the atmosphere.

Few hours later

Lord Kai's POV

"My lord the golden staff has been found and retrieved" a guard announce, taking steady and careful steps towards my direction with the staff of authority carefully clutched within his grasp.

"Whose cottage was the staff found?" I ask, not feigning annoyance.

"The staff was found in no other cottage than the slave cottage of Annabel amber,sister to the banished Elliot Amber" the guard responds,making gasp of shock fill the arena while an evil grin elude my expression and that of Ronnie.

"Just perfect" I mumble, constantly maintaining the hardly visible grin.

"I did nothing, I was in my chamber all night, I didn't do it please believe mr" Annabel pleads while roughly being pulled before me.

"I think she stole it as a means of revenge against the lords household for murdering her parents and banishing her brother" a vampire amidst the crowd states making me twitch my face trying impossibly hard to hide my happiness.

"Enough!!" I yell,silencing the area just like a grave yard to the extent a pin drop can be vividly heard.

"We present here all know petty little crimes can be forgiven but stealing a legendary object is unforgivable. I viewed you differently as a good and obedient vampire Annabel,but your actions today proves my theory wrong" I add,making her burst into fresh new tears.

"Please I stole nothing" she pleads but gets hussed by the rough slap from a guard.

"There's nothing to lie about Annabel, all accusations point towards you and because of that,I have no option than to do this.......Annabel amber,as a result of being guiltily accused of theft of a Royal treasure you are hereby sentenced to instant death and by the power vested in me as the lord of kingdom mondendrea,I hereby declare your death official" I state, making more tears pour down her beautiful brown eyes.

"Wa..wait you can't kill me am preg......" She tries saying but roughly gets hushed by my deadly claws driving deep into her chest region, ripping her heart out from her chest region,allowing her lifeless body crash roughly to the ground.

"Phew...that was close" I whisper, staring at the blood covered heart shaking vigoursly within my grasp and the lifeless body on the ground.

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