Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

When I had lunch, after I bought food at the canteen, I was about to go back to the classroom when someone suddenly called me.

"Danica!" I looked at Odette's behavior and they smiled at me as she tapped the empty seat next to her.

I roamed around the canteen and made sure Saint was not here. He will get angry again when he sees that my friend is with me again. I really don't understand him. He forbids me, eh he, a lot of people already know him.

I walked over to Odette's table and sat down next to her. They all smiled at me.

"In the classroom do you eat?" Rence asked, and I nodded. "Why?"

"Because ... I'm avoiding my crush here." I lied. Psalm isn't here, he eats in the classroom. I'm sure he's looking for me. But I want to be with them as much as Odette.

"Who did you crush? Rozen? He didn't have lunch here." I immediately frowned, didn't Saint have lunch here?

"Where?" Immediately a mischievous smile flashed on Eren's lips. Huh? Why? What did I say?

"You, did you crush Rozen? You can follow her on instaface because you crushed her?" Eren's teasing. They all immediately looked at me.

"Rozen? I'll like it? That will never happen. I want something different!" I immediately said, why would I like Saint? Eh there was nothing to do but be mean to me and treat me like a child.

"Weh?" Cassidy asked with a smile and she and Stan were really together. I could do nothing but shake my head.

I looked at Pierce who was just quietly eating and staring into space. Weird. They told me a lot more and that's when I found out that Psalm has been studying here since elementary school.

And he turned out to be a swimmer. He didn't tell me and it wasn't obvious. That's why Psalm is a bit darker. They also said, Psalm is smart and famous in the Business Ad department.

"When were you studying then? Danica?" Odette asked me.

"Uhm, I was homeschooled." I said. He nodded and Rence suddenly dropped his jaw.

"So, your wealth? You've been homeschooled since kindergarten ?!" He asked almost aloud, wait, what's so surprising about that?

I nodded. "Wow. It's your wealth." Cassidy said.

What is rich in homeschooled? Their mess. I just shook my head with them and continued to eat. When lunch was over I went to the girl's washroom first.

I looked at myself at the mirror, I'm so pale. Ate Mary is really right, I should use some lip balm. And blush on so that my face will be colored.

I was about to leave the washroom when three women suddenly entered. One of them is Allison. He was my seatmate who ordered me to unfollow Saint. He was accompanied by two women.

"Oh my god, did I just smell something gross?" A woman said that the thickness of the lipstick on the face.

Allison looked at me and without a word slapped my cheek. I bit my lowerlip. Grandpa Santino trained me taekwondo, but he said I should never use in public unless it's life and death situations.

I clenched my fist and looked at her. "What's your problem?"

"Oh me? Nothing, I'm just bored and I really want to get rid of every trash of this school." She smiled and promised, is she referring to me? I shot up eyebrow and laughed.

"Then you should get rid of yourself." I laughed saying. I saw him blink and couldn't believe what I said.

"Are you aware that I can expel you just because of what you said ?!" She shouted. She raised her hand to slap me again but I immediately stopped it.

"Woah. Slapping is your habbit? That's sad. Try, trying it on yourself so you can be a little happy." Her face is so mad. So he immediately snatched his hand from my grasp.

I looked in the mirror and straightened my hair. But I was shocked when she suddenly pulled my hair and threw me to her alipores.

"Your courage to answer me? You're not a beauty. Maybe they're right, that Rozen will hit you." He says laughing.

In an instant move she slapped my right cheek. "Stay away from Rozen. She's mine." And slapped my left cheek again. "Also, reduce your courage. You don't know who you're hitting."

She said and left the washroom together with her alipores. I felt so exhausted, as if all my energy had been drained. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked like a mess. I immediately picked up my cellphone and di-nial was at the front of my contact list.

"Help me ... i want to go home."

I just woke up because of the cold I was feeling, I'm sure this isn't my room. My room is not that cold. I looked around. It's Saint's room. Why am I here?

Did I lose consciousness before? Is that how bad Allison did? It's just a slap. I would have woken up when I felt the pain in my shoulder. Right. Saint's grip.

I rested deeply and forced myself to get up, I can't stay at Saint's room. I was about to leave the bed when Saint suddenly came in with a tray. He looked at me with his cold stare and sighed.

She set the tray down on the bed side and adjusted her eyepatch. He looked at me and sat on the end of the bed.

"What happened to you?" He asked. I bowed. He's right. Humans are never good, they do nothing but hurt each other.

"W-no, the ball hit me ..." I lied. He looked at me and stared at me for a minute.

"I hate liars, Klea and you know that." I gulped. This guy's instinct is too good. I almost forget that this person is almost perfect, except in habit.

"Your cheeks and arms are swollen, that's not just a ball hit." He said calmly, this is the first time I have been able to talk to Saint calmly and I feel fearless.

"Because Allison is my classmate. I didn't follow what she wanted me to do so she slapped me a few times in the girl's washroom earlier ..." I explained. He stood up and grabbed a chair and sat infornt of me.

I was surprised at what he did because we were so close. I can almost hear him breathing. And only now did I realize that Saint was really handsome up close. Now I wonder why he is wearing an eyepatch.

"And your arm?" He asked. Shall I tell her? "Who the heck just did that to your arm, drop the name and I'll destroy his face."

I smiled a bit. "You made a net." I laughed a little. "Can you destroy your own face?"

She was surprised by what I said. He sighed and took a cold compress from the tray he was carrying. He gave it to me.

"Just rest. You'll be absent tomorrow, your arm is so swollen Klea. Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as he helped me lie down on his bed.

He carefully applied the cold compress to both my cheeks. He took some ointment and applied it to both my arms.

This is new. Saint was never like this to me, he was not caring. If something bad happened to me, they were the only babysitters to take care of me. Now, he is. What's new?

I closed my eyes because I didn't want to see Saint's eyes staring at me. I pretend to be asleep, I thought he was leaving but I didn't hear any noise.

And then he spoke. "Klea ... I'm sorry."

"I didn't mean to do it. I was just furious. I'm sorry for being overprotective to you, I know you can defend yourself. But ..." he paused. I kept my eyes close. "I'm afraid. I'm afraid that one day you'll find someone else to protect you. I'm used to you going home to me when something happens to you."

"I can't accept the fact that your heart is slowly moving away from me. I'm sorry. I know you won't hear this but, please ... stay with me. You and Ate Mary are the only ones left for me. . "

In the blink of an eye I just found myself embracing Saint. He was surprised by what I did and I was especially surprised by what I did. I snuggled myself in his chest.

And whispered "I won't leave you, Saint. Trust me. Even the world will tell me, even if everyone will hate me. I will never leave your side."

And later on I felt his arms snaked into my waist and hugged me back. We stayed like that until our limbs felt numb.

I woke up still in Saint's room. I saw him at the end of his bed in front of his laptop and I knew he was very serious about what he was doing.

I carefully moved my body, i flinched. It still hurts. He looked at me with his usual stare. He's still wearing his eyepatch, seriously? What's with his eyepatch? Is he hiding something in his left eye?

"Just rest Klea, your cheeks are still swollen." I nodded at him, and lay down again.

Later on I heard his phone ring. I looked at his back, because in the silence I could hear what they were talking about. Am I eavesdropping?

"Hellion you need to report here in the underground, asap." That was the voice of the man who spoke to Saint. Hellion? Who's Hellion? His codename?

"Why? Why do you need me?" Saint asked in a cold tone.

"The mafia bosses are now livid, they know the heiress is in your powder." I felt Saint approach me so I immediately closed my eyes.

"You don't scare me with that statement, Luther." Saint said with a very dark voice.

"Oh Hellion, I know you when you're angry. You and the heiress need to escape." Luther's statement to Saint is clear.

"If you want to protect the heiress until your last breath, you need to report here ASAP and bring the heiress." Luther said.

"Are you fucking out of your mind, Luther? Klea is fragile and you know that!" Saint exclaimed. I want to leave her room. But he would notice me awake and just listening to them.

"Yes, Hellion. I know, just come here a'right?"

"Fine!" Saint said and ended their call. I felt Saint sitting next to me. I tried my best to act like sleeping.

"I'll be back." He said and left immediately.

When I heard the door opened and closed, I relaxed and slowly opened my eyes. Can Saint handle them? Will he be okay?

I went down to the kitchen to drink some water first. I saw Ate Mary also drinking milk, she smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Why aren't you asleep? And, what happened to your cheeks and arms?" She asked worriedly, I sat down next to her and smiled softly.

"Some girls bullied me because of Saint .." I said softly, Ate Mary's eyebrow immediately rose.

"Who are they? Drop the names, I'll crush their lives." I smiled, they are Saint's siblings. The attitude is the same.

"They will stop, Ate Mary. Saint will handle them." I said smiling. "Ate this Saturday nga pala may gala ako with Psalm." I smiled at the promise.

Ate Mary's mischievous smile came out. "You know, there's a date right! Our Sabrina is really a teenager."

"It's not a date, Ate Mary." I laughed saying, Ate Mary's eyebrow immediately rose because of what I said.

"Weh? Really? Eh if you smile there just ah." He was teasing.

"Not really, Psalm is just my friend." I said, Ate Mary just shrugged and patted my head.

"Just be careful, huh? Even though it's nice, it also has a hidden odor." He said and I nodded. Psalm is the very opposite version of Saint.

And I like Psalm more than Saint. But Saint means a lot to me. Especially because of what he said earlier, that he was afraid I would leave him. But that will never happened.

I will always need Saint in my life, because he trained me that he is always by my side. That he is the one I lean on in everything, and I really appreciate him so much for that.

"Sister Mary? I have a question." Ate Mary looked at me.

"Yes? What is it?" This question has been bothering me for a long time, even when I was young. But I didn't ask because I was scared.

"Why is Saint's left eye covered? Is he wearing an eyepatch? Even at school he's still wearing an eyepatch ..." I was surprised that Ate Mary almost blushed just because I asked. What's wrong?

"I can't answer that question, Sat. Only Saint has the right to answer that. But he doesn't seem to answer ..." Ate Mary said. Why? Is there something wrong with his left eye? Isn't his eye size the same?

"Why?" I asked in confusion. "Only Mommy and Daddy and I know why he's covering his left eye."

"He doesn't let anyone know, and whoever finds out without permission from him, he'll kill it." I was dazzled by what Sister Mary said.

"Oh hey, I'm going to sleep. You too." She said and left me alone in the kitchen.

Should I ask him about his eyepatch? Or not?

I obeyed what Saint told me not to go in first today. And since he left last night he still can't come back, what if something happened to him? What if he is already doomed?

But, he will handle them. Saint is the boss. He's strong enough to beat them. Besides, they won't hurt Saint because he has a lot of connections.

I sighed. Ate Mary went on work. So I am now alone in Saint's mansion. What am I going to do here? Cleaner? But Saint's mansion is clean.

I was almost surprised when the house phone suddenly rang. Don looked at me and you immediately approached and answered.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello? Who is this? Is Saint there?" I frowned when I heard a woman's voice. And who is this?

"You, who are you?" The woman on the other line laughed slightly.

"I'm Saint's girlfriend, are you? Are you a maid there? Please come with her." I suddenly felt nervous because of what the woman said, does Saint have a girlfriend? Then..he knew Saint's real name.

"I'm sorry he's not here." I said and immediately hung up the phone.

Who's that? It's unclear from school because he knows Saint's real name. Maybe it's his girlfriend ... wait what am I doing?

Saint has the right to have a girlfriend, I don't control his life. I tsked. I knew Saint was going to have a girlfriend, but I wasn't informed this early!

"Oh? Hija? It's good and the swelling on your face is gone." I immediately looked at Manang Cillia, I smiled at her and nodded.

"Ah, yes. Saint took care of me yesterday." I promise, Manang Cillia just smiled at me and nodded.

"Oh, that's the snack you ate." He said and laid the food in front of me.

"Thank you, Manang." I will thank him. He left in front of me and I was just dumbfounded. What do I do now?

I don't have any friends that I can approach or send here to the mansion. Besides, Saint might be angry if I send someone here to the house.


It's already 5pm but Saint is still gone so I immediately smiled when I heard the sound of the doorbell. I hurriedly walked towards the gate and when I opened it I was surprised by what I saw.

Why is he here? I didn't send him to the mansion, after all, how did he know the address of Saint's mansion? Is he spying me?

"Psalm?" I can't believe what I said. He immediately smiled at me and I was even more surprised that he had more people with him.

"Odette? Cassidy? Rence? Stan? Eren? And Pierce? Why are you all here?" I can't believe what I said.

"We are worried about you so we immediately looked at the form you submitted to us and went to the address you entered." Cassidy smiled. "And we didn't know that you were really very rich."

"Do you have a lot of food, Danica?" Odette immediately scolded Eren for what she said. They all just laughed.

Shall I let them in? Eh, what if Saint suddenly appears? Edi will they know we are in the same house? I looked at the double door of the house and saw Manang Cillia coming out.

"Oh, Hija? You're going to let some guests in." I immediately approached Manang Cillia and whispered.

"But Manang might find out Saint ㅡ" she cutted me off. "I'll take care of it."

I immediately smiled. "Thank you, Manang!"

Manang just smiled at me and introduced Psalm. I could clearly see the twinkle in their eyes as they entered Saint's mansion.

"Wow, Danica. It's your wealth." Rence's excited promise. I just laughed a little at what he said.

"Come on, let's go to the pool side." I said smiling.

"Do you have a pool ?!" Eren's eyes widened when he asked that. I nodded. "I should have brought swim wear!"

I just laughed. Having friends is really good and at least I won't be bored because they are already here.

I just really hope Saint doesn't get angry.

Our laughter filled the whole pool side, it was almost night and almost all of them didn't want to go home. Odette even insisted on having a sleep over, but I immediately said that maybe my parents would come home now and they didn't know I had a visitor. Fortunately, they understood and did not insist.

To be continued...

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