Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

Our laughter filled the whole pool side, it was almost night and almost all of them didn't want to go home. Odette even insisted on having a sleep over, but I immediately said that maybe my parents would come home now and they didn't know I had a visitor. Fortunately, they understood and did not insist.

"After you ate dinner, did you go home?" I told them, they nodded.

"Are you coming in this Monday?" Psalm asked and I nodded. I really appreciated their care for me. Even though we only met for one week, they were worried that they were really for me.

Eren smiled mischievously at the two of us. "Did you know Danica Psalm was already excited to come here, she just needs to ditch the class to come here right away. Isn't it Rence?" He was teasing.

"Yes!" And Rence agreed. I bowed and smiled secretly. He really cares for me like that?

"Yiieee, you are." Cassidy teased.

"Oh, Psalm just slowly and maybe something will come to fruition." Eren said, my face blushed even more.

Pierce, on the other hand, was just quietly listening to us and eating chips. I looked at Psalm who was now holding his nape and laughing softly as he shook his head.

"Tell us, Danica ah? If there's progress already!" Smiling, Odette said that she also participated in the teasing.

"Ha? Psalm doesn't have anything to do with us." I'm embarrassed to say.

"Boom! Friendzone." Stan laughed as he patted Psalm on the shoulder.

"Nothing really Danica? Even a crush?" Crush? Who do I crush? Is it Psalm? Psalm is fun to talk to, I am also happy when I am with him. And sometimes I fall in love with him.

But, I'm not sure if I really crush him. Besides, if I say yes, I don't want to rely on Psalm if he has any feelings for me.

"No. My older brother will scold me when I fall in love with a man." I am referring to Saint, I know he will get angry even if I only make friends with a woman or a man.

"Oh? Really? Your older brother is super protective." Cassidy said. I just smiled at him.

"I'll put away what we ate first." I said, they all thumbs-up at me. I picked up the tray with the empty glasses.

I went straight to the kitchen and I could almost let go of the tray I was carrying when I saw who was leaning against the refrigerator and staring at me as if he was really expecting me to come here.

"S-Saint .." I stammered.

"Who are they?" He immediately asked, I carefully placed the tray on the sink and faced him. Saint is tall so it's hard to look him in the eye so I just bowed.

"M-my k-friends ..." I didn't like about who they were because I wouldn't run away from Saint if I lied to him.

He tsked. "You have a walk tomorrow with Psalm ... and then you're with your friends today. What else? Do I need to tell you something I don't know?"

It's unusual for me to hear Saint speak a sentence without mixed English. "I didn't know they were coming now ... they suddenly rang the doorbell outside earlier, and it would be embarrassing if I didn't let them in."

"Oh, really? So you gave them our address?" He asked as his arms crossed. I immediately shook.

"It's in the form of the club I joined, Odette is our club leader and they were worried about me why I didn't join so they went to the address on the form ..." I explained. I looked at him and I could clearly see the twinkle in his eye but you immediately disappeared.

"Don't send them away, Saint ..." I said softly. She combed her hair with her fingers and picked up the coat she had laid on the kitchen counter.

"Do what you want, I won't interfere but tomorrow don't forget what I said I won't pick you up and plus, be home before 7pm." Immediately my smile came out.

"Yes! Of course." Smiling I said. That's the first time I smiled at Saint, genuinely unmixed plastic.

"And lastly, don't smile like that in front of me. I don't like it." I immediately lost my smile and felt a small pinch in my heart. Can he just appreciate it?

Can he be soft just once? I never saw him smile again since his parents died. Even Sister Mary couldn"t help but smile and make him laugh.

Right, he's a heartless man afterall.

Shortly after Saint's departure Psalm suddenly entered the kitchen.

"I guess you've been late? Someone is already looking for you." He says. "Ah, I'm going there." I reply.

"Let's go?" I nodded and followed him on foot but still didn't want to get what Saint said out of my mind.

'Don't smile like that in front of me, I don't like it.'

I sighed. Maybe my smile is too annoying for him.

Last night turned out great, after we had dinner last night (but of course Saint didn't come with us) we went to the bar section of Saint's mansion, he agreed. We karaoke, we drank a little and played billiards. Last night, I was really happy.

I was so happy and thankful to Saint that he allowed me, even though I knew it was against his will. Psalm texted me last night that 9AM we would meet at Stat Mall. And I can"t hide my excitement, this is the first time I"m going to the Mall without Saint.

With no bodyguards with me, I feel like I'm just a normal student and keep up with the trend. I woke up early today because Star Mall is a bit far from Saint"s subdivision.

After I took a shower I immediately put on my favorite baby pink off-shoulder dress that was up to my knees and my sandals with a little heel. I looked in the mirror.

Ate Mary immediately entered the room and smiled at me. "Oh, our baby Sab is beautiful. But there seems to be something missing ..."

I immediately looked in the mirror and with him again I frowned. He came over to me and removed the tie from my hair and let it go. She gently comb my hair and smiled at me.

She took something out of the drawer and I was surprised, make up? I know Ate Mary gives me makeup but I don't use it because I don't know how.

She trimmed my brows and put some mascara into my eyelashes. He even put blush on both my cheeks, and some lip gloss.

"There, you're beautiful. You don't need heavy make up." He said with a smile, I looked in the mirror and saw that the features of my face were somewhat enhanced.

I smiled at Sister Mary. "Thank you, Sister Mary !." I said and she just nodded and smiled.

"All right, that's breakfast." He said and went down first. I looked at myself at the mirror once more and smiled.

I grabbed my pink shoulder bag and left the room. I locked my room and was about to go down when I suddenly met Saint. And suddenly my forehead twitched. He's wearing longsleeves and pants, does he have a walk?

He looked at me from head to toe and I saw him gulped. I just smiled at him but you also disappeared immediately because I remembered, he doesn't like my smile.

I went down with him first and sat at the dining table. Maybe he also has a walk with his girlfriend, I rolled my eyes. Then he will be angry with me because I have a walk today? Then he also had a walk. What's that? He has the right to roam but I don't? Tss.

After I ate, Saint came down there, I just fell in love with him and left his mansion. I was surprised to see Psalm leaning against an audi. Does he have a car?

"I picked you up because I know Star Mall is far from here ... you look so beautiful." She said smiling as she stared at me.

"Thank you, you also look handsome." I was embarrassed to promise, he just chuckled at me and opened the shotgun seat"s door for me.

"Thank you." I said and got into his car, I love the way his car smells. Lavender.

He turned to get into the driver's seat and started the engine. But before we could leave I could clearly see a woman enter the mansion. She's wearing a fitted backless red dress, and red heels while holding a black purse. Her lips are also red, is she Saint's girlfriend?

It's like being beaten. She was still wearing hoop earrings and her long hair was wavy as long as I was sure she was beautiful. I was just blown away by the wind, the weird taste of Saint. More pokpok is coming.

"Actually I'm nervous, because it's my first time with you." I immediately turned to Psalm because I didn't hear what he was saying because of Saint's girlfriend.

"Huh? Me too, this is the first time I've been able to wander around without my brother." I said with a smile, and he nodded at me.

"Really? Your older brother's strict, don't you count? You're a college student, you're not a minor." He says laughing.

"He doesn't want me to be as ruined, because the world is dangerous now." I said. Psalm nodded at me.

"Well, he has a point. But it seems like he's so strict with you that he just doesn't want to tie you to your house." Psalm said. If I could just tell him why Saint is so strict with me, I would have said so. But I knew he would be damned if he found out about the true state of our lives.

"By the way, what do you want to do? Are you sure you only want to go to the mall? What if we go to the amusement park?" My face immediately lit up, amusement park? I haven't been there yet as far as I know it's fun.

"Really? We're going there?" I asked him a curious question.

"Of course, I'm going to make you happy for this whole day." I smiled at what he said. I knew Psalm will never disappoint me when it comes to making me happy.

"Go! Go! Psalm, I'm so excited!" I said uneasily, he just laughed at my reaction and drove to the amusement park.

I fell asleep during the flight so when Psalm woke me up I smiled when I saw the huge ferris wheel, and other rides.

I immediately got out of his car and pulled Psalm into the amusement park. He just laughed out loud as he looked at me.

"What do you want to ride?" Psalm asked and I immediately looked at a roller coaster.

"Yun !!" I said while pointing a roller coaster, Psalm smiled and immediately nodded.

Oh my god, this is my first time riding a roller coaster! And I can't even hide my joy!

I couldn"t help but laugh because after we rode the roller coaster I saw how Psalm"s face color changed. I didn't know he would be scared of rides. Edi, I just don't want her to ride.

"Is that okay?" I asked Psalm and he gave me a thumbs up while drinking water.

He smiled at me. Her breathing calmed down a bit so I smiled too. He's willing to face his fears just to be with me. How can I unlike Psalm?

"When do you want to ride?" He asked, I immediately shook my head.

"No more, you might get dizzy." I said and laughed. "Are you really expecting me?" He also says laughing.

"Your reaction was so epic, Psalm!" I saw the strange sparkle in his eyes as he looked at me, this is the same shine I saw with Saint's eyes, but Psalm's never fades.

I roamed my eyes around and saw a claw machine. "There! Shoot me a teddy bear there!" I said smiling.

We walked over there, Psalm brought many tokens and dropped one. "Where do you want to be?" He asked.

"Yun! The pink pig." I said smiling, he nodded.

He aimed for the pink pig but he didn't get it. I just laughed at Psalm, he tried again and failed. I saw he was really determined to take the pink pig village.

So we spend the whole morning in that claw machine until my stomach rang. She looked at me with two eyebrows raised, she was obviously surprised.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize the time. I'm sorry, but I can't get it. It's hard." I tapped his back and nodded.

"It's okay, let's just eat because I'm hungry." I said and rubbed my tummy. He laughed at me and nodded.

"Where are we going to eat?" He asked me.

"Hmm, let's just eat at the mall and watch a movie!" I"m excited to say, even once I"ve never really been to a cinema. Saint doesn't want to be there because many people seem to know us.

So I will make the most of this day where I am free to do what I want. Today, I'll spend my whole day with Psalm.

"Alright." Psalm agreed and we walked out of the amusement park. I looked back at the amusement park.

I sighed. If only Psalm hadn't been scared I might have ridden all the rides there. Also, I really want to try a ferris wheel. Maybe I'll come back here next time, when I don't have a problem with Saint anymore.

We arrived at the mall and I was amazed at the crowd. Because then when we go to Saint's mall, he will rent the whole place so that no one can disturb us. This is really my first time to go out of the house without anything taboo.

I was surprised when Psalm suddenly touched me on my shoulder, I felt the speed of my heartbeat as I stared at his hand on my shoulder.

"Let's eat, I'm hungry too." He said and together we walked towards an Italian Fastfood.

He ordered a lot. I blinked as I stared at his orders. Will we run out of it? The crowd ...

"Why rummy?" I asked confused, he chuckled and pinched my cheeks.

"Aren't we hungry? That's why." He said with a smile, because of his positivity I nodded at him and started eating.

I saw him sometimes stealing glance at me from time to time so I just smiled and I couldn't help but think that maybe he also likes me. I read this in other novels I read ... but maybe I'm just assuming too much.

"Psalm, I've already finished the book you gave me." I said, and he immediately looked up at me.

"And? Any feedbacks?" He asked.

"It made me cry!" I said sadly, he lowered his cutlery and looked straight at me.

"Is the book, good?" He asked and I nodded.

"That's nice to hear, but why are you crying?" He asked. "I didn't know that Gus was going to die ..."

He just laughed at me and continued eating. I just ate too, I stared at Psalm for a while and realized he was also handsome. But not as attractive as Saint, but Psalm is also handsome.

And why am i comparing Saint and Psalm's features? Why did Saint end up here? I rolled my eyes again, it's up to him, he's also having fun with his girlfriend.

I just continued eating. When we finished I rested loosely, I was full to the brim. I looked at Psalm and I also saw in his face that he was also very full.

"Are we going to the cinema?" He asked and I nodded.

We left the fastfood and I just smiled while staring at Psalm. He's an ideal and I know it.

I just stared at the shows while Psalm waited for my decision. What is good to watch? Maybe Psalm won't be angry if I choose the cartoons, right?

"Psalm, How To Train Your Dragon 3 nalang." Psalm looked at me for a bit and nodded. He paid for the tickets and we went inside at the same time.

I've watched 1 plus 2 neto, because Ate Mary bought me DVD's back then. And this is my first time on cinema, and I am amazed at the size of the screen in front of us.

I hope, next time Ate Mary is with me.

I still couldn't move until we came out of the cinema, I couldn't believe that toothless was jowa. Psalm even got worried when I cried in a scene, but I just smiled at him and said I was okay.

It's now 6PM and I told Psalm that my curfew is at 7PM because that's what Saint said it's time for me to go home. Psalm is now driving me home, he is just silent as if he is deep in thought.

I can't help but smile, today is the most memorable day of my life. Now I have experienced the joy of living a normal life, without worrying about any problems. As if everything was just normal, this was the normal life that Daddy wanted to live with me.

But in an accident it all ended, if only Daddy edi was here he would have seen me happy now and I'm living a normal life as he wants. I suddenly felt sadness, but that also disappeared immediately when I remembered the happy things Psalm and I did today.

"Danica? We're here." I looked out of his car and saw Saint's mansion. I took a deep breath and smiled at her.

"Can you not call me Danica?" I asked smiling, Saint wouldn't be mad if I'll say my real name right?

"Why? Can I do something wrong? Didn't I make you happy?" I cut him off.

"No, no, you made me the happiest human alive this day. But it's as if you're not referring to me when you call me Danica." I said smiling, his eyebrows met because of what I said.

"Wait, what? I'm confused." Confused he says, right. He won't understand. I just sighed.

"Just call me, Sabrina or Sab okay?" I said. His eyes were still confused.

"Alright, Sabrina." That's it. Now I feel, that I am really with Psalm and not someone else.

"I'll go now, bye Psalm." I said and got out of his car. I waved at him first before closing it.

And when I entered the gate I heard the departure of his car, and exactly when I approached the mansion was the exit of Saint's girlfriend. I can't believe what I saw, she's now wearing one of Saint's coats.

I also saw Saint come out as if he was going to deliver the woman out of the gate. I just ignored them and walked straight towards the mansion.

I saw how Saint's eyes went on me for a while and returned it to his girlfriend. I was about to enter the mansion when Saint's girlfriend suddenly spoke.

"Hey, you!" I immediately looked at her, she was Saint's girlfriend. He was the one who called on the phone yesterday.

"Saint? Who is he?" The woman asked while still clinging to Saint's arm. I looked at Saint's face and it went blank as usual.

"Ah, she's my sister's friend." The woman nodded at what Saint said, I felt a little pain in my chest because of what Saint said.

Am I just a friend of Ate Mary? Is that really what he thinks of me? "Don't come near him, hubby ah? He might snatch you from me."

"Don't be ridiculous, Audrey. That will never happen okay? Just stay on my side, I'll never live without you." I had no choice but to enter the house but before I could get away from them, I heard what I shouldn't have heard.

"Don't worry about her Audrey, okay? She's not important in my life." And with that I just felt my tears dripping because of what Saint said.

For the first time, after my father died. I cried. This is the first time I cried, since the death of my Daddy I have never shown that I am weak. I never cried since that day.

But how was Saint able to take away all the pleasure I"ve been feeling lately, just because of his simple words? Because maybe my period is near and I'm getting emotional.

This is the first time I have cried because not of a book, but of someone I thought was very important to him. He even said sorry one day.

He even told me that he could not afford to lose me in his life, and that I would not leave him. Then, will he just say now that I'm not important in his life?

I hurried into my room and leaned on the door. I cried and cried just because of the words Saint left. How can he say that word? How does he manage to let go of those words without thinking about how I will feel?

I just lay down on my bed and thought about the fun things Psalm and I had done earlier. Psalm is really nice, and Saint is so rude. Why am I lingering with Saint?

If it weren't for maybe because of our enemies Saint would have driven me away a long time ago. And that thought just hit me hard.

What if, Saint is just keeping me here because I am his responsibility?

To be continued...

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