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Chapter 3 Letting Her Down Easy

…Cassandra POV…

Wait! What! Where does he think he is going? I just met him, and he is already leaving. What about our moment, this evening that we are supposed to spend together? If I let him walk out that door, he will forget who I am.

I spin around in my chair and stop to call him back, "Wait! "Are you leaving already?"

"I am afraid that I have to, my dear Cassandra," clear disappointment is visible in his deep brown eyes.

"But…but will I see you again?"

There is a glimmer of something in his eyes, but what is clearer is the handsomely wicked smile that appears on his face. He starts leaning closer to me, so close that I can feel his warm breath on my cheek. The sensation is so intense that I nearly almost forget to breathe.

"Do you want to see me again?"


"Because you have to or because you want to?" he asks.

"I want to," I answer without even hesitating.

He presses his lips against my cheek and comes close to my ear to whisper. I hear him breathing low and heavy as he says my name. "Cassandra, I will see you tomorrow then."

In an instant my cheeks flush red, the excitement builds up in me. And just for a moment, one brief moment, I think to myself that a man like Christian Caine wants a girl like me.

But the sooner he says that the sooner he leaves, and my excitement dies, for I do not believe that he will come back tomorrow just to see me.

We head back into the dressing room before we need to be out on the floor again. The whole experience that just happened is still whirling around in my head.

"What the hell was that?" Tammy is the first one to break the silence.

"Why did he just leave like that?" I turn to her and ask. "Was it something I did wrong?"

"Girl, you know who he is," Jessie reminds me. "I don't think you did anything wrong."

"But do you think he is off to see another woman," I utter as the thoughts come to me.

"Cass, you know he probably has so many other girls."

"But he said that he is coming back for me?" I try to remind Tammy.

"Aaahhh babe, they are here every night."

"I know, I thought…" this is Christian Caine, who am I kidding. "I don't know what I was thinking. I just thought that he meant it different. I am just being silly; we were only fooling around, that is all we did, we were just playing each other".

...Christian POV...

What should have lasted longer has just now ended. I thought that we would have a whole evening together. She did ask me to come back though. That must count for something, or at least I think it does. Does she say it to all the men? She has so many men that want her; why in the world would she like me?

It was all going so well until my father called. When my father calls, I have no option but to listen.

We head through the car park to find where our car is. The further we get from the club, the more my heart sinks. That was by far one of the best nights of my life. My body already misses her warmth. How I wish I could just turn around and go back to her.

But I have a father that awaits me and two very curious faces staring at me.

"So, let's talk about that shower, man," Micah is the first to speak. "What happened in there?"

"Hahaha," my laughter echoes through the car park. "I honestly thought there was no way that anybody could see us."

"Oh, we saw you," Logan falls in. "And did we see you. You were devouring that girl like an animal".

"Well, what can I say," I start to explain. "She just brought something out of me. You boys know I am not one to display affection in public" I stop to correct myself for a second. "Okay, I do, but maybe not quite like that."

"Whatever it was, there was some serious chemistry going there. Are you going to see her again?" Micah asks.

"We do go there every night Micah, of course I will see her again."

"Come on, Christian, you know what the means. Do you want to see her again?" now Logan asks.

"Logan, more than you know. There is something about this girl. I would love to explore it, only if father will allow it."

"Talk to him; I am sure he will understand," Logan tries to reassure me.

"Let us first see what is the problem," I wave him off as we get into the car.

We pull into the drive of my father's ridiculously big mansion. Why he chooses to live in a palace like this is beyond me. There are more walls and ceiling that he and my mother needs. Sometimes I do think he does this more for him and not for my mother, as he claims.

And as if right on cue, he is already standing outside waiting for us. Whatever he has dragged us out here for must be rather important.

"Hi, Christian."

"Evening, father," I politely but must irritated try to greet him.

"Where you boys at that strip club again?"

"You know it, Mr. Caine," Logan says.

"You should be out spending your nights with real women."

"We do, Mr. Caine; it is sometimes good to get a bit of distraction," Micah explains.

"There is nothing wrong with the woman that work there, father."

"Oh god, please do not get me started," my father begins. "Rather stay with Veronica, now that is the type of woman you want."

"I have said this on numerous occasions; I have no interest in Veronica."

"Well, son, if you want to keep up appearances, then best you find and interest, or find one that is up to her standards," he raises his voice as he sternly warns me.

My dear father has this standard set up for me, and believe me, he does even find the women. I have never gone against his wishes. Being with Cassandra means that I will. I just wish there were another way we could be together.

But I cannot think of that now; I need to focus on the reason why we are here.

"Father, why have you called us here?"

"Come in, and I will get you boys a drink. Your mom is not here; she has gone off to see your sister, so we got the houses to ourselves."

We find our way through the lounge and past the kitchen and go sit in the study, or office as my father prefers to call it. Three sips into his best whiskey he starts to explain. "I have a problem over at Jackson that I need you to take care of."

"What kind of problem?" I ask.

"They will explain as soon as you get there."

"When do you want me to go?"

"I want you to leave tonight. You might have to stay over for a couple of days. It all depends on how soon everything gets settled."

"Can I not leave tomorrow night?"

"I am afraid I have already told them you are on your way. Why? Is there somewhere else you need to be at?"

"In fact…" I need to choose my words wisely. I cannot tell my father my only desire now is to see a woman he will forbid me to. But should I leave tonight then I will not see her tomorrow as I promised to. Do I really wish to go up against my father?

"No…there is nowhere else I should be. We will leave tonight then."

Once we have had our drinks and got final instructions, we leave to go pack a few things for the next couple of days. My mood that once was excited has now gone completely grim.

She is going to think that I do not wish to see her, that I am truly that Christian Caine that plays with woman and break their hearts. But what if she did not mean what she said either? Then she would be breaking mine. Whichever the way, someone is getting hurt here tomorrow night. I hate that I am the one that is going to disappoint her.

As we finally hit the road, I bundle my jacket into a pillow and lay my head down just to get some rest. I soon find myself dreaming of a better time, not even a few hours ago. It all crashes down in one thought, everything about her, her wet skin, soft and firmly presses against me. Those hands and those fingers, trailing sensual paths all over my body. Then her lips, he oh so heavenly lips the sweet nectar that I tasted on it.

After hours of driving, I am suddenly jolted awake when the car comes to a stop, "Christian, we are here."

"Good, let's get this over with. I need to get back to see Cassandra."

...Cassandra POV...

Last night was torture; my head was riddled with dreams of him. At one stage I was counting off the hours until I get to see him. The very mere thought of him is driving me crazy. All I need to do is get to work then I can finally be with him.

"Come on, you two," I hurriedly chase the girls to get ready. "We need to get to work."

"Hey, girl, relax," Jessie pulls me down to the chair to sit down. "We are only starting the late shift. Now we get your perky bum down and stop being so damn excited".

"Yeah," Tammy looks over in surprise. "What happened to you two just playing?"

"Well…" I say while tapping my finger against my chin. "I have given it some more thought, and…maybe Christian is a man I can see myself with."

"Damn girl, you got it bad. The boy has kissed your brains to jelly."

"Hahaha. I don't know, I…I just…"

"You have more than a little schoolgirl crush, don't you?" Tammy asks

"I think…okay, maybe I know…I know that I really like him…A lot!"

"Well, by the time we get to work, they should already be there," Tammy says.

We lounge around for the next few hours, trying to pass the time as fast as we can. I find myself thinking of him constantly; all I want is to lock my arms around his waist and squeeze that tight ass so bad. The feel every curve of his hard muscles press into my body. I want him to rub his gentle lips against mine and kiss me until he takes my breath away.

But as I walk through the door, I do not see him. I look around, and he is not at another table. I don't even see his friends, which means he can't possibly be in the gents. Then the realization hits me that he is not here, and maybe he is not coming. The girls immediately see the excitement drain from my face.

"They are probably just a bit late tonight," Tammy tries to reassure me.

"Come," Jessie tries to cheer me up. "Let's get you dolled up for him."

"I guess you are probably right."

An hour later, there is still not Christian. I should have at least asked him for his phone number. Like a man such as him would even give it to me. But still, he is not here. Did he really forget me when he walked out that door last night? Did he really play me?

"Girl, I am sure he will still come."

"The must be late," Tammy says.

But they are wrong; for an hour later, there is still no sign of him. Even an hour after that nothing, and another hour, nothing at all. Christian does not show his face and has not been here at all this evening. All my excitement and hope to see him has now completely left me. He is a player and now a liar as well. The reality is, I was just another knot in Christian Caine's string.

"Let's go home. He is not coming. I was stupid to think he would."

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