Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6 Hot And Served

I am awaken this morning with a pounding headache. Not only do I have a damn raging hardon, but it feels like I am being pulled by the hair in every direction. That is what too much whiskey will kind of do to you. I found myself crawling into bed at some ungodly hour early this morning, only after consuming the better part of the bottle. After Cassandra left me hanging like that, I lost all desire to control myself.

And now I have my dad banging on my bedroom door just to annoy me further. God knows what his problem is so early in the morning, but I do have a fairly good idea.

"Christian, I want you downstairs in five minutes." I hear him hollering through the door.

"Make it fifteen," I try to sit up, but my pounding head makes me fall back down. "I want to have a shower."

"Make it twenty," he says but not until he gets out what I am sure he has been trying to hold in with no luck. "You have been in that damn strip club all night again."

"Sure, father, I will try my best to scrub it off."

"Watch your tone with me, Christian."

I slowly drag my sorry ass out of bed and make it on over to the shower. I turn the water on and slip off my black boxers before I step in. The water is running down my hair, all over my body. The droplets from the showerhead do nothing but accentuate my strong shoulder, glistening off my arms and trickle down my sculpted chest. I watch as it travels down over my rippled abs and further to my semi-erect length.

I grab a bath sponge and lather it with body wash. I rub it down over my chest…my shoulders…my neck, and then my back. I slide it over every inch of my toned body. I close my eyes and rinse the shampoo from my hair. Every second, every minute, I have Cassandra in my head. Just thinking about her sends me raging. I can feel the tension build-up; my semi-erect is now full and throbbing. A throbbing I would love to conquer her with.

Once I am done, I wrap a towel around me and head back to my room to get dressed. I throw on a pair of black denim and a dark button-up shirt. In precisely twenty minutes, I make my way downstairs.

I find my father down in the kitchen waiting for me.

"Do you care to tell me what happened last night?" He shoots straight of the bat; there is clear anger building as he furrows his brows.

"We were at the club drinking as we always do," I start to explain, but he does not seem the least bit phased. "Last night, I perhaps drank a bit more than I should have."

"And you did not plan to go elsewhere during the evening," he asks.

"No," I immediately answer him back, I know where this line of questioning is going, but I shall entertain it. I then try to explain further. "I did not have anything planned; otherwise, I would not have stayed there."

"You sure that you had no other plans?"

I know exactly what other plans he is referring to. I cannot believe that she phoned him. I am so tired of him telling me what I should do and whom I can spend my time with.

"I guess you had a call from Veronica?"

"What makes you say that?" he even dares to play stupid and pretend not to know.

"Because she claimed we had dinner arrangements, which we never did."

"What stopped you from leaving that damn club and take her out?"

"Because I was busy with something, and I was already making plans to go out."

"What?" He immediately snaps at my comment, the anger on his face is only increasing. "With one of those girls there?"

Now I must choose my words carefully, for if I say yes, my father will forbid me ever to set my foot in the club again. "No, father. The guys and I were going to go somewhere else."

Just then, much to my relief, Micah walks into the kitchen. "Yes, Mr. Caine, we were going to go to that new club on the other side of town."

"Well, you are still having dinner with Veronica. I told her you would pick her up tonight at eight", my father says, or should I rather say demands.

"But father…"

"No buts Christian, you shall to as I say. You will be taking Veronica out for dinner. You have an image to uphold, and that damn strip club is the last place you should be."

"Father, we enjoy going there. We do not just go there to look at the woman you know."

"Christian, carry on pretesting, and I shall forbid you to go there."

...Cassandra POV...

Today is my day off, and we girls are planning to spend the day in. Then much later this evening my mom is taking me out for dinner. If I had my way, I would spend it in bed the whole day. But we rarely get off these days, so we must make the most of what we can. But just for another twenty minutes, I am going to lay in bed and hope I do not think about damn Christian Caine.

If I thought he was a two-timing liar the first time around, I should have known that he would be one the second time at least. But no, me poor gullible Cassandra go and fall twice for his charms, twice too many times if you ask me.

After eventually accidentally falling asleep again, I make my way out to the lounge where the girls are watching some reruns with a glass of wine.

"Hey girl, did you fall asleep again?" Jessie is the first to greet me.

"I think hating Christian Caine is a lot more work than I thought it would be."

"Hahaha," Tammy laughs and playfully punches me on my arm as I take a seat next to her. "I can still not believe the guy is such a slime. How can he make dinner plans with two women on the same night?"

"To think if I never heard him, I would have fallen for that."

"Girl, just get over him; he is not worth the time."

"I am so over him like yesterday. Now you got to help me choose something to wear tonight; my mom said she is taking me to some fancy restaurant."

"Fancy? What is the occasion?" Tammy asks.

"Something about telling me some big news."

"Well, let's go get you dressed then." Jessie pulls me off from the couch.

After an hour and about nine different dresses later, we finally settle on a cute little number we found in the back of Tammy's closet. The girls and I got an apartment together shortly after we all started dancing at the club. We all hit it off well from the beginning, and you can say we have practically been inseparable since then. That is why I value their opinion just as high as I do my mom.

Before I even know, the evening has come around, and my mom arrives to pick me up.

"Evening girls.", my mom greets the greats, Tammy and Jessie.

"Hey Giselle," Tammy jumps up and gives her a hug.

"Looking as beautiful as ever, Giselle. This must be some important news" Jessie tries to get a hint about what this big news is.

"We will find out once I have told Cassie," my mom winks at me and smiles.

"Let's hope Cassie likes it," I wink at her back.

...Christian POV...

One thing I have learned about Veronica is that the woman is persistent; she will do anything to get what she wants. Well, her want has gone too far; tonight I am setting her straight. If it upsets my father, then it must, but no longer will I pretend to like this woman when I can not even stand the sight of her. If she does not throw her drink in my face, I can guarantee she will slap me. Slap me she must, for I am done with her.

After waiting on her for an agonizing half an hour to decide with damn black shoes to wear, we finally arrive at the restaurant and are taking to our seats at the quietest spot as I prefer.

"Why do you always want the furthest table, Christian?" Veronica protest as she prefers to sit between the crowd.

"Cause unlike you, Veronica, I do not like my face splashed all over a magazine."

"You make it to be such a bad thing."

"It is a bad thing when I am with you," I mumble under my breath.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Just sit Veronica, you are already causing a scene."

"Well, aren't you pulling my chair out for me?" she patiently waits for me to pull out her chair.

"I do believe you have two hands."

She shots me with a dirty look and makes such a huff as she tries to squeeze her fake breasts past the poor waiter. He just winks at me and smiles; he knows that I come here often and that it is my least favorite task I do for my father.

"Would you like to share a bottle of wine, Christian?"

"No, Veronica, I will have a whiskey."

I hear her mumbling something underneath her breath, but I do not pay much attention, for I am busy searching my jacket for the scrunched up paper I got from Jessie last night.

"Christian, what are you doing?" she asks more out of annoyance than curiosity.

"Looking at my phone Veronica, or is that a sin?"

"Ugh, you are damn near impossible tonight" she just huffs and puffs at my remark.

"Only tonight because you are every other night. And I believe it is time we have this discussion."

...Cassandra POV...

As we walk into the restaurant, I am totally blown away. Never have I seen such expensive decor and tables and all the trimmings to go along with that. Mom is truly serious about this news for bringing me to a place like this. This is the kind of place I am sure Mr. Caine would have dinner at. And do not forget his little arm attachments, god knows how many he has.

We follow the waiter as he shows us the way to our section. Mom has picked the restaurant's quietest side as she would like to discuss things in more private with me. But as we walk past this one table, I catch the smell of musk in the air. It almost nearly smells like the cologne Christian wears. I ignore my senses and take my seat at our corner table.

My mom looks at me and smiles; something has clearly caught her attention.

"Now that man as a god," my mom blurts out from nowhere.

"Mom, how can you say something like that? Who are you talking about?"

She points over to the table that we just passed a moment ago.

"Oh god" is the only two words I can get out of my mouth.

"See what did I say. Now that is the type of man I can see my daughter with."

"He is a damn asshole, mom. And get that seeing out of your head for it ain't happening."

"But hun, you have not met him?"

"I have, and I will say it again, Christian Caine is an asshole."

"A damn hot one he is," she stares at him as the dish of the day has just been served.

"Mom, you are not helping!"

...Christian POV...

I think I have too much Cassandra on my mind, for I could have sworn I just her say my name. If I could only find that piece of paper or was it perhaps in my other jacket. This is exactly what she does to me; she takes my world and turns it over, causing every marble I hand in place to scatter all over. If Veronica can only shut up for one minute, I might be able to think for a second.

"I got it!" I shout out excited as I found what I was looking for.

"What are you talking about, Christian?"

"Never mind, yes, carry on with what you are saying."

"Like I said, my sister…" But I do not listen as I take my phone and punch in the numbers.

"Hey, Cassandra. I hope you do not mind that I got your number. I just wanted to check on you if you are doing alright. I never saw you again last night?"

I place my phone down on the table and continue to sip on my whiskey.

"Christian, are you listening?"

"Yes, carry on. What is it that you said about your sister?"

I check my phone for a message from her, but there is no answer. "Fuck I forgot to put my name!"

"Christian!" Veronica is sitting at frowning at me underneath her fake lashes. I don't think there is anything on her body that is actually real.

"Yes, Veronica, I am listening to you."

I type off another message to Cassandra.

"By the way, it is me, Christian."

I do not have to wait long for my phone to light up.

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