Chapter 2
The sound of my phone ringing, distracted me from the view of Beatrice and Fabian that I was having, I brought my cell phone out from my hand bag to check who the caller was,it turns out to be an unknown number? that I could not recognize and was not saved on my phone. I quickly went into my bedroom so as not to disturb the? love making my staff were having.
Getting into my room, I sat on the my bed,the call on my phone has dropped, I was about to dial the number back ,when the call came in again, this time, I quickly picked it the call placed the phone to my ears.
"Hello, is this miss Erica Tyler" an unrecognized male? voice asked.
"Yes, Miss Erica Tyler on the line,who are you please, and how may I help you?"
"Well, maam, kindly come to our station to identify a dead body" he said
"What? it seemed like the earth stopped revolving, I became freezed.. For some moments I could not comprehend the statement.
"What dead body please" I managed to ask him, after what seemed like an eternity.
"Im sorry maam there was an accident involving an SUV with plate number AB789…,the occupants of the car is a couple ,the only identification we found with them is a diary that contained some information and on it we saw your number stored as daughter.
My world crubblemed ,I became shattered, I couldnt find a voice to ask him further questions, the exact description he gave were that of my parents, the plate number of our new SUV, a couple(my parents) and the diary, is my mums diary were she wrote some important information when she suffered from amnesia, so she could be able to access them at her reach.
The caller was still speaking when I unknowingly dropped my phone, I could not find my voice to cry, I picked up my phone dialled the number that called me earlier and the same person answered the call.
"Hello, please how do I get to your office" I asked him.
"Hello maam, our office is situated at No 67 Victoria Avenue." He replied.
I knew were? the street situated so I dashed out of the house like Someone chased by a ghost. I guess Beatrice and Fabian must have noticed my presence because Beatrice came forward to greet me, but I was not in the mood to respond to any pleasantries, what I just heard right now was too bad to stand and respond to somewhat greetings.? I didnt respond to her because I was so many thoughts ran through my mind, I was already in a state of unconsciousness ,what kept ringing in my head was the address of the street the caller had earlier mentioned to me.
I made signal to Fabian to come drive me, perhaps he quite understood my state, because he did not ask further questions, he just went for the car keys, and we both got in to the car, he drove out, so many thoughts were in my mind, I didnt know what to make of what the caller told me, what could have happened to my daughter, what could have caused an accident, the SUV was a new one and in perfect shape too, my dad had called the mechanic earlier on to come check on it, he ascertained of it being okay and good to go. My uncle Anthonio had come to the house , the previous night left this morning to also prepare for the wedding. I took out my phone to call him.?
Uncle Anthonio is my dads immediate younger brother and the closest to my dad, my dad placed him in high positions of his businesses. I have always had my reservations concerning uncle? Anthonio, but then he is my dads brother and my dad loves him so much, so I had to accept him.
My uncle and my mum have always been at logger ahead, they both disagrees on a number of things , my mum sees him as a snitch and he was always against my mums opinions and decisions concerning the family businesses but he is family, and family should always be tolerated.
Fabian was trying to say something to me, its obvious he has been trying to get my attention,but I was carried away in thoughts.
"Excuse me maam,kindly tell me where we are headed" he said bringing me back from my thoughts.
"Victoria Avenue" I responded almost inaudible.
"Alright maam" Fabian said driving towards Victoria Avenue.
?I remembered I didnt ask the caller the name of their company or whatever it is , I called him to inquire what the name of the company is, and he told me, I could recall it is a private security and rescue company, responsible for helping accident victims and provides some kind of personal or private security to establishments and individuals.
I brought out my phone from, I dialed uncle Anthonios number, it rang two times with answer ,I dialed it the third time and luckily, he answered.
"Hello Erica" he said.
I could not find words to say, I kept mute and tears dropped from my eyes, all of a sudden, I started subbing, I sobbed for few mins.
"Hello Erica, are you there, what is the problem" he asked.
"Its my mum and dad" I replied between tears.
"What is with your mum and dad, thought they both went to the wedding" my uncle asked.
"Yes uncle, but I think something bad happened on their way, someone just called me and said my mum and dad had an accident and mum is….."
I broke down in tears again.
"Hey, your mum is what?" And where are you right now. Common ,why are you not saying anything?" My uncle asked.
I told him that my mum and dad had an accident.
"Have you gotten to their office already?" he asked.
"No uncle," I said.
"So why the hell are you shedding tears, when you are not sure of what happened yet. Because some kind of random number called you to tell you your mum had an accident?"
My uncle is right, why am I even crying already, why I am not yet sure or have ascertained if what he told me? is true or not and have not gotten to the office of the rescue company already. Let me dial my mums phone number, I thought to myself.
I dialed my mums line, and it was not reachable, I dialed my dads line, someone took the calls, but behold, a strange voice answered the call.
"Hello maam" came the voice.
"Hey, who are you, and why are you with my dads phone?" I asked him, shaking in fear.
?"This is the Rescuers outfit, we picked this phone at an accident scene. Please if you have any vital information regarding the owner of this phone, kindly come to our office at Victoria Avenue to drop some information . Thank you."
I became scared again.
I called my uncle Anthonio, and informed him about the last call I just made.
" Hello uncle,Im on my way to their office,right now, I will just text you the address." I said into the phone and hung up.
"Hey, maam, I hope there is no problem?" Did something bad happen to Sir Tyler and maam Tyler? Fabian asked me.
For the first time, I remembered I was with Fabian ,I totally forgot.
" Fabian, I dont really know, that is where we are heading to ,let us go find out what really happened, I just pray something bad does not happen to dad and mum" I told him, fighting hard to stop the tears wanting to drop from my eyes.
"Ok maam" Fabian said and continued driving.
Even though I have not gotten to the office of the rescue mission yet, I could feel deep down that something wrong might have happened, each time something bad happens or is about to happen, I usually have this kind of strange feelings towards, for the few hours I was told that something bad had happened, I have been having this same feeling.
The last time I had this feeling I could remember was? the day Timmy broke up with me.
Timmy had been my boyfriend for two years while I was in the university for my first degree. We always had our differences but we continued to patch things up. Timmy was hard? and rough guy, while I was the sweet loving type of girl, we were not compatible, but the sex was good,? he was a good kisser, and knows how to make love to me, lets just say, he had a good di*k that can get a girl to stick to him.
I sighed, and shoved I and Timmys sex escapades off my mind. I have more pressing needs to attend to, I have something big to worry about, I need to go know what has happened to my dad and mum.