Chapter 3
We arrived at the office of the rescue mission at Victoria Avenue, it was a tall building with so many offices in it , I could not locate my way to the particular office of the person that called me, so I had to call him to know where exactly his office is in this big building and equally find out how to locate him.
I brought my cell phone out from my hand bag and dialed the number, luckily he answered.
"Hello sir, I am right here in Victoria Avenue at the address you sent, please how may I locate your office. I asked him.
"Welcome maam, we have sent someone down stairs to bring you, kindly hold on" He replied.
I waited for a few minutes, and about three minutes later,a young man in his middle twenties approached me.
"Hello maam,are you Miss Tyler." He asked, perhaps trying to be sure, I was the one he was sent to call.
"Yes, I am." I answered.
"Sorry for the wait." He apologized to me.
"It is okay" I said to him, I was already getting impatient with the whole pleasantries.
"I am here to confirm the identity of the accident victims brought here by some of your men." I quickly added, not wanting him to waste more of my time.
As if he understood my plight he responded almost immediately.
" This way maam."
He said, directing me towards the entrance of the big building.
I instructed Fabian to wait for me in the car while I went in.
While we climbed the stairs to the office,I became tensed,? the thought of what am? going to meet? there filled my mind, I dont want to be left in the worst situation of life at this point of my life, I silently prayed that their assumptions were wrong, I prayed that the victims would not be my parents, the more I prayed for a everything to be a miss conception ,the more I get that strange feeling that locks behind my mind, telling it that on the other hand it could be true and the that the accident victims might be my parents.
The office of the rescue mission was ath the third floor of the big building. It did not take time for us to reach the floor but with the way I was feeling, it felt like we had been walking for ages, my legs were beginning to fail me and could not carry my legs anymore. Finally we got into the office, I saw some other people at the reception room of the office, probably? they were the family members of other accident victims,the office was not really a big office, though it was not small eighter ,but Im sure they were good at what they do, I have heard about the them severally in the news, and read about them also in the national dailies.
The young man led me into what seemed to be an inner office.
" Let me take you to our Chief" He said, leading me to the enclosed room.
We got into the office and I saw a man in his late forties sitted in the office. I guess he had loads of work to do, because at first he didnt notice? our presence until the young man that brought me in greeted him.
"Good day Sir" here is maam Erica, the victims daughter, he said.
Victims? I re-echoed the word in my mind, I wish I could tell him to stop using the word victims to address my parents.
The man looked up and nodded his head in recognition while the other young man that brought me in left the office, taking a short bow.
"Please have your seat Miss Tyler" he addressed me.
I almost declined, O almost told him that? not here to sit, he should just tell me that it is a wrong identification they have made so I can just leave already, bit then, that would be outta disrespectful. If there is anything I learnt from my billionaire dad, it was to be respectful and learn to be calm in times of crises ,but hey, I am human and my patience was already failing me.
"Good day sir, " I silently greeted him, sitting slowly. I tried to look around the office if I could see my parents or anything belonging to my parents, probably, my mums handbag, just anything, but I did not see any.
"I am sorry miss Tyler " he tried to speak but it looked like the words got stuck in his mouth, he bowed his head down. I could see from the expression on his face, this is not going to be a good one.
"You are sorry about what?"What happened, please talk to me, I said to him, already afraid of what he will say next.
"I am afraid, Miss Tyler , your parents were involved in an accident,and….
He could not continue speaking, perhaps he was scared of how I would react to the news.
"And what,can you speak already Mr, stop wasting my damn time." I yelled at him, I could not continue with being patient anymore, these people are making me crazy with their unnecessary wait and delay.
"I am sorry Miss Tyler, we lost your mum, and your dad is in a bad state right now. He looked very sad.
With the news I just heard, I fell to the ground like a pack of cards, my whole world came crumbling before my very own. The man tried to lift me up and bring me back to the sit.
" You have to put yourself together Miss Tyler, I know this is not a good time for you, but you have to be strong for your dad, he needs you right now more than ever, so please be strong for him." He consoled me.
I tired to hold myself together, he took to a room close to the enclosed office we were, there, I saw my mum laying cold, it was obvious she was badly hit because,her hands and legs were badly shattered, I cried uncontrollably like a baby, this time I allowed the tears flow freely from my eyes. I could not hold myself anymore, I could not hold the tears anymore.
What could have happened to my parents, what could have led to the accident? I kept asking myself.?
The chief told me that my dad was in a hospital close to the office, it would be a few minutes drive to get there.
After I signed some necessary papers and confirmed the identity of the corpse to be my mum, they informed me she will be taken to the citys morgue.
The chief instructed one of his men to take me to the hospital so that I could see my dad.
We went outside where Fabian was still waiting. From the look on my face , Fabian could tell that things were not okay.
"Maam, how about Sir Tyler, and Maam Tyler". He asked.
I broke down in tears again,
"Fabian, my mum is gone" I told him amidst tears. The pain I felt in my heart was evident in my voice.
"And hows Sir Tyler?" He asked me, trying to control the tears in his eyes.
The man that was sent to accompany me to the hospital asked if I came with my own driver, since it would not be advisable to allow me to drive in this state of mind. I answered in the affirmative.
He got into one of their company cars and led the way to the hospital. While Fabian and I drove closely, O stared blankly into the empty street. How was I going to survive without my parents??
I have always been pampered all my whole life,? my parents have been my bedrock, how can I survive this whole without my parents, while I thought about all of these, tear drops continued to drop from my eyes.
I looked at Fabians face from the rear mirror, I could tell he was also feeling bad, Fabian has being my dads best driver for time years now. My dad took him out from the streets and gave him this job to support his life since he had no degree, and ever since then he has been doing his job diligently. I know if something bad happens to my dad it will be a very big blow to Fabian.
On the way to the hospital, I remembered the email I had received earlier. This email was my saving grace, I do not know what could have happened if I had not received this email.
?Remembering the email , I became worried because the instructions contained in the mail says I should respond to it at once with my details, but right now, I have more pressing needs to attend to.
My dads health is worth more than thousands of degrees.
How can I even be able to concentrate on my studies when my beautiful life is slowly shattering apart.