Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2: First meet, his impression


My cousin is staring at me. I drank another shot and he approached me after saw me drinking at this bar. Actually, I called him.

"Is this some kind of joke? Don't tell me Uncle is making another mess. I'm referring to your professional life."

"He certainly is! He refuses to recognize that I wish to compete in the forthcoming summer Olympics. I simply wanted to accomplish this, and then I'll agree to his request that I take over the firm."

"You're quite familiar with Uncle. He is similarly like you in, he is also a stubborn one and does not listen to what is said to him. That's why when the two of you clash? It's like a bomb went off at Pearl Harbor, again. I'm just kidding, cousin."-he said.

"That's correct. He informed me that if I didn't meet his closest friend's daughter. I'm dead."

"At that point, do it. It's not that horrible. You don't have a girlfriend, and perhaps if you tried, he'd start listening to your rants? What do you think?"

"But what if I don't like her? As though she's unattractive or fat? What if she's a nagger or a control freak?"-I said. He chuckled.

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Stop right there, mister. That's just too much for a child's imagination. Come on, meet her first before you say anything terrible about her. Quit, if she's not your type. But at least you tried, and that's what counts."

"Okay. I'll give it a go. So, how about you? How are those butt cheeks you had last time?"

"It wasn't good. I mean, she's a total deadbeat. And she's basically a nagger. She calls me even while I'm in the middle of a business meeting! That's why I decided to call it quits."

"Again? Why were you usually playing with females in situations like this? If you want a wife-material woman, look for them outside, such as at grocery stores or workplaces. Those ladies are self-sufficient and will value your money."

"Wow. You really nailed it,"-he remarked, clapping his hands. I hit him on the nape of his neck.

"Idiot,"-I said. We're both laughing.

I'm on my way to the garage when Dad speaks out and stops me. I turn and face him.

"Do you recall what I told you the other day? Make sure to set aside some time for dinner on Saturday, or know what I mean, Russell."

"Yes, dad. I hear you, okay? This is the third time."

"I just wanted to make sure you did. Do as I say or you'll be disinherited, and your sports will also suffer. I'll destroy it either, it's your choice young man."-he said. A threat, again.

"Yes, father. I understand. Excuse me,"-I said.


"I told you to let me go, you psycho!"-she says as she pushes me. Everyone is taken aback. I smile.

"Hey, you. How many roles have you played?"-I inquire. This young girl appears to be more committed and much...prettier.

"Me—me? Uhm, this is the fourth supporting part I auditioned for, miss,"-she explained.

"Dana, let's switch up the cast. Isn't your character merely the antagonist's puppy dog?"-I ask. I take a peek at the newspaper. Dana followed me.

"She will never tolerate a modification in the roles. It might come back to haunt us,"-she said.

"It's okay. I'm not bothered about the lost that we might experience. She refused to switch roles? She has the option of leaving with nothing. I don't want beastly and rude actors in my investment. Please inform Steven that the first taping date has been pushed back in a week. Missy, you need to practice since I'll be watching you the first day of filming. Dana, I have to go. Follow my suggestions."

"And who exactly do you think you are?!"

"You didn't know who I was? Huh! Too bad, honey, I'm your worst nightmare,"-I replied as I walked out of the tent. That imbecile. What a diva attitude she's got.

"Who the hell is that lady!"-she exclaimed.

"Be quiet! This entire series is sponsored by her. She is the chairwoman of Lavelle Global! "

"What?!"-she said. When I got on my motorcycle, I noticed her running towards me, but I didn't let her get close to me. What a spoiled brat! My phone is ringing. It's my secretary. I put on my earphone.

"Ms. Lavelle, you must take a call from our British investor,"-she stated. I look at my watch.

"Tell them to give me 10 minutes."-I said. When I arrived at the company, I immediately proceeded to my office. I removed my leather jacket and grabbed my reading glasses. I turned on my laptop.

"Let's get this meeting started,"-I said. She gives a nod. The screen goes up. I'll be speaking with these two elderly gentlemen.

"Hello, Ms. Lavelle."

"Good day, fellas."-I said. And so the meeting has began. That's exactly what I anticipated.

"Yes. Our suppliers have been faithful to us and have provided us with high-quality raw materials. Don't worry, they've been with us for 10 years."

"If you can provide us some samples for the new product a day before its introduction, we'll accept them,"-he stated.

"It's not an issue,"-I said. They exchanged a grin.

"Congratulations to us then."-they said. I smile.


Around the corner is a taping place, which I noticed. I'll have to find another path. I'll be late for my training session. A motorbike cuts me off as I'm about to make a U-turn. I noticed a lady running, and I assumed she was attempting to catch the rider.

"Is this a scene from a movie?"-I muttered. I drove

my car away. Later on, I park at the sports gym.

"Good morning, coach,"-I said.

"Good morning. You're a little late; our sports team's major sponsor has arrived."

"Oh? Really? That's bad. I really want to meet our major sponsor, who has never abandoned us throughout the years."-I said.

"Well, her father used to be the head of their business before, but even if she takes her father's place, she continues to assist us. This is the first time she has paid us a personal visit,"-he explained.

"Ah, I see. She must be very busy because she comes by so quickly. We can still meet in no such time, and I'd like to thank her personally."

"You're absolutely right. Go ahead and start your practice routine."-he said. I went to the locker room.

"Yes, coach,"-I said. When I returned, I immediately began practicing in order to beat my previous record. I stare at him in the eyes as I raise my head. He grinned and pressed the stop button on the timer. He let me see the time. I smiled.

"Coach, what do you think? Did I improve?"

"You're improving all the time. Keep it up and you'll get better. Your goal is the gold medal, isn't it?"-he ask. I nod and smile.

"Yes, coach. I promise my dad, and then I shall face the future he envisions for me."

"Okay then. You'd better not slack off then."

"Yes, coach. I had to leave. Coach, I'll see you tomorrow,"-I said. He smiled and nodded.

"Go ahead,"-he said. I changed my clothes and walked to the parking lot. I parked my car in the garage and went into the living room to see my mother. She is already prepared.

"Get ready. Your father had already made reservations at the restaurant where we would meet his closest friend and his daughter. Make sure to dress appropriately. Impress her,"-she stated. I heaved a sigh. She also showed interest on this.

"Mom, don't tell me, even you?"

"Of course, yes. Basically, you're at marriageable age. Your twenty five years old son. Come on, get moving. We shouldn't be late."

"All right, Mom, don't rush me out."

My father and mother get into the car with us when we are all ready. They just sent me the address. I knew they'd be the first to arrive. I made certain of it. But, unfortunately, something is about to happen.

"Oh my gosh, Russell Maxwell!"-my fans.

I hurried and attempted to hide, but there was nowhere for me to go! Oh, no! Someone grab me. My eyes startled as she grabbed my cheeks and...lollipop? We're not kissing, but there's a lollipop between our lips. They're gone. Good thanks! I look at her beautiful brown eyes.

She glances around, removes the lollipop from our lips, and stares at me. Who is this young lady?

"They're gone. You should run away and hide. You've got some wild fans out there,"-she remarked. She eat the lollipop again and walks away, leaving me here. I didn't even get a chance to say anything. But they do pass us by because they mistakenly believe we are simply ordinary couples out there. Having a public display of affection.

"That's sweet, actually."-I said. As I touched my lips, I grinned. I lick it, and I walk further I don't want my dad to give me that stern look. It's room 12, isn't it? After I fix my coat, I open the door.

"I apologize for being late. It just so happens..."

Our glances meet. That woman?! She stood up.

"You?"-she stated. They are staring at us.

"What did you do to Simone, Russell? Simone, please tell us what our son did to you. Is he being impolite to you? By what chances?"-dad.

"So, you're your uncle Paulo's son?"-she explained.

"Yes. I am,"-I stated. She approaches me and raises her hand. I take her soft hand in mine.

"Hi. My name is Simone Lavelle."

"I'm Russell Maxwell,"-I said. She flashed a smile.

"How did the two of you meet? "-her dad.

"Only a couple of minutes ago. His fans are after him. I just happen to be able to help him. That's it, uncle and dad."-she said. I let her hand go.

"I thought he had done something bad to you,"-dad.

"How about we order something?"-she said.

"Much better,"-mom says. I can tell she's not the same girl I met a while ago. She seemed to be more civil and formal this time. Her phone starts to ring.

"Please excuse me."

"Who is that?" -her dad

"Just let me take it."-she said. She didn't leave the room and just talk on that side.

"Hello? Why did you call? "

"Your daughter appears to be a very busy woman."

"She already manages Lavelle Global, Paulo."

"I wish Russell was like her, Alberto."-dad.

"Thank you, Dana. I'm sorry about that. Bye."

"It's all right, Simone. I hope someone could match your accomplishment."-Dad

"Paulo. Please accept my apologies, Simone."-mom She flashed a smile.

"Let's be honest, everyone. This isn't going to be an simple dinner, right? You're arranging a marriage between me and Russell, isn't it?"-she remarked.

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