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Chapter 3: Just marry me


I don't care whether people saw me as a straightforward or arrogant woman. I knew it was their ultimate plan all along. He takes a glance at me. He must have been surprised to what I said.

"Simone! What kind of tone is that?"

"Dad, even in this computer age, rich people tend to fix marriages of their children to their acquaintances, especially if they are of the same social position. Don't act as if we were born yesterday."

"I'm sorry about Simone's attitude."

"You, I mean, Russell. Are you single?"

"Huh? Me?"-he inquires. I give a nod.

"Isn't there another Russell Maxwell in this room?"-I remarked sarcastically.

"Enough, Simone."-Dad.

"I am not married. I'm too preoccupied with my dream, and I don't have time to date."

"A worthless dream,"-his father said. He even sneers. His wife gives him the death stare.

"Paulo, not here."-she said.

"Dream?"-I ask. He gives a nod.

"Yes. To represent our country in the summer Olympics, which our government will host."

"Ohh? You've got a dream there, huh? Oh well, we're here for that reason, isn't it?"-I replied, directly facing them. They are staring at me.

"We only wanted the two of you to meet..."-she said.

"Simone, I told you to stop being so impolite!"

"All right, I agree. Let's get married."

Their eyes widened and their jaws dropped. I grin and cross my arms across my chest.

"I don't mind whom you want me to marry, Dad. After all, isn't it true that you like having control over my decisions? And this is one of those instances. We're not going to play charades because that is sickening."-I said.

"M-marriage?"-he said. I give a nod.

"Why? Are you scared, hmm?"-I said. He takes a sip.

"Marriage is a serious business,"-he remarked.

"And you think they're not going to draw us into it? Let's not be so naïve, Russell."

"Simone..."-he said, stunned.

"Just marry me. End of discussion. No feelings? Tss, I don't think ideal marriages are the result of love. That's only a fairytale,"-I claimed.

"Are you sure about it, Simone?"-dad.

"Yes. Let's not take the risk of saying 'I will disinherit you' lines. That's ridiculous."

"If that's the case, please process the paperwork as quickly as possible."-he said. See?

"Dad?!"-Russell. That's exactly what I was thinking. I also notice that his dad is like my dad either.


She drags me into this restaurant's garden, where no one is present. She takes a glance at me.

"Come on, say something."

"What sort of logic did you use there?!"-I said.

"What? Mr. Maxwell, you think they didn't pull us into this so-called meal only to get to know each other? Don't be a moron."

"Yes, I am aware! But what I didn't expect was your demeanor,"-I explained. Yes, I was surprised.

"What do you mean? I speak directly to them and put them on the spot? I'm not the type of person who would smile even if they put me in a scenario that I didn't want to be in. That way, I can show Dad that he can control me, but I make my own decisions. You should give it a go. I witnessed your father trying to blame you for your own dream."

I give her a blank stare. Because she is stating the truth, this woman is getting on my nerves. I despise the fact that she can look right through me.

"What sort of deception are you trying to pull?"

"Nothing. Why would I do such a thing?"

"Tss. I am not blind to your misleading claims, Ms. Lavelle."

"Really? If that's the case, you already know what I actually wanted from you,"-she explained.

"Give me a moment to think about it."

"You don't have to. Assume that when you and I get married, you will be able to control your neck's leash. You don't have to deal with your dad as much as I do. Isn't this a win-win situation? We may have our own home, and in that home, we can make our own rules. They may be inquisitive, but they can't nag or dominate us at this time. So it's a nice deal, isn't it?"

Everything she mentioned is true. At the same time, it makes sense since it can help me focus on my practice and training for the forthcoming Olympic games.

"Deal?"-she said. She extends her hand.

"Deal,"-I murmured as I tapped it. It's as though we're handing a baton to one another. She cracked a smile.

"All right, let's go inside. This weekend, let's speak about the wedding and all that stuff. What are your thoughts?"-she inquires. I followed her as she began to walk.

"I'll meet you at your house on Sunday."

"That's cool,"-she said. They are staring at us.

"What was it that took you so long?"-dad.

"Take it easy, uncle. We simply spoke and smooched a little. Let's go home, I'm exhausted,"-she remarked. Wait? Did she say smooch? We didn't even do that! This woman!


Why did I agree? It's my way of proving to my dad that even if he controls every major decision in my life, I won't back down and will complete them with flying colors. Even this dreadful marriage!

"What type of demeanor did you exhibit at that event, Simone?!"-he inquires. I smile.

"Don't be foolish, Dad. In any case, you and Uncle Paulo want us to hook up. Why, did I step your ego, hmm?"-I said. He gave me a blank gaze.

"You know very well that I agree to everything you desire, but I will decide how I want to live my life. You want him to be your son-in-law, don't you? So be it. I don't care who I marry anyways,"-I remarked. I turned around and walked to my room. As I had a quick shower, I looked up at the ceiling. What a small world for me and that swimmer. We are both engaged in a world that requires us to be strong. Being in a rich family is not easy.

"I think I'm doing it fine, right mom?"

My mother died of a heart attack three years ago. She was aware of my brother's existence and advised me that if my father took him, he should live with us. I should be there for him and protect him from my dad's domineering attitude. Yes, my mother is a wonderful woman. She never held the child responsible for his parents' wrongdoing. That makes sense. That's why I accept him.

"I'd better get some rest tonight."

I was ready to fall asleep when I heard my dad's voice. What kind of commotion is this again?

"What sort of nonsense is this, Jackson?!?"

When I got outside, I noticed them. He had already slapped my younger brother. I went to him.

"What did he do this time, Dad?"-I inquire.

"Are you going to protect him again?!"

"Yes, because you're incapable of being a decent father to him! You want to be in charge of his life as well!"

"It's because I'm his father! I should develop into a strong man!"-he explained.

"It's not because he decides to be an E-gamer that only means he has no future. Allow him to do what he desired. If he falls, let us assist him to stand again. Dad, that's how you build a strong guy. You are not robots, youngsters!"

"Simone! This is why he chooses to focus on that awful game instead of working after graduating from college,"-he explained.

"This is what I want, Dad. Please allow me to do what makes me happy,"-he pleaded.

"Jackson, go to your room,"-I said. He turned around and walked away from us. I look at him.

"Good night, dad,"-I replied as I walked away.


I take a glance at her. She has been deafeningly quiet since I fetch her from their mansion. I coughed, and she gave me a glance. Her brow furrows. I have to say something. I need to broke this silence.

"What happened?"

"Are you feeling closed?"-she ask. 'She is arrogant!'

"No. Can you just have a normal conversation without the arrogance and frown?"-I said. She released a sigh. She didn't look at me.

"I'm sorry.. It's Jackson and my dad. When it comes to mindset, Dad and Uncle Paulo are the same. My half-brother is an E-gamer, which my dad despises. He recently graduated from college and expects him to work for me, but he refuses. I supported him since I observed how happy he is in his chosen career. But what about Dad? Nah, he's constantly bugging my brother,"-she explained.

"Wow, they're truly friends since they have the same philosophy in life. But I still hope that one day, my father would embrace my athletic career. Be proud of me and watch me competing. But my last competition is coming, and he is continually nagging me to quit and go working for Solace Group,"-I explained. She laughed.

"You opened up, huh? Are you not concerned that I could reveal them to others?"-she asks. I laugh.

"Are you sure you're going to do it?"-I ask.

"No, I'm too busy working. I don't have time to be a first-rate gossiper,"-she said. I burst out laughing.

"Exactly. Let's go,"-I said. I parked the car in this area. I bring her here on the sea side of the road. We get out and stroll down to the shore.

"So, when is the ceremony going to take place?"

"Perhaps this Wednesday? Save that time."

"Are you sure that fast?"-I ask. She gives a nod.

"It's better do it now than to be nagged by my dad wants me to get married and have my child later on. That's more exhausting.".

"A child?"-I said. She looks at me and gives me that strange expression. I swallowed and cleared my throat. I didn't expect that thought.

"I had no idea you wanted to be a mother. Career women mostly ran from motherhood."-I said.

"Not all women, Mr. Maxwell. I am not one of those women that you are talking about. How about you? Do you ever think of being a father yourself?"-she inquires. I stop walking.

"I didn't because I didn't even have time to enjoy that part of my adulthood."-I said.

"Well, in this marriage of convenience, we have to be honest. We have to be parents."

"Tell me, what is your real motive, Simone?"

She gave me that meaningful smile. Damn!

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