Chapter 7 The cup of coffee flew up
"Are you guys a couple?"
She looked at me confused, asking, "What are you talking about? Of course not! We're just friends." she explained.
"I just felt like he was fond of you." . I honestly answered her.
"Is that so?" she asked, staring at me.
"I just thought so. Maybe I was wrong," I said, breaking our eye contact. Now that she had declined,there was no point in pushing further.
"Oh, by the way, did you finish the file work I gave you? Let's go to the manager after lunch. I'll show his office then. " she said eating a mouthful of grilled chicken.
"I had finished that work, but we don't need to go to the manager," I said, remembering how that rude girl Olivia snatched my completed file and gave me the new files.
"why?? Is it like you found the manager's office by yourself and already submitted the file, which is why you said we don't need to go to the manager?" She said the whole paragraph in one go.
"No no. It's not like that. Earlier, when I was about to go find you to ask where the manager's office was. But then the girl Olivia came and said she would give the file to the manager. "I didn't intend to hide anything from her since she was so good to me.
"Then what did she ask you to do?" Anyee asked again.
"What ??" Now it was my turn to be confused.
"isn't that?? Let me tell you, Riley she is not someone who would help others if not for her own benefit, so you better stay away from her." Anyee said with a serious face.
"She asked me to finish some file works. I don't know much." I said to her.
"And what did you say?" She said, "It's better for a newbie like you to stay as far as possible from her. It's not good to offend her."
"I want to refuse, but she didn't give me time to respond." I stated the facts.
"That's good if you don't offend her. Her cousin is vice president here."
"Is she the one who broke my phone yesterday?" I thought about the two of them. "There are great possibilities for them to be cousins. Right?? I mean, like, both of them love make-up, expensive shoes, and short dresses," I said.
"Yes, she is the one. But you should know that Oer vice president Bella is very good at business. It's just that she likes our CEO so much that she may do anything for him. She has a lot of qualities, unlike Olivia. She is here just because of Bella. She doesn't have any qualifications. She just bosses around and bullies newbies like you. If they don't do as she said, she'll threaten them with the vice president's name." While saying this, Anyee's expression changed from normal to annoyed. I can guess who she was annoyed at.
I didn't say more. Because I actually didn't know what to say.
When we finished our lunch,our break was already over. So we hurried back to our office.
The working hour went smoothly.
The working hours were about to end. I finished my work and headed towards the manager's office. I knocked on the door and asked, "May I come in, sir?"
But there was no response. I knocked on it again. And still, there was no response.
Maybe he had already gone home?
When I opened the door, there was no one inside. A table on which there was a computer in the middle,a stack of files on its left side,a pencil cup with some pens and some pencils, and a board of names at the front of the table on which 'finance manager," Mr. Nolan Reid, was written, a glass of water on the right side of the table, which was given company by a flower vase with different flowers on it. There was a chair at the back, facing the door, and two chairs at the front.
I scanned the room... Not far away, there was a door. Maybe bathroom. And on another side was a long sofa with a small tea table.
I went inside. There was really no one there. I put the files on the table and left.
While heading towards the entrance of the company, I saw Anyee saying goodbye to Rick. She was smiling brightly. After Rick left, I went toward her.
"Where do you live? Do you have a car? Should I drive you? " She fired off questions as soon as she saw me.
"Relax, it's fine. I'll walk home. It's not that far, anyway. And I have some work on the way, so... " I lied to her. I know she was good to me. This doesn't mean I'll take advantage of her, right?
"If you say so,what can I do? Then see yaa, bye" she said, waving her hand at me.
I smiled and nodded at her. Then she turned and got in her car, and the car drove away.
I then move back to Cami's apartment. When I reached there,Cami wasn't still home. I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water, which I gulped down at once. I went to the washroom and changed into loose home wear. I wanted to keep myself busy. I went to the kitchen with the thought of cooking.
I looked at the freezer. Only some eggs and some veggies were there. First, I made two bowls of rice, then chopped the veggies and made some delicious mixed vegetable soup. I thought for a while and decided to make an omelet also. When I was stirring it in a bowl. The door cracked open. I looked at it. There at the door was Cami, with a tired expression. When she entered, she sniffed the aroma of food. Her eyes lit up.
"What are you cooking? Can I taste it a little bit?" she asked as she entered the kitchen.
"No, Cami,go first and change your clothes." I tried to push her out. But she stayed still and looked at me with puppy eyes.
I shook my head and pushed her out. This time with a little force. "Change your clothes first,Cami."
"Ok..."" she said, making a face like a lost kitten and went to her bedroom.
When she came out, I was already done setting up the table. She ran quickly and sat in a chair, where she began to drink soup. She drinks from her first spoon and looks at me. Her eyes brimming with happiness, she said, "It's delicious, Ley." "No one ever cooked for me when I got home," she said, replacing her happy eyes with sad ones.
"Don't be sad, Cami; I'll cook for you from today onwards. When you get home, you'll always have good food waiting for you." I tried to cheer her up.
She smiled at me and said, "Thank you, Ley. Now that you're here, I don't feel alone anymore."
I got up and went forward to hug her. She was an orphan, so she never had someone by her side. When I thought about this, I felt pity in my heart.
"I'll always be there for you, even if the sun comes from the west," I said as I tightened my arms around her. After a while, I let her go. And came to my seat. We then finished our dinner quietly.
The next day, as usual, Cami dropped me off at the entrance of the company. I waved goodbye to Cami and went inside the office.
I went to my desk. After a while, Anyee came in.
"Hi Riley," she said, smiling.
"Hey!" I smiled as well.
"All good?" she asked.
"Yes," I answered her.
"ok. We'll have lunch together. See you around," she said, going towards her desk.
After a while, a colleague came with a stack of files in hand. She put down some files in front of me and did the same to the others. After a while, she came toward me.
" yo newbie, it's your turn tomorrow," she said.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"submitting the files. Every day, one of us will go to the manager's office, bring work files, and distribute them. It's like a rotation. I was the last. and you are new. So tomorrow it's you," Ahe explained.
I nodded my head after understanding. She just left.
I was engaged in my work. At some point, I felt very sleepy. I began to yarn. I got up and went to the washroom. I washed my face with cold water. I felt fresh. I came back and began to work again. But the freshness did not last long. I again began to yarn. I felt embarrassed. I scanned both sides just to check if someone was looking at me. Thankfully, no one was watching me.
What's wrong with me today?
I think I should get some coffee, right?
I got up and went towards the pantry to make myself a strong coffee. "At least I won't sleep now," I thought.
When I was going back to my desk. I was fully focused on my coffee. I knew someone was at the door, but I didn't look at that person. So that my coffee wouldn't spill.
When I was about to go past that person, a slender leg came in my way, and I got tripped. I just saw the cup of coffee fly up...