Chapter 2 Karthy cuts Boleyn's head
The family is successfully leaving out the cave. However, their minds are still scared; to hear the affright voice. And then, their eyes are slightly looking out the birds who are flying above them.
Boleyn's eyes are moderately seeing their closeness. Her heart is making a trouble, and then her mouth is desiring to eat Karthy except the guy, her body needs on the fire. This will make her more energetic and elastic. Her bright eyes are luckily looking out the king, yet her mind sense that the king admires such awesome lady.
King Adolf's ears aren't concentrated to seek the children. His eyes are attractively looking out to the shining woman. However, his cool heart becomes warm; to see at Karthy's boyfriend. His mind knocks him to bring this cool girl into the palace, yet, he couldn't glimpse clearly the pathway since it's already night.
When king Adolph's eyes are turning to the right side. He's gladly seeing his princes. So, his hands are holding her strongly. Hence, his image has placed above the fire with her. Both of them are restoring their powers.
Karthy's ears are clearly hearing into the fire. Her eyes are curiously longing to see it. Nervously, the two ghosts are beside on her. So, she lets her sweetheart; to affright her; to continue walking on the ground.
King Adolph and Boleyn are restoring sufficient energy from the fire. Well, they've decided to move the kingdom, yet their tongues are still seeking to drink bloods.
King and Boleyn's mind decide to take their rest above the devil's fire. His nose smells how sweet Karthy is! To that, his wings are excitedly going back to the Harvyland. whereas Boleyn's heart is still hurtful on looking into the devil mirror, " I still have the desired to break it. However, my hands will be automatically cutting it."
(Vanjo's mind slipped back to the diamond-necklace which has recently in the cave. His mouth wouldn't let her know it. He wouldn't like to leave her, yet his mind believes; no ghosts will visit into the town.
Inside the cave, his pearly heart is strongly beating. And then, his mind crosses to the ghosts. To that, his mouth starts to eat his heart. Meanwhile, the eyes are still searching to the diamond-necklace.
Boleyn's feet are now arriving at Vanjo's house. Her nose tries to smell him. Oppositely, the ears are loudly hearing to the baby's cry. To that, his mouth wants to eat the whole world. Since the door is already opened, her feet are now entering to the room. Gladly, she's seeing to the baby who is laying down on the bed. Immediately, her shark teeth are bringing this baby under the tree.
Karthy's hands are now preparing yummy foods for her baby. Her ears aren't lend anything. But the mind is moderately thinking to the baby and sweetheart as well. (The baby's mouth is loudly crying, yet Boleyn doesn't open his mouth. And then, she's now starting; to eat the baby's stomach.)
For now, Vanjo's ears are loudly hearing to the baby's cry. And then, his nose smells to the fresh bloods. This makes him down his coldest heart plus the mind is pulling him to go back there. After Karthy makes her delicious foods. Such feet are now going back into the room. Sadly, her eyes are unable to see anything. What she could glance; the bloods on the bed.
Under the tree, Boleyn has finished to eat this child. Her tongue wants to eat more children. When the wind passes over her nose; she smells to Karthy's blood," I love to eat hers but she had gone here."
Vanjo is now going home from the cave. However, his eyes are shaking up; to the lightning under the tree. What his mind believes; there is ghost. As he enters to the kitchen, his eyes are looking out to the sexy woman. He's motivating himself; to approach her. However, her mouth starts to vomit when touches to the woman. His hands are pulling her. But this woman is ghost.
"Don't hold me, my body will be warmer. You're a devil, you move away your body from me," Vanjo told.
"My intention; to meet you. I think, this is now the perfect timing to hold. Would you hold my hands?" Boleyn asked.
Vanjo's body didn't stay closely with the ghost. But Boleyn starts to hold his neck and body. Meanwhile, her swords are now inserting above her hairs. Well, her mind lets to get these swords; to kill him. Such hands are now placing the sword beside the hot man's neck. Karthy's eyes are still flowing her tears out to the bed. And then, her ears are slightly hearing to Vanjo's shout. Immediately, her feet have turned to the kitchen to oppositely see the ghost with her sweetheart.
At the back of Boleyn, Karthy's hands are aggressively holding the swords; to kill her. Immediately, her hands pushing to Boleyn's neck. Hence, the ghost runs without her neck and head. When King Adolph's eyes are glancing out the devil mirror. He sees the current situation of his princess that the mind is getting hot under the collar. Ironically, his heart motivated him; to get Karthy's body and soul.
Both of the lovers are down in the dumps. They couldn't accept to the reality, their eyes are witnessing to the baby's bloods. They do want to form this blood into the bay, yet their hands aren't touching it. After a while, they've made their minds; to move the cavern. Meanwhile, their feet and heart are strongly shaking.
King Adolph is restoring his power for tonight. His hands are excitedly touching on her. He will not go back to his kingdom, unless he'll be abducting Karthy's body. What he plans; to make her, as his queen into the kingdom.
As of now, the family are entering to the cavern sadly. Both of them have promised themselves; they'll not go back to their house. Unless, the ghosts will stop to disturb them.