Chapter 4 King Adolph marries Karthy
The sunlight reflects to the ground, and then the wind is madly pushing to the trees. Hence, the bird could never be fly to the other part of this town except Harvyland. Despite that, the sun might be around later; to control the wind. This sad time, the colorful bird will be pleased to fly above the mesosphere.
Beside the cave, the dog's mouth is closely attaching to the cave's door. And then, his nails are wondering why the door keeps on moving. His eyes might ignore it, but his heart keeps on disturbing to this object. Due to his consciousness, he moved his mouth to the door, and then his body is pulling to the bottom. Surprisingly, his eyes have seen to the guy known as his name; Vanjo. (The guy appreciates of what the dog is doing for him. His eyes would like to cry, and then his nose might want to provide him a better oxygen.) His hands are craving to this dog to the house. However, the dog has rejected to his offered. When the wind is passing over them. Sadly, the dog has gone from his eyes. Even if his heart puts down in the mouth. He keeps on moving forward to his house. The mind expects; to meet his sweetheart. Beside the kitchen, his eyes have found out several bloods. To that, his heart keeps on trembling while he is quickly coming to their private room. Sadly, his sweetheart is not around, but he could only see the clothes and mat which have covered by the bloods. He wants to shout and cry loudly.
At night, king Adolph's hands are following to the snake and the newly queen. Meanwhile, his bloody eyes are looking at the vampire beside him. (Karthy's feet are riding to the snake that she wants to jump down from the serpent's body. Nevertheless, the snake is firmly holding on her leg.)
Beside the throne, king Adolph lets the vampire; to arrange the program, and then to make the fire bigger than before, a place where he and Karthy will be marrying to each other. At this time, Karthy's eyes didn't like to glance the devil's object around her. And then, her mouth is trying to pull the cough.
At the back of kingdom, the vampire and other soldiers are guarding, while the other vampires are sitting beside the king and representative for newly queen. (At this time, Boleyn's body didn't attend this event. She is pretending, that her body is not healthy. In fact, she's getting green with envy because she didn't get Vanjo's spirit yet. Her mind has changed; to proceed at the Harvyland; to find the cool's spirit.)
In front of the big fire, king Adolph is searching his princess in the kingdom, and then he is also looking his prince. Without knowing, his prince is already beside the bloody soldiers. He lets the bloody soldiers; to find for her. However, their eyes didn't find to the princess yet.
"This is not a good event without her. My princess will take over the role of her mother to the newly queen," and he replies, "oh no! We need to finish this event today! Our princess should be forgotten for this time. Anyway, our newly queen is around," devil told.
King Adolph follows to the Satan's suggestion. Well, he lets Camper; to facilitate this program. (Camper lets Karthy, proceed at the top of the fire. Her body will be powerful if he'll be attracted by the hot. Of course, she'll be having her power; to hold and touch this fire which serves as her source of power.)
Karthy's leg is already at the top of the fire. Her legs are getting hot like the fire. And then, she's trying; to find several waters. However, her eyes could only see the conflagration. That mouth is full of the ash which has passed over her. To that, she wants to stay away from here. However, the hands and head are being attached by the Satan. (Satan's mouth laughs loudly, while his bloody eyes are starring out to the cool lady.)
Satan's command the king; to dance the woman. Well, the king's wings are flying to the top of this throne. Well, his thorns are attaching to the woman. Hence, Karthy's hands are trying to touch the thorns. This would make her head heavy. The king's hands are holding on her, and then his lip is kissing on her.
"I won't to accept your kiss. (Her hands are strongly pushing into the guy.) "I am your king, you should accept my lip. This would make you happy; to live this kingdom," king Adolph said. (His lips are attaching to the woman, yet the woman has rejected it.)
"What do you want for me? Would you let me to pull your spirit? You should follow me, as I told you, I am your king forever to this kingdom. Don't let your mind to slipped back at the Harvyland town; you could no longer return your feet to the ground," king Adolph told.
In front of him, Karthy's eyes are crying out several dry tears. Her lips would reject to the king's kiss, but she gets scared to the king's respond. (King's lips are attaching to the woman, and then he lets her; to enter under the fire where there are million of ashes and warm.)
Karthy won't like to stay at the bottom of this fire. However, the king's eyes looked like swords, awkwardly, her body falls under the fire. Hence, her body is similar like coal, and then her hair has totally removed.
King Adolph laughs to see the woman who has followed to his command. After a while, he touched his hands at the center of this fire. His hands feel to the woman's coal. Immediately, he carries this woman under the biggest fire. (At this time, the soldiers and vampire are looking on them. All of them do really like to their newly queen.)
"Congratulations Karthy! You're now my queen in this kingdom," king Adolph said. (His mouth laughs loudly.) "Really? (She wants to utter more information, but her tongue is holding the mouth.)
King Adolph lets the woman; to sit in the throne, and then his hands are holding on her. After a while, the ghoul and military are bringing this cool girl into the bloody's room.
Every day, queen Karthy's mind is still longing, to go back at the Harvy town. Her heart wouldn't like to surrender, even if she is already inside the bloody room. Sometimes, her mouth is longing; to find bloods. But her mind would reject it, her ears have lent into the noise outside, the mind thinks that king Adolph's presence. When the eyes are staring at the window, nervously, the serpent is longing to enter this room. To that, he wouldn't like to go out from here. On the other hand, Vanjo is still spending his time; to find his sweetheart, even if his eyes have found out to the plenty of bloods. Moving forward, his feet are reaching into the place where he had found the neck and head to his baby. Unexpectedly, his eyes have found out to Karthy's body. To that, his hands are carrying this body to the house.
At the balcony, he puts Karthy's body. He lets the sunlight to reflect this woman's body. What he believed; the sunlight can heal this woman. (While he's still waiting to the sunlight. His eyes are crying out to the woman. For him, his life is very unfortunate among the people in the town. He wants to kill himself; to end his life, yet the darkness has appeared to his eyes.
At this time, Boleyn's body is sitting beside the cave. Her nose could still smell to Vanjo's head and hand. To that, her feet are entering to the cavern; to find for him. Her eyes have found out to the footstep of the snake. Immediately, she is sitting beside Vanjo's house, her eyes have glanced out at Karthy's body, that she wants to enter the room, yet the door is finally locked. Despite that, her nose is still smelling to the guy's bloods. To that, her mind is mixing up, how he will be entering this room.
Such area, Vanjo is still laying down on the bed, since his feet are still exhausted to find her. After a while, his ears have heard to the odor of the vampire. To that, he feels scared to this vampire. Indeed, his leg and knees are quaking. What he decided, to obtain the steel; to kill the ghoul.
Outside the room, Boleyn's feet have stopped to move forward to the room. Her ears have heard to the footstep inside the room. Indeed, her eyes have found out to the shadow which reflects to the sea.