Chapter 8 Mesosphere conflict

The entire mesosphere never stops to provide its hotness though the wind is mixed into this layer. The baby opposed to the circle wind which keeps to motivate him to ride. He perceived to Karthy's odor again to his ears even the noisy wind.

I lived sadly this kingdom with king Aldolf. My mind has done to answer the right location of my husband and kid," mommy, depart the throne now," highly voice enters to her nose," can you teach me to depart here? her eyes see to the chain which close her body and hairs. After a while, tremble and buzz sounds into the upper left side plus the scary wind and echo's sound. I stood up to figure out the whole world, yet I only heard my son who distress his heart," she shouted to him again plus the movement of throne which keeps the soil to convulsive.

I disclose the vampire to assassinate with us. I confidently protect myself due to my cool wind and embroider that was built in already. My mouth won't to blame because I also heard your mother somewhere. Honestly speaking, my heart does not know her location, if I right, you will be with hers, and then the kid said," stop to hold me, my body needs to be dependent alone. I am thankful to your help," there's vampire voice keep to call," kid, kid, where are you now?" her voice contradict to the high sound of the mesosphere.

I honestly get panic to imagine the sounds, my mommy stops to call my name, whether my age is young enough, but I might never to join the ghoul's membership and of course I always persist to seek my father who has promised to make world for me," please allow me to hug you, wind because I feel the vampire at the back of me. Did you notice it now?" his eyes look back the wind, but it's different to view that image. I shake my body and shoulder into the surface," my friend, where are you going? you had not let me to join you,"

Where did the wind go?

My nose smells to the group clouds which make me optimistic to proceed my mission. I begin to cramp the entire habitat plus the magic," l giggled. Meanwhile the wind remains to hold the baby, upon hearing to Vanjo's sounds" don't let my child to stay at back of your shoulder," sounds make its parts to forget the child. Indeed, the two pillars moved its direction into the shark blood beside the air.

I will finally kill Karthy if I may bring this child. I touch the fogs several times," movement keeps to pull him plus the opposition sound of the kid," I feel distinctive to smell, and then my body starts to be boneless and weightless. Am I still alive?" Meanwhile he is looking and holding the main pillar of this cloud.

So far sad to continue listening my idol guy. I don't have a choice except to come back my habitat several times," it's pillar to see into the rain which covers to the child, and then the kid keep to follow it," I may need to walk fast this air whether I collapsed to think my sweet man.

When the wind perceived to its habitat. Unfortunately, the ghoul and kid started to depart the mesosphere. I don't have sufficient rights to get him, my heart feels love to the child as I love to Vanjo. After a while, its full wind block to the rain," where are you going? And the kid go back to me, I'll be the one to return you to Karthy," its voice has not been heard because of the interruption of Boleyn," don't teach him because we were not his mother, we are just his black persons," wind slaps to the ghoul together with Karthy's movement. Hence, I might not understand to them though I trusted very much to Auster; the wind. I stop to skip out their two intersecting hands," his voice calls them because he has fallen down into the unidentified the rocky stones.

"Why are you blaming me, Auster?" her light gives unlimited torch to the kid, and then the wind remains to push its unlimited power to the challenger. Meanwhile to hold out the rain.

I heard the impact of the land recently, maybe the heaviness of the wind and vampire, they were identical to my status as non-living thing. But I still love to marry Vanjo who will be my driver above my rain.

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