Chapter-9 Boleyn gives suffering to the kid
The world is still lighted and warm through mesosphere attraction into the earth. Such temperature gives an encouragement to the child; to fight," I feel dependent to myself though my mommy and daddy had separated," his eyes over looked the sky. I wished to that Auster might find here, my injury does have a recovery yet," wind, allow your mind to casted back on me, my energy starts to gone.
I imagined how innocent the baby is! My challenger had gone alongside to the group of clouds, my mission to bring back the child into the mesosphere again. The power that I have brought now remain activated to seek him," aloud thunder and teeth which tremble beside its parts," Is that the baby who is floating on the water? I feel compassionated to see his situation there.
Beside the stones, some waters are reaching into that area together with the unlimited wind plus the thunderstorms are entering to the clouds," I feel cozy to the wind which pass beside me now, my two hands are holding the substance of 'is that you Auster?' his ground remains silent. At the back of that child, the rain gives a farewell to him through smooth kiss," I wanted to stand by beside him, but there is bloody girl who looks bird us."
I scented to the wind beside my wings, I never tolerated to listen her stuck words which have made my night bloody. The more I move my feathers to the surface many times; the world keeps to shake and dance at me especially the harsh wind," mommy remove the sharp stones are centering to my heart. I promised myself to remove it right away, but the stones are forcing my skin," such statements arrived at Boleyn's ears. What I have discerned under the ground, such voice looks identical to the pretty man. It's incredible if the child is still available.
Why have not I see the sea and land? I turned my eyes downward seriously, it may opposite of what I have thought now. Well, my wind would kiss and hit to the stones and soil plus the gravity of the world," no one has reacted to its power, so I would finally go back to my habitat than to utilize my golden time here. Moving forward, I already stood up the clouds, but why my ears lend to such painful cry. If my body will be back the world, the rain might stop to give water into the drought. I mentally not able to adjust here, even I let the moisture to enter my body and soul.
So far the rocky stones turned into shine plus the brightness of the sun which plays significant impact to the kid," I realized to walk than to fly dependently with Auster," " hey single baby, enter my tongue now," high voice links to his brain for a minute. I face the west part of the world, " that Dracula looks like thunder to pass the mirror," I feel so much panic to view her, what's a bad image that my eyes notice on. Could I use this stone to pull her? Through his ear cool words," my baby run and open the underground, and then use your pupil brightly into my portrait right now, then don't forget to walk noiselessly," what should I do right now? The ghoul smiles her face with full of bloods and sharp teeth. I run away into the rocky stones quickly, my shoulder feels to the footstep and scary wind," Auster, my wind, please help me to get out from the bloody girl ( no wind attracts to his area, meanwhile to pass of what Vanjo told him recently, it's still silent night beside into this community, so far I never the vampire (breath scary loudly at the back of his neck, plus the cool wind is touching to his bone.) Are you now there, my wind? Such respond voice centers to his ears and nose, the stubborn blood and shark hair," don't continue to move your right feet kid, it's my time to bring at my kingdom," she said.
"What do you say? Don't touch your bloody hands at me, it makes me heavy and abnormal guy," his single tooth has move upward like the fire, then he keeps to move forward upon the highway.
"I said stop, is my cool voice inaudible for you?" her left hand dragged the child into the bloody feathers, the mind advise to reject it, but the intention has pushed her through.
Boleyn covered the feathers into the kid's face whether the child to oppose it. That might never skip out from there, she brings him into the high stones; to give punishment on him. Such location is nearby to the underground.
I keep to glance outside this underground, but my child turns into black now, the wind and rain are still absent into the ground, my mind is positively thinking that the ghoul is hiding the Harvyland. I necessarily waited to my two admirers when it come to their great help, but I could not provide stunning sound to call them, if my stone will die here, I may never let the vampire to kill and touch my bones and intestine.
I waited the king in this kingdom, how is the life of my kid? I further expected to his call and shout for I could record it using my ears, my suffering has not ended to this palace," such aloud voice enters to her mouth together with the shark hands, don't worry someday your son will stay with you," king said. And Karthy showed her chuffed secretly to the king, but aloud voice of her kid who asks an urgent help from her.
"Please save my child now or bring my body into the land. I need to satisfy my basic needs to dwell this new environment," and the king replies, I may never allow you unless I could build new feathers and spirit for you, it may take two years plus to kill 100 babies until we could do that. A moment, I feel panic and vomit to hear him such words, my hands are holding to the big shadow into my room.
I positively bring this child at the top of this underground. His father might hear and of course to save him. I made a fire above this part for he can notice us. Inside the feathers," daddy and mommy remove out my head and eyes, my world is not the same yours plus the blood absorbs into my mouth. I start to decline it to such bloods but I feel the single hand to pull it." I notice that the child wants to leave out the room, why? I stop to show my merciful so that I could get his heart, Boleyn said.
At night, I pulled my eyes into the secret window for I could monitor my child and wife," his head feels how warm? what is happening now? Though the roof is solid like stone together with the wall, I got apprehend if this ground might have exploded," he is proceeding to the entrance door. His eyes could not figured out the stone which keeps on quaking plus the ashes which never stop to move forward," I opened slightly the door," sudden cry plus the tremble into the wall and then the sky keeps to dragged him," I feel clumsy to hug and throw that stone, why question why that stone calls my name. I never experienced it before in my entire life ( his feet got an energy to dragged back since the dracula comes in)
I finally know that my baby boy is dwelling this underground. I noticed out that it's intricated to take a battle inside there since it's fully stones. Might my king appreciate my mission? Hopefully, I could own his kingdom with Vanjom if not my vocabulary may create another plan for him. Of course I should oppose his plan," her feet pull to the baby inside the feathers which look like stone," I feel the wind and rain which have passed here, bigly no, I should not show my smile and laugh to their plan. I am spiritually enough to fight them.
Auster is displaying the wind into the rooftop, why the body parts perceive to its challenger? I ultimately decided that my power has back to make a battle with the ghoul. Indeed, I remembered my pass with the vampire," it's wind shake above the stones and fire slowly," I try to search the opponent because she is now invisible to my eyes. After a moment, I feel the rain beside at me here, is that rain my serious challenger? my heart is getting hassle to imagine the chaos in life.
Amaya wants to depart this earth since the fire starts to be big plus Vanjo's voice did not enter to the ears," I miss you my honey, keep to visit at me here, okay"
Will they opposed the ghoul's desired?