Chapter 3

Katherine got home looking lost, how is she going to go about this? What will she tell her niece? How is she going to put it so that it won't sound like she is giving her away for ten million and a promotion? But come to think of it, she really is isn't she? Katherine heaved a sigh and turned off her car engine, she grabbed her handbag on the passenger's seat and got out of the car.

She walked into the house to see Felicity sleeping on the couch, she looked so innocent and na?ve, her honey gold hair sprawled all over the couch and her face, Katherine chuckled and made a move to walk closer to her when she heard a sound coming from the kitchen, she changed her direction and walked to the kitchen instead only to see nanny Mercy cooking Hamburger "I wasn't expecting to still meet you since I run a little late today."

Nanny Mercy looked up from what she was doing and smiled "I can't bear to leave her alone."

"Thank you" Katherine returned the smile "sometimes I don't know how we could have survived without you, I can't bring her to work and I also can't leave her alone or with anybody."

"That's right. Even though she is like this, you can't deny that she is a woman and a beautiful one at that."

"Yes" Katherine nodded "sometimes I wonder what my brother and his wife would do if they come to know what their death did to their little princess."

Mercy sighed "I'm sure they are watching over her wherever they are now. I just feel sorry for her and you too."


"Look at you Katherine, you left your marriage to take care of her and you have been alone since then."

"It wouldn't have been like this if Carl had agreed to stay back with me" Katherine sighed "and when I offered to bring Felicity over, he refused and the next thing I know, he sent me the divorce papers" she looked at Felicity who was sleeping on the couch "I might have lost my marriage for her sake, but she is the best thing that had ever happened to me. When I'm with her, I always forget that I can't have a child of my own because she filled that space in my heart."

"If only they will be a nice guy who can marry her and be good to her, then you can find yourself someone to spend the rest of your life with and you both will be happy" Mercy said.

At the mention of marriage, Katherine remembered the situation on ground and her heart grieved, if only her boss can be trustworthy, then she will willingly and happily leave Felicity in his care but too bad he doesn't care about women, all he knows how to do is to change them every time. If it wasn't for his grandparents, she doubts if he would ever talk about getting married in his life and now she has to leave her sweet niece in his care for one good year, what will happen in those days, what will he do to her?

Yes her niece might be like a child but one must not forget that she is already a ripe woman, with full round boobs and a sexy curve, if she is to treat her like the woman she already is, men will drool when she pass but can she bear to watch those men lust after her? Can she bear to see her in the arms of a man? If there is one thing she doesn't want in this life is to let her niece see the danger in this world, to witness the lustful nature of men, to witness the pain that comes with heartbreak.

So if locking her in the house will protect her from all those then she will willingly do that, she never let's her out of her sight and should Felicity throw a tantrum of going out, she always go with her, to keep an eye on her so that she won't innocently follow a man away. She has tutorials in the house, she has never been to school since her parents death. Her only friend is Grace and that's because she is the daughter of her tutor, they have been friends since childhood.

And now, everything she has been avoiding is about to happen, Felicity is going to live with a man and not with any man but Raymond Baldwin, who doesn't know Raymond Baldwin and his lecherous ways? She has been protecting her niece from houseflies only to lure her to the lion's den. Just how did Morris and the boss find out about her niece, only close relations knows about her, so how did such a man like Raymond Baldwin know about such a trivial matter? Katherine sighed.

"I hope she will be lucky too Mercy, I hope so too" she sighed.

Mercy could sense the worry in her tone and walked closer to her, she placed a hand on her shoulder and comforted "everything is going to be alright. Felicity will find love like her parents, you will see."

Katherine smiled "just where did my brother find you Mercy? I don't think I have ever seen a nanny who is so patient and lenient like you. You spoke only positive words and wish my niece all the happiness in the world. Even though I don't pay you as much as my brother did, you never left."

Mercy smiled then "Felicity is a good child and I love her. I know it's not anyone's fault that what happened to her happened but that doesn't mean we are going to abandon her right? She deserves all the love in the world. Experiencing such shock at a tender age, who wouldn't be affected?"

Katherine nodded "the doctor found nothing wrong with her, so he said it's still the shock, that we just have to wait for it to wear off" she looked at Mercy "I only hope should Felicity get married tomorrow, that you will still take care of her."

"That's if her husband will want me too."

"He will, he will need someone to look after her after all."

"You sound so sure, tell me, is someone interested in our Felicity?"

Katherine winced when she realized she had said too much, she walked to the dinning table and sat down, Mercy turned off the stove and sat down too "you can talk to me you know?" She urged.

"My boss. He somehow found out about Felicity and he wants to marry her" Katherine said.

"Oh my! You don't mean Raymond Baldwin do you?" Mercy was shocked.

"I don't have any other boss do I? So yea, it's him."

"Oh my God, but why does he want to marry our Felicity?"

"I don't know" Katherine shrugged.

"Katherine, are you hiding something from me?" Mercy watched her intently.

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