Chapter 5

Six days later, Katherine walked into Felicity room at night, she had been thinking all those days concerning what both Mercy and Raymond said, Mercy was right in what she said and Raymond's deadline was tomorrow, so she really have to talk to Felicity this night if not, she doesn't even know what her boss will do.

Felicity was flipping through the pages of a picture book when her door opened, she looked up and a charming ?smile graced her lips when she saw her aunt "why aren't you sleeping aunty Katy?"

"Oh my dear, I should be asking you that too" Katherine chuckled and walked closer to her bed, Felicity made a space for her to sit beside her on the bed which Katherine gladly took, she caressed her face with a sweet smile on her lips "you look so beautiful, just like your mother. I have always believed that her beauty was one of the things that charmed my brother to her."

Felicity giggled "aunty, whenever you talk about how beautiful I am, you want to ask me for something. So which will it be this time? We are supposed to go to the amusement park on Saturday, do you want to cancel?"

Katherine laughed softly "then I guess this doesn't work on you anymore."

Felicity nodded eagerly "I have grown past that."

"Okay, I am going to cancel on our outing this Saturday but there is a reason for that."

Even though Felicity already guessed it, she still looked disappointed and lost her cheerfulness, she mumbled "what is the reason this time, you have to work overnight again or you are following your superior on an outside work?"

"No, no my dear, it's none of those. It's because " Katherine paused "you see..." She was still lost for words.

"What is it aunt? Is something bothering you?" Felicity climbed out of her bedcover and touched Katherine's forehead "are you sick? Do you want me to take you to the hospital? I can't drive but I can call nanny Mercy. Let me call her" she made to climb down from the bed but Katherine stopped her.

"No no my dear, I'm fine. I'm not sick, not at all, is just...something arose in the office and I'm found guilty and you are the only one who can save me."

Felicity sat back down on the bed, she was looking worried as she picked up Katherine's hand in both of hers "what happened aunt, tell me. I will save you, you know that."

"Yes I do and that's why I want to tell you" she paused "my boss saw your picture and he wants to marry you."

"Marry me?"

"Yes, but it will only be for a year."

"No!" Felicity shook her head ferociously "I don't want to get married, I don't want to leave you."

"Who said anything about leaving me?"

"Grace said that when a woman gets married, she will leave her parents house to live with her husband. If I should get married, I will leave you to go and live with my husband, so I don't want to get married, I don't want to leave you" tears were already forming in her eyes.

"Sweetheart, but you must get married, you are a woman."

"No, but you are not married. Since you are not married, I won't get married."

A tinge of pain struck Katherine's heart but she still smiled "but I was married. I got married even before your father married your mother."

Shock was evident in Felicity's face "you were?"

Katherine nodded "mm hmm."

"So why didn't you leave your parents home to go live with him?"

"I did do that. We were living in London, I came back after your parents death to stay with you."

"Why didn't your husband come back with you?" Felicity frowned.

"He did come back, he attended your parents funeral alongside me and you. He only left the next day and he wanted me to go with him but I couldn't."

"Why didn't you? He is your husband."

Katherine pinched her nose with a soft chuckle "silly girl, it was because of you. You were so lonely and I couldn't bear to leave you alone so I decided to stay with you."

"Why didn't your husband come back and stay with us?"

"He got married again so he forgot all about us."

"He is a bad uncle" Felicity pouted "I don't like him."

Katherine chuckled softly "so you see, I was married but you, you have never been. Which is why you have to marry."

Felicity remained silent for a while before saying "I don't want to live far from you."

"No you wouldn't, your husband is leaving here in New York, so I can visit you any time you want."

Felicity's eyes brightened "really?"

"Yes, any day and any time you want."

Felicity's eyes dimmed once again "but I don't know him or anybody there, what if they don't like me? Who will I be talking to when you don't come?"

"Don't worry, nanny Mercy will be living with you and besides, who wouldn't like you? You are so cute and adorable, everybody loves you" Katherine pinched her cheeks.

Felicity's face lit up once again as she smiled "they will like me, including my husband?" She went moody again "Grace told me that before a man marries a woman, they have to be in love with each other. Does my husband love me, is that why he wants to marry me?"

Katherine was at lost on what to say "your husband...of course he loves you which is why he is going to treat you fine. He is going to make you happy" she smiled.

Felicity pouted "if he loves me then do I love him?"

Katherine opened her mouth to speak but no words came out "sweety, listen to aunty okay, you must not fall in love with him."

"But why not? Grace said that in order for a marriage to last, the husband and wife must be in love."

"Honey listen, you marriage is only going to last for a year."


"Because" Katherine paused "I don't know if you will understand but I will tell you nonetheless. You husband only wants to marry you for a year, after one year, he will divorce you and you will come back to me. So you see, you mustn't fall in love with him. In short don't fall in love, save your love for the one who will marry you forever, do you understand my darling?"

Felicity bit her lip and nodded "yes aunty."

"I'm sorry my dear, I didn't mean to drag you into this."

"It's okay aunty. So if I marry him, does that mean I have saved you?"

Katherine nodded "yes dear."

Felicity smiled "then I won't feel bad anymore, if marrying him means I will be saving you then I will marry him because I want to save you and after one year, I will return back to you and we will live together again forever and ever."

Katherine chuckled "yes."

Felicity hugged her "I love you aunty."

"I love you too my dear."

"So when I'm I going to see ?my husband?"

Katherine winced when she heard the question, guess it's now inevitable "soon."



"Yes aunt Katy?"

"Do not fall in love with him okay?"

Felicity nodded in her arms "yes aunty I won't fall in love with him."

"That's my darling" Katherine hugged her tightly.


The next day, Katherine went to work only to froze when she saw Morris standing beside her desk, she gulped and mustered the courage to walk up to him "good morning assistant Morris."

"Good morning Katherine McCarthy, how are you today?"

"I'm fine thank you. I trust you are well too?"

"As you can see" Morris smiled before clearing his throat "the boss wants to see you. He said you are to meet him before doing anything today."

Katherine felt her heart missed a beat "of course, I will just login my computer and go see him."

Morris smiled "you don't get it do you?" He shook his head "the boss wants you to see him before doing anything today."

"Oh, I guess I can drop my bag first then?"

"That will do and after that I will escort you to his office."

"Sure thank you" Katherine smiled but cursed him in her heart. She dropped her bag on her desk and said to him "lead the way."

"With pleasure" Morris answered and walked ahead while she tailed behind. They got to the office and Morris knocked before pushing the door open, they both walked inside "McCarthy is here boss" he reported to the man who was sitting on the chair like a king and was on phone call.

Raymond looked up and nodded before answering to the person on the other side "sure, of course. I will let you know when it is possible. Okay then, bye" he hung up and a sly smile graced his lips when his eyes met Katharine "McCarthy, I trust you have been well since our last encounter?"

"Yes sir, thank you" Katherine answered simply.

Raymond relaxed on his chair and his fingers drummed on his desk "so, I believe you have something to tell me today?"

"What could that be sir?" Katherine decided to act nonchalant for a while.

Raymond smiled "I believe McCarthy knows fully well what I'm talking about and wouldn't like to toy with me" his eyes turned dangerous and Katherine gulped out of fear.

"It's a deal sir. She accepted but she also placed a condition."

Raymond frowned "I am done hearing conditions from you McCarthy" he said, who knows if they want to ask for more money or what he couldn't do?

"Then I'm sorry sir, I guess you will need to look for a new bride to rent."

Raymond sighed and he looked like he was undergoing difficulties before forcing out "fine, what does she want and it better be the last condition McCarthy" he warned icily.

"She only wish that her nanny will go with her to your place."

Raymond wanted to say something but when he heard her, he forgot what he wanted to say and smiled "oh, that is very much possible except that you will have to tell the nanny about the deal because I wouldn't want someone asking questions why I won't be staying in the same room with my wife."

"Oh, don't worry sir, the nanny already knows."

"Very well McCarthy but I hope she can keep her mouth shut, I wouldn't want another ear hearing about this if so, don't ?blame me for being heartless."

"That won't be necessary sir, Mercy can very much be trusted, she has been the one taking care of her from when my brother was still alive so she wouldn't do anything stupid."

"If you say so then why should I worry? He smiled "did you tell her about me or why she has to marry me?" He irked an eyebrow.

"Not really sir, I mainly told her I was in trouble and only her can save me and saving me means marrying my boss for a year."

"Oh, that's...and interesting way to sum it all up which is also for the best, at least not everyone knows the reason I want to marry, not even the bride herself, very good McCarthy" he smiled and Katherine had to force herself not to roll her eyes.

"Thank you sir" she still said "should I tell her you accept for her nanny to live with her?"

"Since that's what she wants, why should I refuse? It's a deal" he smiled "so, when are you taking me to see my bride?"

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