Chapter 6
"Why do I need to wear all these?" Felicity asked with a frown as she stared at the gown and high heels that her aunt brought into her room.
Katherine sighed "again with this Felicity? I thought I told you that your husband to be is coming to see you today."
"But do I need to wear all these before I will meet him?"
"Sweetie, you need to look good and charming for him okay? Now enough of this, he will be here any minute now and I still need to style your hair which God help me, takes a lot of time."
Felicity pouted but she still let Katherine dress her in the beautiful long navy blue gown. She sat on her dressing table and Katherine helped her to brush her honey gold hair in a neat ponytail. The door was opened and Mercy popped out her head "he is here" she said.
"Now upsy daisy" Katherine helped her up after helping her put on her high heels. Felicity legs wobbled and she had to grab Katherine's hand to steady herself "come on my dear, just as we have been practicing. One leg before the other, one, two, one, two..." She chanted in a whisper as they left the room while Mercy ran down the stairs to welcome the guest in.
Raymond stepped out of his car when the door was opened by Morris, he straightened his suit and looked around his surrounding, it was a simple neighborhood not like the fancy one he has grown in and lived all his life. The building was a one storey, it was painted light ash with white paint on the windows. The handrails in the porch was made of woods and was painted white as well. He heaved a sigh and walked the few steps to the porch, he climbed up the three stairs and rung the door bell, Morris was behind him all the way.
The front door opened in the next five seconds to reveal an older woman who both Raymond and Morris knows that she is not Katherine neither is she Felicity because she looks older than Katherine and so he concluded she must be the nanny "welcome. I am nanny Mercy, please come in" Mercy introduced herself and stepped aside to let them in.
Raymond nodded at her and walked in followed by Morris, Mercy closed the door gently after them and turned to smile to them "please make yourself comfortable. What can I get you?"
Raymond sat down and crossed one leg over the other, he looked around the living room and nodded slightly, not bad, he thought. Morris sat beside him and answered to Mercy "water will be enough thank you."
Mercy smiled and left to get the water. Katherine watched the situation downstairs from the stairs, Felicity was still pouting behind her as she tried to look comfortable in her very uncomfortable dressing. Katherine watched Raymond's back and how he sat like a king in the living room, she never knew a man with his presence will ever visit her home but since it's happening, she just have to go with the flow.
Mercy walked back in carrying two glasses of water in a serving tray, she served them to Morris and Raymond who both took it with a smile and sipped from it. Mercy glanced upstairs and her eyes met Katherine's, there was urgency in her eyes and Katherine knew it was time to go down. She turned to Felicity who was trying to remove her hairband to free her hair, she caught her hand immediately and warned her with her eyes "just a little more time my dear" she whispered "now, let's go meet your husband."
Felicity nodded and Katherine helped her down the stairs. Raymond looked behind him when he heard footsteps, he froze when he saw the beautiful honey gold hair girl who was coming down the stairs with Katherine behind her and was holding her hand like she was keeping her from falling? His brows creased as he wondered why that would be a thing until he noticed how the young girl was walking. A strong force to laugh popped up in his throat and he had to fight to keep himself from laughing.
Morris heard the soft sound almost like a stifling laughter coming from his boss, he looked at him from the corner of his eyes and saw how his boss was really trying to keep himself from laughing, wondering what could be the reason, he looked at the approaching women and immediately picked out why his boss was trying really hard not to laugh and he found himself in the same situation.
Katherine smiled to them "welcome to my home sir, assistant Morris" she helped Felicity sit down and sat beside her. Felicity sat with her head bowed, her fingers kept folding and unfolding. Raymond couldn't keep his eyes off her, somehow he finds her interesting and it amused him on how she shows her nervousness "this is my niece, Felicity" she nudged at Felicity which caused her to look up to his chin before looking down again "Felicity, this is my boss and your soon to be husband, Raymond and his assistant, Morris."
"Hello" Felicity mumbled.
A faint smile curved on Raymond's lips as he studied her. Morris got up to shake her hand, "hello miss Felicity, I'm pleased to meet you" he stretched out his hand and Katherine had to nudge Felicity again before she raised her head a little and shook Morris hand with a mumbled "me too."
Morris went back to his seat and sat down with a smile. Raymond kept his gaze on Felicity, wondering when she will overcome her fear and look up. As if sensing his thought, Katherine nudged Felicity harder this time and she looked up. Her eyes met Raymond's and he froze, looking at those emerald green eyes that shines so brightly, looking so lively even though the owner seems to be so nervous, he seemed to have been pulled into an enchantment.
Felicity froze when she saw the man's handsome face, his light gray eyes that looks like it was calling her in, she never knew a man could be so handsome, well, how many men has she seen all her life? Only a handful but this one here, bit them to the last, his dignified cheekbones that seem to enhance his chiseled jaw, his perfect nose and enchanting eyes, realizing she has been staring that much, her face turned crimson red and she looked down immediately.
Raymond's lips curved up in a sweet smile "how are you Felicity?" He asked in this deep, charming and gentle voice. Even Katherine had to look at her boss surprised, she has never heard such gentle voice from him. If Katherine was surprised, then Morris was shocked, since when did his boss has such tender side to him?
Felicity blushed harder as she twirl her fingers in her gown and softly nodded before replying in a soft voice "I'm okay."
"What do you say I take you out? I'm a little free at the moment, we can go look around and also get to know each other" Raymond smiled.
Katherine was on alert when she heard that "I'm sorry sir but we agreed of you just meeting her. She will still need some time before going out with you" she protested.
Raymond gave her a dangerous glare before saying in a voice surprisingly much softer and gentler than his glare "come on aunty, I just need to get to know my fiancée and I'm sure she wants to know me too."
Katherine froze when she heard 'aunty' from him, so she is his aunty now, what happened to McCarthy? "But boss..."
"It's okay Katherine. Let them get to know each other before the wedding" Mercy said.
Raymond looked at her and thought, looks like he is going to like this nanny, he smiled and then looked at Katherine with a raised eyebrow.
Katherine let out a frustrated sigh "fine" she squeezed Felicity arm "go on my dear, you go with him. You can also ask any question that you want, I'm sure he will answer" she looked at Raymond with a raised eyebrow.
Raymond frowned, is she building a trap for him? What has she told her niece to ask him? He was suddenly having a bad feeling about this but come on, what's the worst that could happen? He will just not answer anyone he doesn't want to, he thought and smiled "of course."
Felicity looked up then and looked at her aunt with a worried look but Katherine smiled "you will be fine, he won't hurt you. At least he knows he won't."
"Of course I won't hurt you Felicity" Raymond cooed "where do you want to go? The amusement park?"
Felicity looked at him with shiny green eyes, it's been long she visited the amusement park, looks she is going to like this her husband, yes like, after all, aunty Katy said she should not love him so it's like. She looked at Katherine with pleading eyes and she chuckled "fine go" she waved at her before thinking that her boss really know how to buy a girl's heart.
Felicity sprung to her feet immediately and almost got herself back in the sofa if Katherine hadn't caught her "be careful my dear" she said to her and Felicity looked at her heels frowning, how is she going to play in the amusement park with these now?
As if sensing her worries, Raymond stood up with a smile "you don't have to go in that, you can wear something more earth level so you can run around in the park."
Felicity looked at him with gratefulness in her eyes, she quickly bent over and took off her heels without even waiting for her aunt's permission. She stood on the floor with a her barefoot and gave a relieved sigh, she twirl her toes on the floor, loving the cold feeling. Beside her, she heard the deep chuckling of a man's voice and she looked to see a tall man already beside her, she looked away immediately as her cheeks turned bright red.
Katherine stood up and offered to go get her one of her slippers. She returned later to find out that Felicity was already inside the car, her eyes asked question and Mercy answered "Mr Baldwin carried her to the car."
"Oh" she said and took the slippers to her, Felicity collected it and put it on immediately while Raymond got in beside her and Morris shut the door before walking to the driver's side and got in. Katherine and Mercy watched the black Bentley sped off with worry in Katherine's eyes and smiles in Mercy's own.
"Why do I feel like Raymond Baldwin is actually gentle compared to what I have heard of him?" Mercy asked.
"Don't be fooled by that" Katherine said "he is only gentle to Felicity because he doesn't want her to back off from his plan."
"Hmm, I think he might like her. I saw the way his gaze never left her" Mercy insisted.
Katherine turned to look at her "Mercy, he is my boss and I'm telling you that whatever he did today is only to buy Felicity's heart, he is good like that with women. I just hope Felicity doesn't fall for his gentle ways."
Mercy sighed and they both looked at the direction the car left before walking back inside.