Chapter 2

Chapter Two

While I'm Stuck Here


Charlie seating himself at our usual lunch table in the cafeteria immediately commenced the outbreak of chatter, everyone speaking over one other and bombarding him with questions.

"I didn't think it'd be that big of a deal," he mumbled nonchalantly, biting into his apple.

Leo's eyebrows raised in disbelief as he scoffed. "Dude, we've known you for years and not once have you mentioned that you have a sister. Hell of a surprise, Charlie."

Sighing, Charlie slunk back in his chair. "Not much to say, really," he shrugged faintly. "Our parents got divorced when we were twelve. Tiffany stayed with our mom while I moved out here with our dad. She took my mom's last name-it just made things more simple, less questions and all."

"Are you guys close?" Joy asked. "She's never visited here. As far as we know."

"We stayed in touch and still talked nearly every day," Charlie answered. "We would see each other over the summer when we went travelled together with our dad."

"Why have you never brought her up before then?" Joy asked, still utterly confused and seemingly skeptical.

Charlie paused, gaze shifting onto the table. "She's family and we're-sorta close but our lives-" he looked up again, shrugging softly. "They're completely separate and over the years, Tiff and I did drift apart a little. Things with family were always a little complicated. It was easier-to keep our own lives to ourselves."

"What brings her here?" Jade asked, still trying to comprehend the entire situation. "I mean-is she living with you and your dad now?"

The abrupt change was taking everyone for a spin. It was entirely unforeseen-and harder to fathom with the lack of Charlie ever having mentioned Tiffany. He never did speak much about his family but a secret sibling-it would surely take a moment longer to get used to this.

"She is," Charlie cleared his throat awkwardly-from the looks of it, growing slightly unnerved by the endless questions. "It's-uh-a little complicated but mom just has a lot going on with work and-Tiff wanted to spend more time with dad anyway-and-you know. The timing just worked out."

"Hey, do we have practice today?" Tossing Charlie a quick understanding look, I changed the subject. A small but grateful smile in response.

Lighthearted conversation eased in and Charlie progressively grew less tense. Glancing over, Ezra and Tiffany were making their way over.

"Do we have to sit with them?" I heard Tiffany grumble to her cousin; not loud enough for the others to hear for they hadn't yet noticed the pair.

Ezra laughed in response, swinging an arm over her shoulders as he guided her to the table.

"Hey, children." Grinning, Ezra sat down in an empty seat before pulling out the one next to him for Tiffany.

Quietly seating herself, Tiffany's focus and attention was solely on her phone. A minute or so later, she looked up-having realized the entire table fell silent when she sat down.

Eyes flickering over the group of us, she quirked an eyebrow. "Well-hi. Were we looking for a formal introduction or something-because if that's the case, I'm Tiffany, the better sibling. Will that do?" An amused little smirk played on her lips, a surprising sight.

"Lovely to meet you, darling." Luke leaned over the table with his charming smile, taking her hand to place a kiss on her knuckles. "I suppose I'm the better human amongst the group."

Grimacing slightly, Tiffany awkwardly pulled her hand back. "Sure. Seems like it."

After a brisk introduction from Charlie, random conversation took place again. Tiffany was silent as she slunk back in her chair, her eyes analyzing everyone as we spoke amongst ourselves.

Looking like she wanted to be anywhere but here.

"What's up with you?" Luke asked, leaning against the locker next to mine in the locker-room.

Shutting my locker, I sighed tiredly as I wiped sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand. "Nothing. Why?"

"You've been zoned out all day," he tossed me a flat look. Knowing me better than I know myself.

Sitting on the bench in front of us, I shifted my gaze to stare down at my hands.

There's something about her.

"Is this about Tiffany?"

My gaze snapped onto him. "What? Why would it-why would it be about her?"

Leaning on the lockers in front of me, Luke snickered quietly. Amusement flickering in his eyes. "Really, dude? I caught you staring at her all of lunch. Totally cute-though, I have to admit, it's been a while since someone's caught your eye like that."

I rolled my eyes-and was ready to tell him to bugger off. Instead, I sighed in defeat, my shoulders gravity-drawn. "She's the girl. From the grocery store."

With eyes like she's trapped behind them. A bleakness in them, or perhaps a sadness-that ran as deep as the ocean but somehow, that ocean made you curious enough to be lured into the abyss just to find what's lurking underneath the surface.

"What?" Luke's eyebrows shot up. His mouth fell open. "You mean-the cereal girl you have a crush on."

Standing, I swatted the side of his head. "I don't have a crush, asshole. I don't even know her. It was one conversation."

He scratched his eyebrow confusedly. "So... what's the big deal then?"

Turning to leave the locker room, I shrugged wearily. "I don't know. There isn't one. I guess-I just-I thought I wouldn't see her again."

"I don't get it-"

"It's been a long day, mate." I tossed him a faint smile over my shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow."

After today, there was no anticipating what tomorrow would bring.

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