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Chapter 2 Incites me


I'M IMMERSED TO MY KNEES IN WATER. The soothing currents of the cold river massage my legs and send pulsating impulses up my legs and through my whole body.

It incites me.

Lifting my dress so it won't get soaked by water, I wad my way through the river one step at a time till I feel the smooth pebbles against the sole of my feet as I get to my favourite spot.

I throw a few glances over my shoulders to make sure I'm alone then closing my eyes, I concentrate. I clear my thoughts of everything else except the musky green of the now shallow water due to the Torrid, the mild tickle of the breeze and the scent of trees in the air.

In the void of my mind; I command the water, I imagine it forms waves and splash skittishly against my shin.

Almost immediately, I feel the cold tickle of the water against my shin. Giddy, I open my eyes and don't make any effort to suppress my laughter. I lose concentration and the water rises too high and wets the skirt of my dress.


Sighing, I close my eyes and try again. I clear my mind of everything except my goal. This time, I picture my hair flying in the wind, I imagine a small gentle whirlwind surrounding me.

The breeze picks up and becomes stronger, I try not to lose concentration, the breeze quickly turns into a strong wind that rolls over my body and tousles my hair. Lifting my hands up, I let the wind take control.


I can't help the feeling of excitement as the wind; stronger than any other one I have ever created, carries me out of the river so slowly I fear I'm only imagining it and keeps me suspended in mid-air as it whispers and whirls violently around me.

I throw my hands high above my head and let myself be consumed wholly. I can feel my power vibrate in my veins with so much force it's almost painful.

And I grow stronger.

My possibilities widen by the day and suddenly, I don't want to hide anymore. I don't want to conceal the strange abilities I'm born or cursed with.

So suspended in the created cocoon of a whirlwind, I promise myself not to hide anymore. I will let the powers inside me run free. I will—

"Isla!" It's a shriek I can't mistaken anywhere.

I'm in huge trouble.

My father stands towering over me like a giant as I kneel on the ground, eyes looking up to him pleadingly.

"What if someone had seen you?" He growled with fury in his eyes. "Do you know what would have happened to you? You'll be taken away from us! Do you really want to give your mother and I heart attacks?"

I don't say a word. Of course I don't ever want to give my dear parents heart attacks but I'm tired of being limited, I'm tired of hiding.

"No one saw me,"I summon my voice to reply.

My parents exchange looks and my Dad turns to me with a look I can't name.

"How are you so sure?" His voice is stern and blunt. "Do you think anyone that saw you would announce their presence to you?"

"No," I blurt. "But no one saw me. I'd know."

"Al," my mother says softly, "I know you rather let yourself free but," she sighs, " you have to compromise. If anyone ever sees you, you'll be killed on allegations of witchcraft."

I shake my head. She fails to understand that a few moments of being myself is a thousand times better than an entire lifetime of locking up my powers.

"Ok. Mother," I say. "I'll try." The words get choked in my throat.

My mother helps me to my feet and pulls me to her in a hug. She is very small compared to me so she ends up burying her face in my shoulder.

"We love you so much, Al," my father says. "We just don't want to lose you."

"I don't want to lose you too."

Mavli spreads the weaved mat on the floor just outside our hut. It's almost sunset and we are getting ready to eat dinner. I sit on a stool and watch my fifteen year old sister arrange the edges of the mat and stools around it for our parents in preparation for dinner.

"Why were you looking for me?" I ask her. She does a good job in schooling her features so they don't give away what is going through her mind.

She lets my question hang in the air for a few heartbeats before straightening up and staring right at me. "I won't let you do anything stupid. You may not care about yourself but I care about our parents. If someone had seen you—"

"No one saw me, Mavli." My fists clench in fury. "Why don't you just mind your business?" It's irking how she decides to spy on me. Doesn't she have better things to do with her time?

"You are my business, Isla. We're family, I'd kill myself if anything ever happens to you." Her words manage to irk me the more. She's now playing parent.

"Thanks for your concern, Mavli. But I don't need it, I'm older than you anyway, I can take absolute care of myself." I fear I'm too harsh on her but if I am, she doesn't show it. She ignores me and walks back into the hut.

I sigh and watch her retreating back. Twilight has spilled over the sky and splashes it's vibrant hues like spreading fingers.

I don't want to hurt my sister but she has to understand that I'm totally capable of looking out for myself. I've survive for almost seventeen years of my life in a magic-hating kingdom like Kintil means that I can survive anywhere and anytime.

My thoughts are rudely interrupted by the approach of my parents and sister bearing bowls of our dinner. I perceive the aroma of expertly broiled mackerel, tomato and carrot sauce, and freshly baked bread. My father carries a huge jug of which I guess holds wine and Mavli balances a bowl on her head which I know holds boiled brown rice.

I help to place the various bowls of food on the mat and we all sit forming a small circle. My mother leaves to bring an oil lamp, we sit and wait in complete silence. When she returns, we hold hands and bow our heads as Mavli is given the honour to pray over our meal, blessing it.

We wash our hands in a wooden bowl and pick out small loaves of rye bread. I tear out a piece and dip into the tomato sauce, Mavli and my mother pour out some sauce into the rice and begin eating it with their fingers while dad starts out with the broiled fish. I'm happy my sin isn't mentioned and we eat in familiar silence and appreciation for our meal.

Usually, we don't have this much to eat but today, my parents had made some extra money at the market so we are opportune with this scrumptious meal.

In no time, we are done eating. Mavli and I clear the bowls.

"Thank you, mother and father," Mavli and I chorus as we take the dishes to the back of our hut to wash them.

I feel Mavli's stare as we get to the back of the hut and keep them on the rocky red ground just in front of the big cans of water. I turn to look at her but she turns her eyes away. I try to ignore it and we bring washing the bowls. The only sound I hear are the ever loyal crickets and soft hooting of a distant bird.

I'm wet to my elbows by the time we're done washing, when I make to carry the dishes, Mavli swoops in and carries them. I shrug my shoulders, if she chooses to give me the silent treatment then I'll let her be.

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