Chapter 6 All Men Are Assholes

I was leaned on my bed, lost in my thoughts, didn't realize what the time is and suddenly I heard sound from my door. I came back to my consciousness. It is Dani entering the room.

"Hey Wha'ts up?" I asked her

"Just another busy day" she replied.

  • How many serving today?

  • The day just got started not over yet. Around 40 rooms in the morning. Almost done with my first half. Still 2nd and 3rd half to go

  • 40, it's so many . Is It really noon?

  • About to be noon.

  • I didn't realized when the time passed.

  • yes dear, you are appointed by your handsome billionaire passenger, paying for you to work less. And you here staying lost in your thoughts, without realizing what the time it is.

  • Yes, Today I really worked less. Much less but still it feels like I did so much of work.

  • because you did such a heavy work in the morning dear .

I blushed again.

"So much pinkness on your face, I can imagine how great it was" Dani said.

  • It was good

  • Yes, so good that you can't stop talking about it. It was Just sex dear, get over it. There are lot more to come.

"Hey what are you writing today? let me see" she said and snatched my journal lying beside me. I totally forgot it was still there.

"It's just about today Dani, nothing special". I said and tried to take my diary back from her

  • No no let me read it today, how not special it was.

Even after my denial, she sat in a corner and started reading the latest page.

After almost few minutes she looked at me and said " yes Clare it was sooooooooo not special that you wrote the 'special' word a 100 times. You don't dare to hide anything from me, I can read your mind I know what you feel. Don't try to fool me babe"

  • Okay, ok I won't hide anything from you. I actually won't able to hide anything. I will split everything in front of you my dear best friend.

She smiled have started reading again

After few minutes " what do you mean by all men are assholes? You haven't met each and every one of them." Dani said

  • But they are assholes

  • Not all men

  • if you are given 5 glasses of drinks and you know two of them are poisoned, will you drink any of them?

  • These two things are not comparable

  • Both are almost same.

Then we heard a knock at our door, "open" I said and we saw Johnny coming in.

"Hey, hello" said Dani

"What's up girls ? what's the the hot topic of today's discussion?" Said Johnny.

"Nothing hot, Clare is just saying all men are assholes and comparing men with glasses of juice" Dani said to him.

"Wow let me hear to, how did you compared men with classes of juices? After all I am a mocktail specialist" said Johnny

"Johnny I just said, if you are given 5 glasses of drinks and you know two of them are poisoned, will you drink any of them?" I said to him

  • So nowadays women are objectifying men too. In today's discussion we are glasses of juices. he laughed

"And you are a sweet mocktail Johnny" I said to him smiling .

"I think I should leave now it is almost lunch time, I have to check the kitchen if Michael has already placed his order or not" I said

"So Clare, you are now calling your special passenger with his name" Dani said smiling.

"He permitted" I replied

  • So he is basically nice?

  • we never know.

"Hey what's going on ? what does Dani mean by special passenger? Asked Johnny

"It's just I am now serving only one passenger, a rich billionaire, who can afford to keep a personal staff for all his needs. So he is my special passenger because I am serving no one else now and he permitted me to call him by his name Michael." I explained to Johnny

"Hey do you mean by the rich businessman billionaire, owner and CEO of Jones Enterprise, Michael Jones?" asked Johnny.

"I don't know, how am I supposed to know any names of owners or CEOs of big companies I don't even know what his business is about" I said.

"You stupid girl, you have been serving a man for almost a day and you don't know he is the handsome billionaire, owner of Jones Enterprise?" Dani said with excitement

"I seriously don't know, I hardly keep any other information outside my interest" I said to her

"Clare, seriously you need to work on your knowledge you can get into a great trouble because of your insensibility" Johnny said to me

"Okay I will look into it" I said and came out of the room walking towards the kitchen thinking how insensible and irresponsible I am. I am almost slept with an owner of a big company and I don't even know that.

Michael: I spent rest of my morning checking some mails, mailing back, listening to music and thinking about Clare. Then I realized it's almost lunch time and I should order my I lunch so that I can spend some of my valuable time with Clare. I dial the kitchen just I'm a woman picked up. Her voice is sweet but not sweeter than Clare

  • Hello how can we help you

  • Hello I am calling for my lunch.

  • Yes sir what would you like to have for lunch?

  • just a minute...

I checked the menu's file line beside the telephone and started turning the pages. Why haven't I decided before calling? my stupidity. I'm so desperate to meet Clare, fuck.

"Mmmmm, I would like to have 2 plates of vegan cheese pasta, roasted vegetables for two people, 2 apple pie, 1 plate grilled soya chunks.... And a bottle of juice" I said after checking the menu.

  • Which juice sir?

  • Any kind of fruit juice, Orange will be good

  • Ok sir but can I ask you one thing? Your room has only one guest, why lunch for 2?

  • Well actually I am having a visitor from the ship

  • Ok sir your lunch will be there in a while.

  • Have a nice day

  • You too sir

I kept on the phone sat on A armature and started staring at the clock. I thought of lighting a cigarette since it will take some time Clare to come here. After I know her hate towards cigarette I can't risk to smoke in front of her. Since I am not a chain smoker or addicted to smoking I can control smoking while she is around. I was in a dilemma shall I light it or not. What if she comes before I finish? Then I have to throw it away. What if she gets the smell and don't even come near me? I am waiting for her to come sit beside me, what if see e run away after getting the smell?

After few minutes I gave up on thinking took out a box of cigarettes and a lighter, went to the attached balcony and fired one. It's haven't been a minute when I heard a knock at my door. Is she here? this soon? I haven't expected this. Oh no what shall I do now? This is going to be bad. I screamed waaiiittttt, threw the cigarette in the dustbin, went to the bathroom, put some mouth freshener and then went to open the door.

"Phewww" came out of my mouth.

I checked myself in the mirror, then pulled the door. What the hell.

"Room service sir, we need to change your sheets" said a guy standing in front of my door holding some white clean sheets and some towels.

"I was not expecting you, I had appointed one staff named Clare for all my services. I think you had a misunderstanding" I said to him

  • Actually sir I am here for changing sheets daily, I think Clare doesn't do these, she is only for food and all the emergency services you need. We two have different jobs, I change sheets of every rooms in the luxury department. She is not for this.

  • Ok I understand but I thought I pointed one single person to look after all my services in my room.

  • Sorry sir I was not informed anything about it.

  • It's ok but changing sheets time is during the morning, but it's almost lunch time.

  • Actually we don't change sheets in the morning because passengers in our ships have different waking Times, we can't come time to time for changing sheets and we also can't change during the evening because most of the people at that time will be outside of their room. So we come in the noon when everybody is awake.

  • Ok I understand come in and do your work.

  • Yes sir

He came inside, took long time changing sheets, this is a lazy staff. After he left I closed the door and waited for some time. I got bored, so again I lighted a cigarette. After almost a minute I again heard a knock on my door. I will really have a bad time smoking in the ship. It must be Clare, it had to be her, I threw the cigarette, washed my mouth and opened the door. Nooo not again. This time a different women not Clare. A blonde.

" Sir I was carrying water, and this is lunch time so have some bottles" she said

Why everyone else is coming and not Clare? I appointed only Clare for all my services. I got a little tempered but still managed to calm myself and said "come in and keep some"

She entered, kept some bottles And left. I was left disappointed.

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