Chapter 2 Murder
Dave jumped from his sleep with a loud scream, scaring the curvy form beside him off the bed to the rug-cushioned floor. Another day, the sight of Rosie s plump backside on the floor would have been hilarious, but not today. His demons were back; demanding retribution.
He was covered in his own sweat. It was fifteen years, and his mind still played the scene before him like it happened yesterday. The time on his bedside read 4:30 Am. He had only slept for two hours, giving his nightlife- As the owner of chains of hotels and club houses. A feat he did not acquire on a platter of gold. If anyone ever searched for a definition of rags to riches- Him, Dave Campbell was a true definition through and through. He did a lot of things he was not proud of while climbing the ladder of success, but the end always justified the means. Ignoring Rosie s sleepy, yet angry eyes shooting daggers at him, he brushed the sheet from his sinewy form and stomped towards the bathroom.
He ran a cold bath in the expensive looking tub, and slid in, he washed his face vigorously like he could even try to wash the stench and the sight from his nightmare away from his mind. He rested his head on the edge of the tub his eyes, closed but his father s dead form swam to his periphery, he sat up straight and his stomach growled. He slid into his soft baby blue bathrobe hanging on the gold rail and got out of the bath in search of something to soothe his protesting stomach and maybe his mind too.
Curvy-Rosie had taken her behind back on the bed, snoring gently. He looked at her disdainfully, and wondered why he put up with some of these club girls, shaking his head in total disgust; he padded bare-footed out of the room down the stairs towards the kitchen to make something light to eat. He never liked bothering Cecilia- his God-sent, loyal and elderly house keeper. Especially not at ungodly hour, heaven knows the woman was an angel. She and his younger sister were the only solid relationship in his life at the moment.
Dave, walked in the kitchen and opened the fridge to make a sandwich, he chuckled when he saw the self sealed polythene with a sticker "in the event that you need something to nibble on" He smiled at how his house keeper managed to know what he needed per time without having to say a word to her. Sincerely, Cecilia was more of a mother to him than a housekeeper. Dave sat on the stool, and switched on the large screen television hanging on the kitchen wall, one of his many kind gestures towards Cecilia in return for taking so good care of him. She did not like to miss any scene of her numerous soap operas while making him dinner.
His past forgotten, he took a bite of his sandwich, closing his eyes in ecstasy, he walked back to the fridge, and got a bottle of coke; he turned back to his seat, and froze at the sight that met his gaze. Displayed on the screen was the picture of his self-acclaimed enemy…. So much for forgotten past, he walked quickly to the kitchen slab, picked up the remote, then increased the volume to listen to what Barrister Desmond Lewis, was up to these days. The man was off the radar for a very long time, only for him to resurface with a political ambition. An amused smile curved his beautiful lips.
The camera zoomed in on him, as they interviewed him on speculations about him contesting for the next gubernatorial election. Barrister Lewis definitely looked older than he remembered all those years ago. He was no more the tall menacing man that gave Dave a serious fright. A snarl curled his lips. He wondered if he still had all those goons that did his dirty work for him. Dave s curved lips became tight and his body taut with anger at how low the man could stoop to get what he wanted. There was definitely no escaping his past….. Dave allowed his mind drift back to those dark days he wished he could do without. But as the saying goes, you get the bad with the good…..
August 2005
"Wipe your eyes boy, he heard her courageous voice. And remember what I told you"
He could only nod in response, watching Jemima Campbell walked to the door despite the pain he knew plagued her body. She gently opened the door, wide enough for the Police officers to see though. The blinding rays of the flashlight brightened the candle lit room, landing on the dead body on the floor. She gently stepped aside even before the two officers could pry their way in.
"What s going on here?" One of the officers demanded.
"I- I- I killed my husband" She stammered to the officers quickly, too quickly.
One of the officers went to the body, and touched for a pulse with a gloved hand. The one with the flashlight looked at him in anticipation but was disappointed when his colleague shook his head in response. The beam of the flashlight landed on Dave Campbell shivering in a corner. The officer, with the flashlight made a call from the phone hooked to his trousers. "Are you alright boy?" He asked after disconnecting. A nod was all Dave could give in response. The other officer walked around observing everything and asking Jemima some questions, while the one with the flash light followed him with the beam of light observing the poor state of the room.
Dave listened as his mother recounted the event that led to the death of her husband.
They were all sleeping on the mat when he came in drunk, and tripped on Dave, who was closest to the door. He got angry and started beating him for tripping him intentionally, but Jemima came to her son s rescue and he turned to her beating her mercilessly, she managed to escape his grasp and took the pestle resting on the wall to hit him on the head.
The officers focused on her as she narrated the story, while one scribbled notes on a small pad. The story must have been believable enough because there was no doubt in their eyes. They looked her over; there were visible signs of abuse all over her body-Swollen eyes, bloody lips and the marks on her neck.
Dave even saw something akin to pity in one of the officer s eyes.
The siren from the ambulance soon brought the whole neighborhood out of their houses wondering if something unusual had happened at this time of the night.
Three other officials came in to join them and Aaron s body was body bagged and taken out of the room.
Dave was jolted back from the surreal scene unfolding before him, when his mother was handcuffed and was being led away. He screamed and even attempted struggling with the officers as they took his mother. He begged and pleaded tears running down his eyes begging the officers to spare his mum, that she was innocent.
"I m sorry boy, but we have to take your mum in" one of the officers persuaded him.
He watched helplessly as they took his mother away. He sat on the ground and cried till he had no tears left, nothing the neighbor said helped him. He felt less alone when his younger sister came outside to join him on the ground and cried with him, placing her young head on his shoulder, understanding the only way an eight year old girl could. Daddy was never coming back and Mummy might never come back as well.
The crowd gathered, and watched the drama unfold, most of them with pity because they could all attest to how Jemima had suffered in the hands of Aaron.
The farther the telltale light of the police 'car disappeared into the night, the more hopeless Dave felt.
Gradually the crowd dispersed and they all went into the comfort of their homes, leaving Dave and Daniela Campbell on the dark street. Two young children thrown in to a cold, harsh world all alone, Dave sat and cried, with his sister beside him, not knowing for how long. It was the comforting arms of a woman that made them realized they have stayed long enough in the cold and ushered them into the comfort of her own home.
She stayed with them for half the night, comforting and holding them. Daniela even slept back in her arms; she laid her on the couch, and kept comforting Dave.
"I m sorry it ended this way Dave, dear" Cecilia whispered to him. "I called the Police when I heard your mother screaming again. I didn t know it will turn out this way, but you both are welcome to stay with me for as long as you want to."
Dave only nodded; it seemed that was all he could do all night. He watched his sister sleeping gently on Cecilia s couch. He was grateful Cecilia was not curious to know how the event of the night unfolded.
Cecilia went in to her room and brought out a covering cloth to cover Daniela. She told Dave to take the second couch, and she ensured they were both comfortable before going back into her room to rest. And she had taken care of them ever since.
It was a tough season in his life, especially after the death of his mother. Dave did everything from hawking wares on the streets to taking on menial jobs. He remembered going back into the house to pick some of his and sister s items. Everything they had fitted in a small polythene bag. He was scared to death of entering the house again. But his mother s words had urged him on. She made him promise to take good care of his younger sister, and to get both of them educated no matter what. Jemima Campbell had tied a small stash of money in a rag clothe hidden under the small box containing their school books, the only place Aaron would not search for booze money. And thankfully Aaron was unable to lay hands on it. Dave had paid for their fees, and needs for the time the money lasted, while they stayed with Cecilia the nice neighbor.
Cecilia only had enough to keep the three of them fed and sheltered, the rest of his and sister s needs were up to Dave to figure out.
Dave would buy a carton of Gala sausage roll, sand packs of handkerchief to hawk in traffic before going to school in the morning and will do same after school every single day. He learned the act of saving and investment earlier on in life.
Dave s luck changed when he went on his usual morning hawk. A beautiful Toyota Corolla Jeep stopped beside him held by the traffic light. He quickly moved towards the car to advertise his wares, and then his young heart knew love the first time, when he set his eyes on the beautiful girl………
She wound down her window, can I have one "Gala sausage roll?"
He was speechless, because all his senses were focused on the beautiful rich girl in school uniform, sitting on the owner s corner of the nice jeep. Her eyes were beautiful dark brown, dark hair- pulled away from her forehead to a full burn at the back of her neck. She had a beautiful cute nose, and her skin so creamy and flawless, that he thought he would wash his hands before touching her.
It was an unexpected punch to his gut. He never believed he could feel this alive. It was like every fiber of his existence came to life for the first time.
What he felt must be written in his face because the girl smiled….
"Are you going to give me, my sausage or not?" her teeth sparkling between her naturally pink lips.
"Yes…. Of course" he stammered. He was only able to give her the sausage, before the traffic light turned green and her driver zoomed off.