Chapter 6 Retrospect

Brenda had pleaded with her driver to pass the same route everyday… where she met Dave. They became fast friends, although Dave felt out of place with her but she saw the admiration in his eyes. So she did everything to make him very comfortable around her. He then became so comfortable with her that they visited several places together, and they even shared their first kiss… Yes! She would never forget that.

She had visited his home and met with his Aunt Cecilia, sometimes after school. One day, they were both alone in the house because Daniela followed Aunt Cecilia out to the market. Brenda was telling him how she hated mathematics and she was going on and on about her mathematics teacher being a contributing factor. Dave had listened to her rant without saying a word but his eyes were kept intently on her face in a funny but romantic way that did something to her heart, it was so intense that she took her eyes away scared of revealing too much of her feelings. By the time Brenda courageously met his gaze again, time froze leaving the two of them in their world. It was then she understood the Sunday school lesson of how Eve must felt in Adam s company. She felt special and loved, and she knew no other way to show it, other than moved closer to him, and smacked a kiss on his lips. She was so embarrassed afterwards and quickly stood up to leave but Dave stopped her, pulled her to his arms, and then gave her a hug. "Thank you" he whispered to her ear. Brenda could never forget how she felt.

"Thank you for what?" she asked him

"For loving me the way you do."

Brenda felt her heart swell from his response. Another guy his age at the time might have taken advantage of that to push for more; but not Dave. And that s the reason he remained the most honorable guy she had the privilege of knowing. She remembered her friends telling her all the things they do with their boyfriends. She was curious and sometimes made attempt to find out with Dave. He always confidently told her that her friends were wrong for doing all those things. She called him killjoy on one of such occasions, but he told her he wouldn t do what she would regret later. How could a girl not love a guy that considerate?

But the first strain in their friendship happened when her father met Dave for the first time. Desmond Lewis s feeling about Dave was the exact opposite of her daughter s. It was hate at first sight, probably because he was from a very humble background. At least that was what Brenda thought.

Their budding relationship spiraled out of control when Brenda invited Dave for her thirteenth birthday. Dave appeared in a fading blue checkered long sleeve shirt on an old Jeans. He was the least dressed of all her guest, but she didn t mind at all. Dave initially felt intimidated by the huge party with many rich kids in attendance. But Brenda had stood beside him introducing him to all her friends. Her female friends called him handsome with the exception of the rags he wore of course. Brenda shut down the latter remark, telling them all she saw behind those rags was a smart intelligent and confident boy. After that no one made a snide remark at him; and Dave relaxed enough to enjoy the party. He related with all her friends intelligently, which added another feather to his hat of respect with them. He was very happy that he got an invite, because according to him, nobody ever invited him for a birthday party before, let alone the affluent one like Brenda s; and he said so much to her when she gave her the invitation. Dad was not so thrilled when he saw Dave. But he didn t mention anything to her, probably, not wanting to ruin her birthday party for her.

As the party wore on, Dad announced that his wrist watch and some cash were missing from his library, which was very close to the big room the party was held. He requested they search everyone. Finally it was found on Dave. Brenda was shocked. She knew Dave could not steal but the evidence was glaring, and the embarrassment that her boyfriend stole from her Dad was too much for her thirteen-year-old self to bear, plus she knew Dave was pressed for cash to sustain him and his sister. But stealing was one thing she couldn t get past. And she tried to find out the truth by asking Dave if he stole the items or not. He didn t respond and kept looking at her like he was disappointed. Brenda was offended thinking she was the one to wear a look of disappointment not Dave. She cherished their friendship but cherished her reputation with her social circle more, specifically when it involves stealing, something she hated with passion. In retrospect, she might be wrong to have believed her Dad above Dave. But what could she do? She was only thirteen. She ran from her party and cried in her room all evening. She remembered her Daddy coming into her room to console her, and made her see reason why she could not continue being friends with David. She wanted to lash out because somewhere in her heart she doubted her father s innocence; instead she just lay on the bed and cried till she was weak. Her young heart was broken. She had many questions one of which was why he hated him so much, probably because she thought maybe Daddy had something to do with the stolen items found on Dave, but then she refused to think her Daddy would stoop that low or go that far to discourage her and Dave s friendship. She accepted Daddy s decision, and wished for a mother that was not. If her Mum was alive she would understood her pain. She cried even more

Daddy told her that Dave was beaten and locked up in the guard room as punishment. So Brenda, begged her father to let him go, promising never to see him again. She kept her promise, but she was very sad and retreated, her happy demeanor became somber and bleak. Her father must have wanted to help her get over her mood because soon after her birthday, Dad had come with the news of sending her to New York to study while she stayed with her aunt, and probably she would forget all about Dave Campbell.

But did she? She was never in any serious relationship with anyone after that. She immersed in her books, went to law school, and started work in a reputable law firm. She didn t have reason to visit the country; her father was always flying in to see her abroad. And Desmond Lewis was the most important person in Brenda s life. He got all the love she would have shared with both her parents, and it was well reciprocated.

A tap on the door brought her out of her reverie…

"Come in" she moved away from the window towards the door.

Desmond Lewis peeped through the door, with beautiful bouquet in his hands. "Good morning sunshine" He whispered.

"Hey! Dad, Good morning, grinning, she walked close to her Dad, giving him a hug. Is this your way of apologizing for missing my party last night?" winking at her Dad, she took the bouquet from him; and buried her nose in the beautiful array.

"I m sorry for not coming to the party, and I wished I thought of the flowers but these are not from me. It came for you this morning and I thought to bring them to you since I needed to see you. Desmond sat on her bed, smiling up at her.

She spared a look at her Dad s sorry face and smiled, "Aw, don t worry about it Dad, I know if you could you would" Brenda took the card attached to the flower- Nice to see you again after a long time! Kiss. Brenda s heart hammered in her chest.

"Who sent it, is that from who I think it is from?"

"It …has no name on it."

"Ooh, someone s got a secret admirer." Desmond teased his daughter.

She knew who sent it, but not about to tell that to his Dad. Brenda buried his nose in the expensive looking flower; it smells divine a mix of lavender and rose.

"Maybe, Greg sent it" her Dad supplied with a wink, pressing for a show of interest. He liked Greg, and imagined him as a son- in law a couple of times, but he was not about to push his daughter to someone she had no feelings for.

"Ok! Dad, about that, please don t try to play cupid, can you please allow things take a natural course?

"But Greg is a go-o-d boy," he whined.

"I know he is Dad, but please don t push things with Greg, can you please respect this wish of mine.

Pl-ea-se!" She pleaded with her Dad with her most adorable puppy face.

"O-ok, I will back off…… but promise you would at least give you guys a chance. I mean you are already good friends, and what could be better than marrying your friend. "

Brenda smiled, "Ok! I will not rule out the possibility, just please don t push things, and thank you Dad for everything" placing a peck on his cheek, they both got the misty eyes.

"Time like this I wished your Mum was here with us" his voice gruff with emotions.

I know, and I wish same, but you have done a good job of raising me well and I won t disappoint you. She hugged him, as both found comfort in each other s embrace. It was only the two of them since her mother passed away when she was a little girl, and he chose not to re-marry. Brenda knew he had women friends that kept him entertained but none was good enough to replace her mum, he said that to her several times.

Ok, Dad enough of the misty eyes, now, let us ready for the day; I have an appointment with the realtor, in about… hmm… She glanced at her bedside clock again…. One hour"

"Ok, but you know, you don t have to move, if you don t want to"

"I know, but what will be the use of all that independent training you gave me, if I can t put it to good use." She smiled at him.

"I m so proud of the woman you have become, Brenda, and I know your mother is too." Desmond wished it would be so easy to tell his daughter about his failing finances and failing health. He really hoped he could tell her. But the last thing he wanted from his daughter who just came back after a long time to start a new life, was worrying about him. He stood to his feet instead, and whispered to his daughter, "Let me allow you to get ready then." He left her room, and closed the door behind him.

Brenda rested her back on the door; her eyes went back to the flower on her bedside chest. "How did Dave find her Dad s new address? She thought excitedly, he must be ready to call a truce, if he actually sent those flowers. Brenda allowed herself fantasized about Dave s handsome features and athletic build. She felt some tingling sensation in certain parts of her anatomy. Dave sure has an appealing pull, he did as a boy, and much more so as a man; but the most admirable part of his qualities was his heart. She thought holding her chest to keep her own heart from bursting open from all the emotions she was feeling. "Get it together girl" she chided, remembering the way it all went down during her thirteenth birthday, she promised to put her attraction in check, and just be civil with him, and she might be fortunate enough not to see him again. Another promise she made to herself was to ask her father about the little theft that happened all those years ago. Armed with that decision, she matched into the bathroom to ready herself for the day's business. But a part of her knew that she would not be rid of Dave Campbell any time soon, not with those parting looks and remarks and now the flower he sent her. A warm glow spread over her again. She pushed it aside; she did a dance to the bathroom like someone just gave her a million dollar. She will sure enjoy coming back home.

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