Chapter 3 Chapter 2

'I don't think you will fully understand, how you've touched my life, I don't think you could ever know how special you are, that even on the darkest nights, you are my brightest star'!??

! ?!


"Can I ask you something?? Who is EJ?", questions Kathleen eagerly.

"Oh my goodness, never ever ask this question to someone else other than us", insisted Laura. Kathleen's face has lost it's smile on hearing this and her curiosity level on knowing EJ raised to its peak.

"Why is that??", kathleen asked doubtfully.

"Let me tell you an incident that happened last week, a boy from my class found a thing in the Cafeteria that belonged to the person called EJ. We were unaware of this popular name EJ last week, since we were new here. The boy from my class took his backpack from the Cafeteria and went straight to EJ's class. The boy shouted his name in front of his whole class. And everyone turned pale on seeing his brave act. And you know what happened to the boy?", Janice stopped narrating, left Kathleen hanging for the completion of the story and looked at Kathleen for an answer.

Kathleen couldn't calm her mind, she wondered what might have happened to the boy.

"What happened?? Split it out!!", Kathleen shook Janice to know what happened next.

"The next day, the boy from my class was seen with a bruise on his face, his lips were swollen with blood clot", awakened Janice, remembering the incident and felt sorry for the boy.

"What the hell?? So, this EJ beats up people for just helping him", yelled Kathleen in shock.

"No, it's not what you think, EJ is like a monster alive in it's human form. This EJ doesn't like anyone, he has never smiled at anyone, no single soul has seen him smiling, not even his friends. He has his own policy and rules to follow. He has never showed any kind of affection or care towards his friends. But except that one guy!!", announced Laura.

"Oh, who is that special guy? What is he doing?? Is he a fresher too??", enquired Kathleen curiously.

"One question at a time, Kath", said Janice. Kathleen showed her shy smile.

"EJ is doing his second year in Howard University school of business. So that makes him my senior. And the special guy's name is Robert, Robert Wilson. He is doing his second year in Howard's University of arts and science,? which means, Janice know him better than I do", explained Laura. Janice gave her a thumbs up for filling up the details.

Kathleen mouthed a 'Oh' as her reply.

"So, EJ doesn't belong to the fourth year or something else. He is just a boy who happens to be a year elder than us", said Kathleen.

"No, not at all Kath, don't understand it? that way. EJ and his other friends are the most terrifying people on campus. Even, the final year students and the professors are petrified on seeing them. EJ and his friends has no humanity at all. They are the superiors here and doesn't like others telling them what to do", theorized Janice.

"What?? How come people here are afriad of a 20 year old boy?", kathleen was confused on hearing all these.

"We just don't know anything about all these things that's happening here. We are just aware of only certain things here and few girls gossip about all other stuffs", expressed Laura.

"So, we just stay away from them. Because we don't want to mess up with them", emphasized Janice.

"Yeah, that's right!! Let's just stay away", agrees Kathleen who understood the situation that's prevailing here.

"But you know what?!, girls go crazy for EJ. He is the most alluring angelic face I have ever seen in my life. He looks dangerously attractive. In spite of his grumpy attitude, girls die for his charms. But, EJ has never hooked up any of these girls and he hasn't dated anyone so far!", admitted Laura.

"So, that makes him a gay right", teased Kathleen, and Janice burst out into laughter.

"Of course not", Janice laughs harder.

"Shhh, if someone hears you saying something like these, then you are so dead!!", warned Laura and janice agreed to her.

"What? Why??", asked Kathleen.

"EJ has eyes and ears all over the campus. You know what, girls here will do anything to earn EJ'S trust and be a part of EJ'S circle( be his friend). So let's keep our conversation low key", whispered Laura.

"And this Robert is opposite to EJ. Robert is one the coolest guy you will come across. He has that killer smile that steals away everybody's heart. He will do anything to make EJ happy and he is not as rude as EJ. I have heard he hook up with different girls every single week and no permanent girlfriend!", Janice narrates about Robert.

Kathleen listened to them, wondering what these boys might look like.

"So, I come to a conclusion that EJ, his friend Robert, and his other friends rules this god damn place!! Am I right?", questions Kathleen.

"One hundred percent right!!", agreed Laura.

"Ohh God, this is gonna be really amazing!!", Kathleen lay her head in the pillow which was placed on her lap.

"Now tell about other interesting characters that I have to know ?", enquired kathleen.

"I'll tell you about Gerald, Gerald Scott", beamed Janice.

"Oh, who is he?", Kathleen could see the excitement in Janice's voice. Kathleen guessed it must be someone special to her.

"Jay is literally insane about him", teased Laura. Kathleen giggled at her comment.

"Shut up, Laura! Kath, don't believe her. I'm not mad. It's just that I admire him a lot, like all other girls here do", Janice said dreamily.

"Interesting, I wanted to know everything about it, tell me more", enquired Kathleen.

"Gerald belongs to my department but he is doing his third year. He is good looking and the most gorgeous male person I have seen in my entire life. He has the most finest, silky blonde hair which is touchable. Especially, his eyes,? when you look into those liquid blue eyes, you fall for him without denial. But you can't fall for him, coz he is already mine.

Aww, it reminds me of our first memory", confessed Janice.

"Hey, come on, Jay, he doesn't even know your name!! You are just one of his followers like all other girls", admitted Laura.

"No, I'm not. He is gonna fall for me one day, I'm damn sure", winked Janice.

"And don't forget Jay, he also belong to the group of devils, EJ'S circle", proclaimed Laura.

"Is it?", Kathleen asked Janice, doubtfully. Janice nodded a yes.

"But he is the good one among them. He is the odd one out in that circle. He? is kind, friendly and liked by all", stated Janice.

"Blah...blah..blah....", joked Laura, Janice made a scowl expression.

"Hearing all this, I find it interesting and I look forward in knowing all them", stated Kathleen.

"And I have one last doubt, what is the full form of EJ?", asked Kathleen.



How will Kathleen's first day in college be?? Peaceful or dramatic??! Will she stay away from EJ? Can she stay away from him?? Or will she mess up with the wrong people?! Read the next chapter to find out!

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