Chapter 2

** Chapter 2



I arrived at the compound late and was able to finally get booked for all my classes including that combat training that my father strongly encouraged as he believed that there was no such thing as the number 1 fighter. There was always someone out there greater or that trained harder. After ensuring both my beta Thaddeus and Gamma Roman were situated with their training and to ensure we all knew where everything was I reached out to my head warrior and trainer to ensure they were prepared and set up. We were all here on a mission to hurry up and get as much info as we could in the 3 years rather than 4 that it would take to get back to our pack and take over from our predecessors.

My last goal was to also check in with my twin sisters currently enrolled in Luna training. They weren't technically Lunas but from Alpha blood they had agreed to take over the Luna roles until they found their mates then we would come up with an alternative plan. But we 3 had talked extensively for the past 2 years developing and fine tuning this plan in order to take over and send our parents off.

"Remmie, Reign, are you two set up in your classes,” I asked through the mind link. “ I want both of you two sign up for combat training. I mean it you two no slouching. You will also show me what you learned in combat training every Saturday unless otherwise noted. Understood.” I said rather forcefully. I didn’t like to be forceful with them but needed them to know there was no sidestepping the physical part. They needed to take defense training very seriously. I know how many of these Alphas are out here. They are rude, aggressive and most of the time abusive as many Alphas are encouraged to take a chosen mate of strategic planning to align packs. Many are not caring about how the woman would be fair in any of these relationships. I would not allow my sister to become a victim. And with their mouths, they needed all the help they could get as they were quick to pop off and piss someone off.

"Yes, big brother" replied Reign, "Oh my Goddess Sammie, seriously we know what we have to do okay? And yes we are signed up, actually can't wait. From what I heard the lead female trainer is totally badass and a total hoot" Replied Remmie or Remington. Rightfully so, as she could shoot any weapon and hit center mass while fiddling with it for an hour. This also includes knives, swords, and arrows. Girl was a damn good killer shot.

After checking on everyone I headed off to my first training when I heard her before I could even hint she was present.

"Then I'd suggest eating more greens and lessening up on protein and testosterone. You know that shit causes your willy to shrink up and fall off right" she said. I busted out a snort of a laugh, unable to hide behind my usual cold and distant demeanor. The girl has sass. But I doubt she backs up a single word. Then I watch as the little wisp of a woman flings herself off into a spinning tornado kick to the side of the poor man's face. And then, watch as the hulk of a man goes down like a large sack of potatoes and she just stands like it was nothing.

"Damn. Remind me not to ever piss her off" I stated under my breath.

"I know right," stated a man a little older than myself. He didn't smell of rouge but he also did not have a particular pack scent. "My name is Antony, this is my father Gabriel. And that there smacking the giant around is my baby sister. Do worry I too am very much petrified of her, as I seriously think she is a robot and devoid of any human emotion." Antony stated before being slapped upside the head. "What it’s true, she hardly ever smiles, never laughs and she takes pleasure in others' pain. Thus, ROBOT!''

"Keep it up and I am telling her now, and she will have a volunteer for today's lessons" the older graying man stated. "She's a good girl. She just doesn't put up with any bullshit. And she was raised with all men. Her 6 brothers and I did not do much in the way of teaching empathy and sympathy. And most of all she doesn't take too kindly to men treating women like dirt."

"Duly noted. I have sisters of my own that I help care for. I hate the way most Alphas treat their fated or chosen mates. I do not care for any of them to get their claws on my beloved girls either" I replied back to both the father and son duo. "So you have 6 sons, where are the other 5? Why did they not teach this class? I asked.

"Well Markus is my oldest and met his mate Mary quite a few years ago. They have since had 3 little pups and live in her pack. She was to take over as head pack doctor when he opted to join her. He was trained exclusively as a combat medic so he now has a job as a paramedic in her pack. Alec found his mate at college named Amber but she died in a car accident 3 years ago leaving him with a young pup. He remains at the college teaching history and a recluse as now as he goes to work and home with his pup. After Alec is Anthony over here, the joker. There are the twins Abel and Cain who are mischief makers that don't take anything seriously but are away learning new combat techniques. They took a sabbatical to travel to Asia and Israel to learn from the masters in martial arts. Last I knew they were in Japan but had planned on going to China next, then Indonesia, to Israel then south to Brazil. My youngest boy is Levi and he teaches the younger students around different packs as he has the most patience. And last but not least and a total surprise to her mother and I who had opted to have no more children after Levi, we had Gabriella." He stated with total pride and astonishment. "Shortly after she was born her mother passed away. Leaving her to me and the boys to raise. So, we did what we knew best. She is one hell of a warrior and her battle plans are superior. She can dress any wound. But if you ask her to braid another girl's hair, do makeup, talk to boys or even to pick out and dress fancy she will look like you just set off a claymore at her." He replied chuckling. At that moment my Beta and Gamma decided to join me.

"Sorry I don't think I caught your name," I said to the older gentleman.

"Oh sorry, my name is Gabriel. I am the head warden here. I am in charge of all classes and scheduling. Along with training for the Alpha side."

"Nice to meet you, sir. I am Samuel soon to be Alpha of the Blue Rose pack. This is my Beta Thaddeus and Gamma Roman. I know our pack name is unusual as most go with something dealing with wolves but we were named after my great-great-great grandmother who was human and grew the most distinctive blue roses. They are now our signature." I said after seeing the confusion on his face. "We better get going as I do not want to upset the trainer and your daughter. I am kinda afraid of her." I said with a chuckle.

"Very well, and you are right she will not tolerate tardiness." He said as he watched his daughter get down off the stage and begin to circle the crowd. She then narrowed those cold emerald green eyes on me so that I saw the fire ignite in her. As she began to make her way towards us at a hurried pace. "Well you are about to find out her tardiness policy." He said with a smile. As she came closer the most amazing scent of roses and lilies hit me like a cement truck. Immediately Salis my wolf began to pace around in my mind chattering and howling. Once she made it within 20 feet of us my wolf howled.. "mate"

Gabriel turned his head and looked me in the eyes glaring at me while Antony smirked, "this is going to be interesting" , Antony chuckled like he made the best joke. "I would warn you that if you hurt her in any way her 6 brothers and I will torture you, but as you can see she can handle herself. We will just hide the body"

"Gabi, hello sweetie. I'd like you to meet Alpha Samuel, his Beta Thaddeus and his Gamma Roman. We were just talking about you and your fine attributes" he stated.

"Yeah, my ears are ringing, Sir."

"Gabi, you know better than that" he said in a direct tone that meant to submit. Causing a low growl to emit from me. At that moment Gabi punched me in the throat, in a quick and skilled manner, squatting down and rotating in a twist like motion and swiped my leg out from under me and proceeded to straddle me with fist raised above her head prepared to strike as I attempted to regain my breath. My beta and Gamma just stood there shocked and not yet knowing how to react, do they defend their alpha or Luna? Both looked back and forth before looking to me for directions, I just shook my head.

"Baby if you wanted to be on top all ya had to do was ask. No reason to beat me. I am a lover not a fighter." I joked in a croaked voice, before I heard a roar of laughter coming from all around us. Her father smiled, while her brother had tears rolling down his face. Of course my Beta Thaddeus was laughing hysterically and could barely breathe, while Roman my Gamma only smirked. Thaddeus knew my humor and the trouble it could cause while Roman was a little more on the serious side. Gabriella just stared at me shocked at my sarcasm, as my hand that was on my throat massaging the pain and displeasure away I reached up to play with a strand of silky ravens black hair slowly tucking it behind her ear as the sparks emitted on my fingertips.

Sparking my arousal to her straddling me and feeling her heated core against my growing erection I move my hand to the back of her neck and bring her in for a kiss. Slowly and gently until I feel as if I cannot get enough and grow into a passionate deep kiss as I plunged my tongue deep within her mouth. Before I have the chance to deepen our closeness and kiss she bites down on my lip. Hard. Drawing blood to pour down my face.

"Kiss me again and I will chop that appendage that I am sure you're so fond of" Gabriella growled out at me.

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