Chapter 02
As the auction day draw closer so was my fear and anxiety knowing what my fate would be, but I hope the councils grant my request that none of my relatives gets any payment out of the money I was brought with, they blamed me for my parent's death instead of blaming the people behind it.
However I have my suspicions about them, since greed has become a common trait among the pack, they can have betrayed my parents so the payment would go to them instead, if I somehow survive this cruel fate that has been forced upon me, I'm going to find out the truth of what happened to my parents and who betrayed them.
I winced inwardly as I felt something brush the open wound on my leg, hearing the branches crack beneath my feet I relaxed following the long queue of slaves to the river, it happened to be the place we do almost all our morning activities like bathing, washing and fishing for the whole pack.
Once we got to the river, everyone positioned themselves in their normal place so was I, bathing was a hell of difficult especially when your whole body is covered in fresh wounds. I endured it all and quickly put on my long white gown which is the only garment slaves are allowed the luxury of having.
"The auction is two days away Luna, do you know that?" A Blonde slave standing beside me said looking me up and down probably thinking I had inflected the fresh wounds on myself just to escape doing sold like last year.
"I don't think anyone could forget that" I reply slowly wondering where she was going with that.
The slave nodded in agreement, despite us being slaves we are not familiar with one another or make friends, out here it was everyone for themselves. Most of the time I think I'm lucky my parents were no more, the fact that they abandoned me to my fate would break me every day, not all the slave's parents were forced to give them away, most of them willingly gave their daughters away just for pennies and I don't blame them since they have been brainwashed by the councils.
"Time is up for bathing!" Growled one of the guards that were sent with us. "It is time for washing now useless slaves" He ordered as his face angrily gaze over the crowd and rested on me.
I hated the look he was giving me, I do not understand it but it was making my skin crawl enough to hate his eyes on me. Clearing my throat loudly I went back to the task at hand while ignoring the look I was getting from a certain guard.
It took us all morning to mid-afternoon to be finally done with the washing task and we were directed where we started fishing, I was starving by now and from the looks of things from other slaves it appears so but no one dared voice it out.
We only eat when we are allowed to, we only eat what we are given. Ignoring the pain in both my heart and stomach my thoughts drift to my parents, there is something in me that never believed that they were beheaded as people or should I say my relatives made me believe.
They could have been solved into slavery for more money and each per cent of the money would have gone to my relatives, they would sell out their own that easily. If they happened to be alive somewhere I hope I get to find them one day, I miss them so much that I find myself crying to sleep once the light goes out. Only a little glow in my room stayed on cause everyone knows I was scared of the dark, the last time I was put in a dark room, I almost killed myself.
And since I was worth a lot of money the councils cared enough not to put me in such a situation again except if they want to punish me which only lasted a few hours or so and that is enough to make me go out of my mind.
I was dragged away from my thoughts by the sudden commotion that had erupted around me a slave had fainted and the guards were doing everything in their power to save her. If anything happen to a slave on their watch, they would have to pay with their own money, the exact money the slave was worth. The guard who had been staring at me earlier approached me making my eyes widen in fear.
"Follow me" He commanded before walking away in the opposite direction.
The blonde girl looked at me with such pity before quickly turning away, I shivered slightly as I followed the guard to the shore wondering what I could have done to trigger his anger.
I toss a look over my shoulder to see if I could catch sight of the river and the people there but when I couldn't I started to panic especially when the guard turned and stare at me with a devious look on his face.
"What have I done sir?" I asked while hoping there wasn't anything for me to fear from him.
"Feisty huh?" He reported staring at me. "Such a beauty and it would be bad if I don't taste you before you get sold off" My eyes widened at his words causing me to take a step back.
"Please... I would like to go back to the rest" I let out a startled cry when he suddenly grabbed me, all my attempt to get away from him was fruitless as he wrestle me to the ground.
Adrenaline crawled into my stomach, I have never felt so helpless and scared as this before, he settled his disgusting weight on me making me cry out, I kick, yell, fought but he wouldn't budge. He was strong reminding me off while I was a slave in the first place.
Tears rolled down my face as he tore at my clothes, groaning in disgusting delight as he found my naked flesh.
"Please... Let me go! Don't do this" I cried as he squeeze my breast so hard I couldn't help but scream hoping someone will hear me and come to my rescue.
"Scream all you want, no one cares for what happened to a slave, especially you, you have no fucking idea how many times you've given the guards hard-on, how many times we've jerked off to the image of what your cunt will feel like wrapped around our dicks. Once I'm done with you, the others will take turns using you before you are sold" He growled at my face making me cry harder.
I couldn't fight him and I know deep in my heart I couldn't survive this. Just like the day I learned that my parents were killed because of me, I withdrew into my shell bracing myself to take whatever pain that would be inflicted on me.