A Dream Not So True
Hunnie Inzotta's P.O.V
Having the worst dream I could possibly ever have, I sit up from my bed quickly, rubbing my arms and panting as though I just ran a marathon.
It took me a few minutes to actually shut off the alarm ringing on my phone before I came to.
Hopping out of the bed slowly, I say my morning chants to strengthen my mind. My poor soul and mind hasn't fully healed from the trauma I've endured in the past two years.
Though everything that has happened, was all of my fault indeed.
I still couldn't face the harsh reality of where I abandoned Bahm, my mate a year and a half ago. How could I had been so cruel to him?
I quickly got dressed this morning, skipping a shower and brewing a hot cup of blackberry tea before running out the door of my single story ranch home and driving to the nearest school ground to open a portal from inside the car.
Once I'm by the sidewalk curb in Witchy World, I head up the path and through the gates of The Academy after sending my girlfriends a text message.
I'm here!"
I lowers my head as I make my way through crowds of beings lingering outside. I didn't feel like I belonged here anymore, it made me very anxious every time I turned the corner to the regular table my friends sat at. Memories of sharing this table with my mate before, always made me feel regretful.
I really hated being here, scared my mates people would also be looking for me, or attempt to hurt me for sending him off...
When I began attending again, only a few months ago after having some dream Bahm had been attending the academy and couldn't find me, I was bullied by Kris's group of friends suddenly.
It was as though I was being punished. Feeling paranoid that my clumsy ways would get me killed for showing my face around here.
Occasionally, Kris's friends would call me nasty names, and they liked to ask where my mates were sarcastically.
This tore me down dearly, that I avoided one part of the academy always. The food court!
"Why do you even come here!
Shouldn't you be looking for your mate?"
The words always hurt, but they didn't scare me away enough to stop attending. Not even seeing some of Jahred's friends did.
The only being that I still feared the most, was Kris.
The hatred in his eyes when chasing me viciously out of the castle, was forever embedded in my skull and memory. I took something precious away from him because of my own emotions.
There was so many thing I could've done differently back then...
He hated me, and I was so close to losing my life by his hands that day!
Could Bahm in Hell, really put a strain on our bond and allow Kris to actually kill me?
Would he?
I never hid, nor moved away.
I was back in the same city both Kris and I grew up in, so if he wanted to find me and kill me for sending Bahm off, then he could, not like I wouldn't deserve it...
I was, always afraid he would, but I couldn't come to cloak myself.
What happens if Bahm appears and indeed couldn't find me this whole time? This dream has been haunting me for the past eight months now!
Now I lived on the border by the beaches in a more rural and thriving area, plus it's been a year and a half and no one has come looking for me.
No one, except for Nyku, Bahm's personal assistant seven months ago!
She found me walking home one night, dressed in a long black trench coat and wearing a sparkly masquerade mask during a busy parade, handing me tons of cash when I already had such a lump sum left from Anna.
Nyku insisted I take the cash and live free right before she fled.
"Hunnie, I am sorry for your troubles once again.
Don't hurt anymore and live free.
Also, stop walking and buy yourself a car my Queen."
I remember that day clear than ever when Nyku approached me that night. I thought she came bearing good news, but in fact, she was only looking out for my financials.
I took the red lantern shaped bag, struggling to carry it to my front doors for I also held my heavy spell books.
"Want to get together later, maybe enjoy a movie and ice cream?" Tenn, my best friend asked cautiously this morning.
They all knew how sensitive and depressed I've been since returning. Tenn had also been very remorseful for what her own cousin did to me with the help of the council. Hell, all my friends felt horrible!
They felt even more horrible when I explained why I had returned without Bahm, and where I Sent him.
"Uhh....ice cream...yeah, sure," I says standoffishly to Tenn, but the ladies were already beyond excited I was actually saying yes today!
"My studies are on the first level.
We can meet by Hunnie's car since she's only watching a lecture." Lenah says cheerfully.
The ladies all split up and went to their classes on the many different floors of Witchy World's Academy. I attended a business seminar about the expansion of Witchy World and sat distant from the audience, up towards the door of the auditorium, clutching my bag to my chest and eyeing the whole magical room.
Security had really advanced since the falling of The Council Headquarters, making it a much safer place to be than even the human realm itself and, they added portals in the corners of every room to escape or teleport somewhere telepathically. Special gadgets and spells were also created to immobilize anyone and expose their weaknesses. It was a more incredible and not discriminating new Academy!
"Hey Hunnie!" Old passerby's from High school greeted me. I was on my way outside to meet the ladies.
Everyone knew about me, and the atrocities that took place in the headquarters. I was sympathize everywhere I went, if I wasn't being hurled slurs by Kris's friends. Professors were all amazed to still see me attending, but they all knew how incredibly strong headed I was and never gives up!
Before going outside, I turned around to look for a nearby restroom. Silently I walked down the crowded, noisy, and very tall halls filled of beings coming from every direction.
My head lowers upon habit as I make my way to the brown wooden doors of the bathroom just a feet away.
Suddenly, I get a weird feeling in my body.
My hairs stand tall all over and a shiver runs down my spine.
I lift my head and my eyes go terrifyingly wide.
All my belongings drop and I gasp whil running towards the bathroom door when a yelp of fear escapes out of my mouth.
The voice boomed through the hall, sounding mighty and ferocious with eyes wide in shock. Beings passing by only glances at the everyday chaos around here.
He wasn't expecting to see me attending The Academy still!
I continues my sprint to the door as the perpetrator sprints his way towards me as well. I reach the door first, turning the knob, and praying no one was inside for it to be locked.
The door pushes open and with a rapidly beating heart, I manage to close the doors quickly and lock it behind me in the brightly lit room. I run to the corner of the bathroom near the toilet and curl up crying hysterically in fear.
"Why did he looked so shocked? Has he come to finish me off?" I think to myself.
The door swings open after the perpetrator whispers a magic spell.
I yell with my hands shielding my face as I'm pressed helplessly against the walls of the bathroom
The perpetrator eyes me over with much anger and hatred, but seeing me cower in fear moved him suddenly, and his eyes softened.
Kris Tang
"She's so scared..." I thought to myself.
This sight angered me more.
"Stand up!
Right now!"
I demanded with tightened lips and my eyebrows pulled down.
I look over her frail body, with short curly hair that barely even touched her shoulders and deep bags under her eyes, making her face look much older than she appeared. There was no time to feel sorry anymore.
She slowly stands up, clutching onto her midsection and looking at the grey tiles covering the floors. I noticed she couldn't even spear me a glance.
"I'm here to report something!"
Hunnie couldn't control her rapid heart, she was disturbed. She didn't want to look up at me to see the final moments that I might have returned to take from her, but her eyes struggled to look away. There was no way she could fight the bond like I can right now.
I could sense how much she craved to be embraced by me again.
She was speechless as she stood there shaking and waiting for my statement. I'm sure it wasn't what she was expecting.
A gasp slips her lips unintentionally.
"Was Bahm back?" Her eyes finally meet mine, staring into them easily with anticipation.
I shake my head no, and she clutches her heart again.
"What is it?" She whispers carefully.
The words trembled out of the deepest parts of her body. Her eyes lock onto my expressionless brown eyes. I immediately look away when they stare for too long.
"It is, about Bahm...
He's back."
All the hairs on Hunnie's body dances around in excitement as a smile starts to form on her face.
"I've missed him so much!"
"Wh-Where is...he?"
She stutters, I can feel her eyes begging me to look at her again.
"Yes... he is,
but I'm sorry Hunnie...
You aren't allowed to be with him anymore."