Are We Really Happy
Hunnie Inzotta
Having attended morning lectures and advance potion mixing classes with the ladies before we all split up for lunch, I entered into my brown, torn, and raggedy old spell bag, chugging a shot of Witchy Espresso and taking a cloth filled with rosemary to inhale the scent for energy. Then I finally opened a portal into the kitchen of my house.
You would think I'd have enough energy to open a measly portal to my house, but weirdly I've been over sleeping, so I'm usually pretty exhausted by the late evening!
It wouldn't help that I have no structure, nor schedule, nor awareness of time, only attending the academy on some days and staying home. Then I say my prayers daily that might reach my mate's ears. I only wished time would move faster so I could see him again...
"Hi ladies, hope is the sun is feeding you well." I began speaking to my basil plants lining my kitchen windows.
When arriving home, my clammy hands stuck onto the refrigerator doors once I swung it open, there wasn't much for me to eat anyways. A bunch of cilantro, a box of eggs, water bottles and many other homegrown vegetables I planted, but this wasn't what my stomach growled for. Something hot and spicy, so a quick walk to the corner store to buy a few bags of soup, and some sweets I should stock up on, was the way to go right now.
It was pretty hot outside, so I was sluggishly changed into a long nude skirt, a pair of white sneakers, and a short white t-shirt to accommodate the change in season.
After grabbing just my cellphone wallet before heading out, I lowered my head as I take a step out and lock the doors behind me, finally replaying my encounter with Kris I had in the past two days.
"How could he be so harsh and cruel to me!" I moped out loud, kicking the laundry in my living room about.
I felt so miserable and lonely because of him. I wished we didn't go out the way we did in the Kingdom of Ghabaàr.
I truly blamed everything on myself, assuming everything that happened to me from here on out, was my fault.
I shouldn't even be upset at Kris. He's only doing what's he thinks is right for Bahm.
I supposed.
Does this mean I can't have Kris either?
How could this be?
No one has rejected each other, so why can't I continue to be with at least one of them while we work out the tragic mess I had made?
Despite the trauma, I CAN go through it with them together!
I will, if they let me...
I spun around as I walked onto the crosswalk to see my old neighbor across the way.
"Good afternoon Coly!" I look up to the married man, shooting him a quick graceful smile while wiping my tears.
"It's beautiful out!
Go to the beach today." The man smiles and I wave before wiping my eyes again and nodding to his statement.
I continued the walk down the sidewalk, strands of my short curly hair blowing softly in every direction as my mind traveled someplace far. My legs directed the walk but my thoughts were all over the place.
Far to a time where I felt I had taken everything for granted. Wandered either father to place where I didn't have to make the right decisions, they were made for me...
"Why did I have such high expectations?
He was my mate, I'm sure we could of figured out the whole Azalea thing..."
I question myself out loud when I starts to pass humans mowing their green lawns, greeting their children off busses and enjoying the small pools outside in their yards.
Will Bahm really be attending The Academy today?
How could they do this to me?
"What do I do even do when I see him?
What will he do when he sees me?" I sob unexpectedly as the corner of my eyes take in the cars driving to my side on the road.
A car speeds by, a lot faster than the others and I jump abruptly, covering my mouth when the driver swerves out of the right lane and quickly over to the left nearly striking another vehicle!
What, did they think they were going to hit me? They couldn't have, I was on the sidewalk!
My eyes take in the erratic black car as it speeds and weaves out of traffic.
"What a nice car," I thought to myself. Shame for it to crash if they didn't drive appropriately.
Minutes later I walked into the corner store, grabbing everything I came for, and more and made my way back home.
While listening to The Witchy World News radio, I cooked a duck flavored noodles, minced cilantro with a hard boiled egg and seasoned it especially spicy!
My belly was happily dancing.
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Kris Tang ☾
Just a few blocks away, I was being scolded by both Bahm and Lydia when our car pulled into the beach parking lot. I couldn't believe HUNNIE WAS RIGHT THERE!
I was only rolling my eyes, informing them both that I thought saw someone walking into the road and how it was a mistake, but they assumed it was from the drinks I had already.
Overwhelming fear of Hunnie being exposed took over my body as I tried to get Bahm's attention off the road. He was looking directly in the direction she was walking in.
She looked better in tighter clothes, showing off her curves that were slightly still there.
"Are you sure you are alright?" Bahm leans his head under the trunk and asked me when Lydia began retrieving beach towels from the car, placing them on a spot in the sand.
"Yeah man, I really did thought I saw something. Don't worry about it." I hid my feelings efficiently so Bahm couldn't begin to read my emotions.
"You could of really hurt Lydia,Kris. She doesn't heal like we do."
"Gosh Bahm...
It was an accident. Lydia would of been fine anyways...she has you." I look him deadly in the eye, masking the animosity I had towards her.
"I'm just making sure.
Ever since we arrived to the city, you've been a bit on edge a bit. It's affecting me too." Bahm says. My body stills, expecting him to say he's onto me.
I really thought I was hiding my emotions very well since we arrived. I even turned my yearning for Hunnie, into rage for putting Bahm in a state where he can't even recall who I was!
I simply tell Bahm, "I have a lot of history here," and look off into the distance at the ocean and we both make our way to the towels Lydia laid down.
"Unforgettable... history?" Bahm questions, shaking his head at my statement, really trying to understand me, the one who was mostly affected in all of this.
A half smile lines my face. I hated tricking him, it made me very ill, but I was mostly impressed with his inability to having any sense of deceit from me.
I throw my arms over his shoulders. He flinches slightly, as he's still trying to cope with this close relationship to me when he was very much over 1500 years older than I. It still wasn't registering. Not something he was used to from the opposite sex.
"It's nothing I can't handle."
I say and Bahm embraces me back into a friendly hug.
All three of us lay out on our towels, eating cool fruits and then enter into the ocean, cooling off from laying out under the hot sun's rays. I continued to hide my real feelings, emotions, and thoughts about being in the city like a walking robot. Nothing really mattered beside enjoying my King's happy moments, and the moments he could remain sane.