Madame Theresa left immediately she was done, and again.. I'm alone in the house, bored and doing nothing.
I perambulated around, looked at the window as if I was waiting for someone.
I also thought of my Dad and how to contact him because I was already missing him. Why do I feel like he is not safe whenever I'm not around. Probably because we have lived together for so long.
I miss Janet too, whenever I'm bored like this, she is always there for me.
I just wanna talk to someone right now and stop feeling like I'm caged.
Wait, Is it just me? Whenever I'm bored and lonely, I think of bad things that might or have happened to me.
I shook my head before a bad incident will niggle into my head especially the condition I am right now..(Married to an old billionaire)
I forced myself to think of something exciting, fun and I also tried to look forward to a good future.. wishing it's as easy as I just planned it in my head.
"I'll just go swim to cool down my head" I said to myself and stood up from the couch and headed to the door.
I'm a pretty good swimmer, thanks to Janet... she has forced me to outings and picnics with her and also indoor pool party at her place when her parents are away.
I opened the door only to see Helen standing right in front of me.
"I was just about to knock on the door or did you see me coming" She said and I shook my head..
"Ohh... it was coincident!" I let her in.
"I'm sorry I came here late" She apologised..
"Uhnn.. sorry? What do you mean you are sorry?" I asked her.
I thought she said she only come here whenever any one of them put a call to her.
"Mr Maya just called me now. He said you do not have my contact which I'm gonna give to you before I leave. And there's no way you can reach me to prepare you breakfast. Now it's almost lunch.. I'm so sorry" She explained walking to the kitchen already.
"I have already eaten.. I cooked myself. You don't have to worry about me Helen.. I can take very good care of myself" I told her.
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yeah, sure. What about Robert? Did you give him something to eat?"
"Urrh Robert, I didn't"
"As far as he lives here, he is part of the family. I served him dinner yesterday. Oh I didn't let you know about it" She said.
"Oh My God, he didn't say anything.. He must have starved..." I panicked.
"Well he is a guy and he usually sorts himself out when I'm absent"
"I didn't sort myself out this time around" Robert came in, obviously he was eavesdropping.
"Oh Robert, I'm sorry" I apologised to him.
"Uh... I was only joking" He smiled in a jovial way.
"I actually got used to eating whenever Mr Maya's around" He said..
"I told you Eve" Helen said and I gave a small smile.. then it drawn to me that I rappoled with the two of them like we were friends.
"Has your cousin gone back to school?" Helen asked me.
"What? What cousin are you talking about?" I asked her, I've totally forgotten that I lied to her that Liam is my cousin... I mean, I know I lied but about being Liam's cousin is what I didn't remember telling her.
"Liam, she is talking about Liam!" Robert reminded me.
"Oh Liam!" I almost stuttered and she looked at me with a puzzle look.
I looked at Robert, puzzled too, I mean how did he even know Helen was referring to Liam?
Robert is acting strange too.
"Is Liam really your cousin? It doesn't look it " Helen asked me as folded her hands she came closer to me.
"Errr....." I stuttered..
"Yes, Liam is her cousin" Robert said.
"Why are the two of you lying to me? It's scribbled boldly on Eve's face that Liam is not her cousin neither is she related to the family" Helen said..
"Okay, no you are right, Liam is not her cousin. Eve just go heard and tell her who you really are" I looked at Robert.
So he knows who really I am.
"I don't think we would ever be good friends.. You are being so secretive and a liar already!" Helen fired at me.
"Who are you? What are doing here? A worker or what? Just say it?" She quaried.. not being respectful or nice to me the way she was yesterday and earlier when she just came in..
"I... I... am..." I stammared.
"I swear Helen, I didn't mean to lie to you yesterday. I also want to be your friend but..." She interrupted me.
"Just tell me already.. I might have a reason why I really wanna know what you are doing here?" She said.. reducing her voice and being calm with me now.
"I.... I am Mr Maya's wife" I finally confessed.
"She is Mr Maya's Wife" Robert said at the same time with me..
Eve's POV
"I.... I am Mr Maya's wife" I finally confessed to Helen.
"She is Mr Maya's Wife" Robert said at the same time.
"What?" Helen exclaimed.
"What do you mean you are Mr Maya's wife?" She asked me.
"Using the word 'wife' sounds more better than saying his 's*x toy" I said.
"I married him because his wealth would improve a whole lot of things in my miserable life but it turns out we are actually not getting married in the proper way" I briefly explained to her.
"You see Eve, even a proper marriage with him is still very wrong" Robert said.
"I know right" I said and sniffed.
I'm really not gonna shed tears again, I'm tired of that.
"What are you talking about Eve? Explain to me right away, Robert!" Helen questioned in a confused way.
I wish I could just tell her that what I just said now is a Joke but no, it's not.
"Mr Maya asked for her hand in marriage and she reluctantly agreed because he was wealthy and he promise to take good care of her. She needed money for her Dad's treatment and also to further her education. On getting here, she finds out that she is not getting wedded to him like he initially proposed. The marriage and wife stuff was only a title.. the main reason Mr Maya brought her here is to satisfy his s*xual urges" Robert explained to Helen..
I glared at him while he rushed the words and immediately he was done.. I asked him..
"Robert how did you know? Did Mr Maya inform you about his wicked play before he brought me here"
"No, no. Well I overheard your conversation with Liam this morning, I'm sorry" Robert said and I sighed.. and looked at Helen.
"That's it. I know it's hard to believe... But I'm not gonna cry over it again, neither would I start regretting my actions. I have made up my mind" I said and went to sit on an arm chair..
"And I'm sorry I lied to you that Liam and I are cousin... I couldn't bring myself to tell you the truth, the moment you asked who I was and why I was here" I added but she didn't say anything.. Instead she stared at me as if my words irritated her.
I was pretending to be an hard girl and as if I really do not care anymore but before I knew it, tears began to roll down my cheeks again.
"No, no" I muttered, wiping them off and sniffing at the same time but the tears came back again.
"I know you don't believe me Helen" I looked at her face when she didn't say anything.
"I believe you" She responded, came closer and sat on the couch right in front of me.
"You do? Are you not mad at me that I was not sincere with you from the onset?" I asked her.
"Uhn..uh" She shook her head.
"I believe you Eve, infact the first time I saw you.. okay, that was just yesterday.. what you just said you are to Mr Maya was exactly what came into my head" She said and I was puzzled.
"You knew right away that I was his wife?" I asked her.
"No. Not that. When I saw you yesterday; I suspected right away that you were either Liam's girlfriend or Mr Maya s3x slave" Helen said and my eyes widened and I looked at her face.
"How do you know that Mr Maya would have a s3x slave or young girl like me as his..."
To Be Continued