"Have you had s3x with Mr Maya?" She asked me and suddenly coughed out because I wasn't expecting that question from her... yet.

"I.. errm... No" I doubt if she heard that because her phone rang, interrupting me.

"It's Mr Maya" She whispered to us then picked up the call and said;" Hello" into it.

"Oh.. Okay sir. I will do just that" She said and with that, she dropped her phone, stood up again like she got something to do.

"Mr Maya said he would leave his office very soon and he is heading straight home"

"He is coming home straight uh, that's unusual" Robert remarked..

"I need to get his meal ready and get out of here before he gets here. I have no course to stay long here when he is around" Helen said and left the living room...went into the kitchen.

"I'll join you in a jiffy" I hollered.

"Guys, please be real quick with the cooking. I can't hide it anymore.. I'm starving" Robert confessed, stressing the last word "starving".

I snickered but said sorry to him.

"Uhm, you know Eve, It's so nice to have this lengthy conversation with you and Helen. I would be at my place now" He said heading towards the door.

"Where do you stay Robert? I know you don't sleep inside this mansion" That's because I observed.

"Yeah, there is smaller building attached to this one behind. That's where I stay" He said and I remembered that I came across such building.

"Oh that building. You stay there all alone?" I asked him.

"Of course yes; me, myself and I" He said and I chuckled..

I watched him leave the house.

Just then, it drawn to me that I now have two friends already; Helen and Robert were all I wanted in this predicament I've already found myself into.

I remembered how I shedded tears some minutes ago but I didn't know when I stopped crying or how my wet cheeks dried up. Their presence did the magic.

Helen seemed to be free around me, she even opened up her darkest predicament to me, I should do the same too ... Else, she would be mad at me, and who knows, might be forever.

Eve's POV

Mr Maya arrived home, immediately after Helen has left, I did the serving myself and pretended to be happy with him like I planned to yet, every damn glances at him, reminds me of what Helen and Robert told me about him.

I took another seat in front of him and watched him eat as if I was his wife. Oh I am..

"Aren't you hungry?" He asked me..as if he is one caring husband. He's not, he's a s*x maniac.

"I've had some just before you arrived" I replied with a smile.

"Good then. I have a good news for you baby girl" He said.

"Hmmn?" I hummed.

"What is it?"

"Will you give me some time to finish up with this?" He said referring to his meal. I nodded fondling with my fingers.

What good news is it? I wondered.

What kind of news could he say to me that would make me happy or make me fall in love with him instantly; eww nothing at all because that's not even possible.

"I can't believe we are getting close right now. The way you now look at me, the frequent way you smile at me.. also what you did this morning shows you have accepted me into your life to be your husband. And now that my son is not around and there's no one to interrupt us, I would really love to see if we could have something special between us, I mean intimacy. Do you understand?" He said and I faked a giggle whereas, deep down I was wishing he could choke and die that moment.

"Yes" I nodded.

He ate with his right hand and held my hand with his other hand.. I pretended to be cool with it. I continued to watch him eat in hurry.

In no time, he was done... I cleared his plates and trays like a good housewife and also serve him some juice which he demanded for.

"I'll be in my room now" I told him.

"No dear, you aren't going to your room or not just yet" He said after drinking the juice at once.

"Why?" I questioned him.

"Have you forgotten about what I told you that I got for you?" He said.

"You got me something?.. Oh wow.. is that the good news?"

"Oh yes it is" He said.

"The good news is that I got you something I know you'ld love" He smiled..

"Okay?" He came closer and my heart raced.

There wasn't any space between us anymore and I wondered what he was about doing to me. Or is he gonna force me to his bed before telling me what he has got for me.

Ew what sort of father is this?

"Mr Maya" I blurted driving away his naughty intention to get his attention... Then I quickily moved away from him in a funny but stylish way as if I'm not running away from his naughty intentions. But I guess he knew that I know that he was horny again, he smiled foolishly and cleared his throat.

Ah! He is indeed a Maniac.

"What do you have for me? Let's talk about that first before anything else" I suggested quickily before he would bring up his own suggestion...which I know that it would not be the same with mine.

"Oh right.." He said rubbing his face then he carried his briefcase which was still on the couch.. he hasn't left the living room for his room since he arrived.

I watched him unzipped the case, his files and some papers were neatly arranged in it. He brought out the papers and checked them one by one .... He sorted out the green one, strained his eyes while glancing through what was written on the paper, then he smiled again as he brought out a pen.

"Here it is, have it and sign in the space below" He handed the pen and paper over to me.. I slowly collected it from him and signed before I even cared to know what was written in the paper.

"What paper is this?" I asked him as I read the headings.

"An approved appointment letter to you" He replied..

I couldn't believe my eyes and ears, I quickily scanned through the paper and found my full name written there with his surname too... but I cared less about that though.. I was very happy that I almost jumped on him.

"You are now employed to work in my company as the Billionaire's managing director" He announced.

Yeah I saw that already and the salary too.. it's pretty huge.

"Th... Thank you Mr Maya" I appreciated.

"Am I getting just a thank you?" He asked me and I shrugged first before smiling... I hesitated before moving closer to him to give him a hug.

It was supposed to be a simple hug but he held me tight, indirectly caressing me again but I pulled my body away from him and gave a funny - weird smile.

"But how did you do this Mr Maya? How did you get me a Job?" I asked him.

"Seriously Eve, there we go again. When would you stop calling me Mr Maya, you are making me feel like an elderly man" He complained.

"Oh sorry big baby" I sacarstic said to him but in my mind; I said 'You are an elder ma fool'

This man has a very high temper.. I just need to be careful and pretend to please him.

"Big baby" He scoffed.

"Is that the latest sweet names married couple call themselves?" He asked and I nodded.

He has this old man mentality, he must be from the past.

"No sweetie, I can tell that you are lying to me You know what, Just call me by my name Maya since you are still not comfortable with me but I can seen you are learning faster" He said sweeping my hair with his palm.

"So Mr Maya...sorry big baby.. oops!" I sighed and resumed again.

"Okay Maya,how did you get me this Job? I do not even have a college certificate.. you didn't even ask for any of my forms, document, details or anything. You didn't even give me a form to fill or tell me to write a letter, just anything at all.." I questioned, still verymuch surprised.

"Eve... Oh first, I promised to get you a business... So this is. besides, have you forgotten? I am self employed and I want you to work in one of my companies. You don't need to go for interviews or fill forms, send appointment letters. I'm giving you a job just like that because I am your husband" He emphasized.

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