I'm fine
I’m fine.
I’m blowing things out of proportion.
I’m fine.
I’m being a little dramatic because of what happened this morning. I start making up excuses about what happened until I start to feel better.
I finish up my homework due tomorrow. When the bell rings I pack up my stuff and walk to my locker. I put my stuff into my locker. It’s easier when I leave my stuff here overnight. That way, Greg can’t rip it up or I don’t forget it if I have to rush out like this morning. I’ve completed what I need to turn in tomorrow so I’m good. I stuff my bag into the locker and pull my hoodie on before closing it.
“Amia,” a voice called out behind me.
Turning, I find a stoic Levi staring at me. I can’t recall the last time he called my name. Other than that night… I don’t think he’s talked to me in years. I fight the urge to look down his body and blatantly check him out.
“Oh… hey, Levi? What’s up?” I asked. I’m confused as to why he’s talking to me. This is weird and awkward. Yeah, just keep staring at me without a word. That helps. It makes a lot of sense. I scan our surroundings and when I confirm no one is looking our way I give my attention back to him.
“Are you okay?” Levi asked. His voice was low and void of emotion. I wasn’t sure what was bringing this on. He’s spoken to me twice in one day.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked.
“I saw what happened,” Levi said.
“When? With what?” I asked. My cheeks flushed with the idea of him seeing me, of him seeing what I let happen.
“Dylan, Ami, Dylan,” Levi said.
“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about Levi.”
“Ami.” He said my name like he’d been saying it for years. He said it like it wasn’t his fault we were estranged. It rolled off of his tongue as if it belonged there. He called to me with that stupid nickname and the wall guarding my heart wanted to crumble.
“Don’t,” I whisper.
I close my eyes and shook my head as I willed the tears away. I thought of everything that made me angry. I didn’t want to be sad and I didn’t want to be emotional here. I didn’t want to be emotional at all.
“You don’t get to do this, Levi.”
He took a step toward me and I fought the urge to take a step back. I won’t show any more weaknesses in front of him. Weakness and comfort are things I can’t afford. I won’t bare myself for him or anyone else ever again.
Who the hell did he think was?
“You slammed into the wall. That had to fucking hurt,” he said quietly. He took a step toward me. “You don’t have your wolf yet, right? Aren’t you hurt?” Worry etched into his features. I clenched my jaw and gave nothing away.
“I’m fine.”
“You hit the wall hard. You’re not superwoman… you might have a concussion.” He reached out for me and my eyes widened as I realized what he was going to do. He was trying to touch me. I take a step back.
“Don’t,” I breathe. “Not another step.”
“I feel…” he starts.
“Damn it, Levi! Don’t! We don’t have any ties to each other. You don’t get to do this. You don’t get touch me, you don’t get to pretend like we’re okay, and you don’t get to act all concerned. There’s no reason for you to say whatever it is you’re going to say and I have no reason to stand here and listen to you.”
A few heads turn and I lower my voice.
“We owe each other nothing. Go back to not talking to me and I’ll go back to not talking to you.”
Levi’s hand lowered before completely dropping to his side. His hands disappeared into his pockets as he shrugged.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Levi whispered. I shook my head with the absurdity of it is.
This is crazy.
“My boyfriend can worry about my well-being, my best friend, Liz, can worry about me. You are neither of those things,” I hissed. He continued to stare at me and I knew he wouldn’t give up without an answer. He flinched as my venom-filled words slashed at him. “I told you I’m fine,” I gritted out. “Goodbye.” I turned and walked away from him.
“Amia, wait,” Levi called out from behind me.
He grabbed my wrist and I yelped as pain shot up my hand. His eyes widened and dropped to my wrist. His eyebrows furrow in confusion. I watch as his other hand reaches out and ever so gently pushed my sleeve up. Horror melts into sadness before it’s replaced by anger when he saw the ugly black and blue ring around my wrist. I bit down on my lip and pulled my hand out of his grasp. I yanked my sleeve down and his eyes found mine.
“Amia, please tell me you aren’t going to let this slide.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I whisper.
“You can’t think that this is okay,” he said and pointed at my wrist.
“Mind your own business, Levi. This isn’t what you’re thinking.”
“You can’t be that stupid!” He yelled.
“I don’t know who you think you are, Levi, but you aren’t someone who gets to yell at me.”
“It isn’t what I think? Are you serious?! He threw you against a wall like you were a sack of potatoes! Like you were nothing! There’s a nasty bruise on you! What do you think this looks like, Ami?” Levi asked. A growl vibrated from his chest angrily.
“I don’t have time for this,” I murmur.
Levi towered over me, but I didn’t feel afraid. I just felt cornered. “If I took your top off would I find more?” He asked.
“You wouldn’t dare,” I seethed.
“Wouldn’t I? What if I went to your mom?” Levi pushed. I fought the urge to snort.
As if she cared.