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Reynold Flames is the Alpha Lycan king in Westland. He was known to be the most powerful in the world of werewolves.

Reynold was devilishly handsome, he had jet black curly hair that goes down to his shoulders. His eyes are sea green with thick long eyelashes which made him gets mistaken for a woman.

Alpha Reynold was very popular among the ladies, since he owned his magazine modeling company. He made most of the celebrities that are famous get to where they were.

Sadly, Reynold did not have a mate, no matter how many women he bedded, he still felt that emptiness of not having a mate. He had tried looking for her, but never got to find her.

At some point, he gave up the search and decided to drown his sadness in women and his modeling company.

Reynold never kept a woman by his side for long because he saw them as a bother who wants nothing than to be famous using his influence.

Not that he found anything wrong with them wanting to be famous, but he was a man who hated being used specially by a woman.

In as much as he was simple among the ladies, he was also a very hard knot to crack.

He was powerful than most of the Alpha's in other packs trembled whenever they heard of his name.

Reynold had only one sister, Aria.

Aria is fifteen years old, and she was the type of girl who stood up for what is right, just like her brother Reynold.

Alpha Reynold loved his sister so much that he gave her anything she requests for, no matter how silly her demands were. He was like her second parent, and so he took good care of her, just like their parents would have done if they were still alive.

Reynold had been leading his kingdom from a very tender age, ever since his father and the got attacked by an unknown Lycan.

Reynolds has been looking for his parents killers up to date, the little information he had gathered from those caught was that they were sent by a higher up.

Alpha Reynolds didn't get to extract the information about whom the real perpetrator was before they all committed suicide before his eyes.

Ever since then he had lost track and information about whom the real killer was, and Reynold had never given up the search because he made a vow to his parents that he would find their killers and take revenge, no matter who they are.

"My lord, do you really wish to visit the white snow pack?".

Reynold, who had been busy in his office, raised a brow at his royal beta Stanley.

"Any problems with that?".

"Not a concern to be precise, but I don't think we should trust Alpha Blake, I mean we don't know if he is in cohorts with the rogue Alpha close to his pack".

Reynold stopped the work he was engaged in and focused his attention on Stanley.

"You should know I do not just trust anyone Stanley, I ordered gamma Rivers and Delta Caleb to get the pack investigated thoroughly before our departure."

"I'm still waiting for a reply, put your mind to rest Stanley".

Stanley heaved a sigh of relief because his father had told him to protect the Lycan King with his life, after what happened to his parents.

Stanley's father was the former beta to the late king, and it still hurt him that he couldn't protect his Alpha and Luna, so when Stanley was made the beta to the present King, he had sworn to protect the king with his life.

They still couldn't find the real killers of the late leaders, so it was only natural for Stanley to get worried about his Alpha King.

Reynold's modeling company had bred so many famous models in the industry that his modeling company was known far and wide.

Every other modeling company wishes to partner with his Company in other to become famous and as Reynold was a Lycan greatly feared and respected, he didn't just accept to make deals with companies that are not up to his standards.

Some of these companies send him their best models to seduce him just to get a partnership contract, and he was getting tired of these relentless companies who keeps trying to make him sign them in.

Just then, a model sent from Herid modeling company walked in.

Reynold raised his head up to an overly dressed woman with makeup that made her look way too different from her original self.

Sometimes he wondered why these companies do not have the capabilities of grooming their models before sending them out to seduce someone like him.

She had been here last week, and just like the rest, he had given her exactly what she wanted right here in his office, seeing her here only meant she wanted same thing, but deep down he knew all this was just to sign a contract with his company.

"My Lord, may I pleasure you, so you could relax your nerves?".

Reynold gave her his devilish grin and gestured for her to come in.

She knelt down before him just like before, and he let her take off the belt to his pants.

She took out his massive length which made her eyes twinkle with excitement, and so she didn't waste time in getting him inside her mouth as sucked him off.

She gagged few times but continued sucking him off with pleasure.

Meanwhile, Reynold pulled his head backwards enjoying the feel of the models mouth on his hard length.

When it seemed that he didn't get enough of the pleasure, he pulled her head up against his length thereby making her swallow him whole.

She gagged again but did not stop sucking him until Reynold finally made and ecstatic release on her mouth which she swallowed with all pleasure.

"A good girl you are". Reynold said giving her a kiss on her forehead.

The model cleaned herself up and in excitement asked him when she would get to work in his company.

"Look, if you want to start working in my company, then you would have to go back to your company and get a proper grooming, and also tell them to reduce the amount of paint on your face, it's hideous".

Reynold said with utter disgust, and this made the model sad and embarrass, she just ran out of his office with her hands covering the tears that's probably making it's way out of her eyes.

This was Reynold's way of turning them down when these companies send their models over. He had rejected quite a few number of companies over the years.

If there's something he dislikes most about these companies, it is their knack of trying to seduce him with a beauty.

Sometimes he wished they would realize beauties don't make him Muddleheaded to the point of signing a contract.

He dealt with perfection, skills, and talents and not some seducing strategy.

Reynold knew those with talents and whenever he sees such talents, he doesn't waste much time to make them work for his company and most of these models opportune to be selected by him are always more than grateful to work for him.

Despite having to do his work, he also knows he has to look for his parent's killers because over the years, there have been attempted assassination for his life, but he pulled through them all.

He knows that whoever is trying to kill him is the one responsible for his parents death, and he has to find him at all costs, find out why he killed his parents and give him a peaceful death.

He heard the white snow pack had good tracers that could get you the hardest of information because they have talented tracers.

All he had to do was journey to southern America and find this Alpha.

The last time he visited that park was many years ago when he was still a little boy of 15 now he's 29 years, which meant he last visited white snow pack was 14 years ago.

He doesn't even have memory of the place anymore.

Fourteen years was a long time, so he really did not blame Stan when he asked him to be careful. By the way, his gamma and delta are on the case, so he would find out everything he needs to know soon.

Reynold drove into his brick built gigantic mansion to which a waterfall laid which was constructed at the center of the mansion giving it a more luxurious outlook, tall trees leading to a wild forest was found at the exterior to the mansion.

Lycan Alpha Reynold can be well described as the youngest Lycan Alpha with properties and companies scattered around the world.

"Welcome brother". Reynold's little sister Aria said aloud from the balcony. She looked delighted to see her brother because he rarely came home.

Reynold has a separate mansion built away from the pack house, this separately built mansion was built for his own personal activities.

He respects his wolf pack enough not to bring in those brunettes and red heads from his company.

Whatever shady activities he dealt in was done away from home.

Aria ran to her brother, giving him a big hug.

"Nice to see you, little pumpkin".

Aria gave Reynold a bright, beautiful smile, which made him remember how much she looked like their mom.

"Why are you alone today?". Reynold asked, seeing his sister all alone.

"My Sigma had to go see her mate who just came back from Canada".

Reynold raised a brow, Carol never told him about this, and he didn't like the fact that she didn't take permission from him before leaving the mansion.

"Don't be angry, brother, she told me about it and I gave her permission in your stead".

Reynold looked at his sister in shock, he can't believe his little sister is all grown up and giving permission to workers in his stead.

"I know you are all grown up now, but next time call me, before giving permissions next time okay?".

Aria nodded with a grin.

Reynold never allowed his sister to leave the house because he didn't want her to become a target to the enemy, knowing she's the most important person in his life.

He rather employed a home tutor for her, who he knew was qualified and trustworthy.

Carol was the best choice in this field. He found Carol at the Lycans Academy through the head principal who headed the school since the reign of his father.

He found Carol to be the best teacher among the few selected, and so he promised to pay her enough to take care of his sister's education, but all she had to do was stay in the pack's mansion.

Carol agreed after careful consideration with her mate Patrick.

Patrick worked in one of his modeling branch as a manager.

Though it was his fault this time not to inform Carol about her husband coming to town, but still, she should have called him about her leaving the mansion.

He can't trust anyone completely despite how clean of a record they have, mostly when it comes to his sister.

He had to offer her the best protection he can to keep her safe at all time.

"Brother, when will you bring your mate home?, I'm bored, and I need someone to take me out once in a while."

Aria made a sad and pouty face, and it made him weak.

How was he to make his sister understand that he might not get to find a mate in this life?.

He understood how lonely she was but then, he can't just marry any woman, if he were to be married someday, it will be to a woman he really trusts and finding such woman is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

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