5. Being Friends


"Uhmm...so you are saying you are in school already and will like to see me soon?"

"Yes please, when you are less busy. You remember our last conversation right?" His deep voice boomed from the other end of the phone. Gosh! He sure wouldn't give up. I looked down at Tania's hair I was dressing. She sat down facing the mirror while I have her hair stretched and trimmed.

"Jade, I guess you know my answer already. Don't you?"

"Of course not. I wouldn't, except you tell me. That's why I'm asking us to meet soon when you are chanced. If that's fine with you." He replied

"Okay, will let you know when I'm free. But Jade, please you gotta accept any decision I make on this issue." I said matter of factly.

"Elle, why are you sounding like this? I trust your decision would be in my favour. Will talk to you later." He said

"Alright then." He ended the call.

"Jeez!" I exclaimed. Tania smiled.

"Jade again." She said

"Yeah, Jade AGAIN!" I emphasized.

I looked at Cilia. She was lying on the couch busy with her phone.

Yeah, we have a couch. Our dorm isn't just any common dormitory. It's specifically for the rich and affluent which demands we are comfortable at all times, and well equipped.

Cilia haven't said a word for sometime now. That's strange, she's usually cheerful at all times. Something must be troubling her.

"Elle don't you think we should begin practicing for our next dance video? Our fans are seriously waiting for updates of the crew." Tania said.

That's right. There are some things you don't know about us but will get to know later, trust me.

The dance members consists of just three of us and the crew's name is Dazzling Stars Dance. It's something we've been doing since we were 16. Our parents are solidly in support of us in every area. We upload our videos on Social media and we also have them on other channels too.

The Dazzling Stars Dancers, is thankfully among the list of best dancing crews in America. We have been awarded medals several times because of our talents.

"Yes girl, we would but let's finish up your hair first." I said as I continued my work.

"It's a good thing the school authorities postponed academic activities to the coming week." Tania said


"Lia are you alright?" Tania suddenly asked.

"I was about asking that question myself. You've not said a word all along. Is everything alright?" I stopped my work and we moved over to her side. She stood up and sat down properly so we could sit with her on the couch.

She looked up at us with a worried expression on her face.

"Tell us what's wrong girlfriend." Tania coaxed.

"Remember we are always here for you." I added. She managed to smile.

"It's Eddie. He's been acting all strange lately. He doesn't call or text like he used to when we first met. Even when I try to call or text him, he's always having an excuse to give me and always end up my calls before I even get to say a thing. I don't know what's wrong..." I placed a hand on her lap reassuringly.

"How have I offended him? Someone told me she's been seeing him with some girl since the holidays. He's cheating again."

"Relax Lia you are gonna be alright. Remember your resolution, best." Tania reminded.

The resolution was something Cilia made up for herself when her ex boyfriend broke her heart. It's a promise she made to herself that no guy will break up with her again. She herself is gonna say the Word 'Its over' instead of a guy. Eddie is the third guy she's ever dated and she really loves him. He's been caught cheating several times already. He had apologized and she'd forgiven him countless times.

I'm not gonna allow her do that again.

"Lia, have you confirmed that accusation on Eddie?" I asked.

"Yes, I did check it out and it was real. I even tried to ask him about it and surprisingly he didn't made any effort to deny it. You know the worst part? He said we need to talk." She explained tearily.

"Oh my gosh! That's so deep." Tania exclaimed.

"What have I done to guys that they treat me like this? Why is this happening to me?" She cried.

"Girlfriend, remember the resolution. And remember, no guy can make you cry again. You are tougher and stronger than that now. Okay? Don't worry we are always here for you." I comforted her.

"Are you saying when I meet him I should be the one to say "It's over" not him?" She asked

"Yes dear. Text him now and tell him you also wanted to talk to him. Don't let him know you are affected by this. Don't show it to him. I trust you girlfriend, you can pull through this. Make him know you are also fed up with the relationship. And when he tries to say the word, outsmart him and say it first." Tania advised.

"I agree with Tania. This is what you should do. The resolution must hold this time." I encouraged her. She smiled gratefully and hugged us.

"Thanks girlfriends. You guys are the best. I will text him right away"

"Anytime dear." I smiled.

"We always got you hun. Now get to work and treat that dude's fuckup." Tania coaxed. She laughed

"Sure thing." Cilia smiled.

"Now Tania let's finish your hair. Girls, remember we have practice later on."

"Yup! Come finish my hair first." Tania said excitedly.

Some minutes later, I was done with Tania's hair. Lia already sent the message to Eddie. She looked much more relaxed and more of her normal self now.

"Oh my gosh!" she squeeled excitedly "You guys aren't gonna believe this!" She said jumping up excitedly. Tania looked at me then at her.

"What's up?" she asked

"What are we not gonna believe?"I added.

"The idols are here. I just saw it on Campus Gist at IG. As we speak now, the idols are freaking here in this Campus as students. I can't wait to see them!" She squealed.

"Are you for real?" Tania said and to my amazement she joined in the jubilation as they both jumped up and down the room in sheer happiness.

"What idols?" I asked

"Daniel, Jay and Roe. Famous, handsome and awesomely hot American idols are here." She explained joyfully. In my ears, what she said sounded like a rhyme. I smiled as I watch her.

My best girl is back.

"Let's take a look" I said. She gave the phone over to us. I couldn't help but agree with her when I saw the photos of them.

They were extremely gorgeous and beautiful looking. But I wasn't as thrilled as my friends were with the news.

I'm sure Daniel Roberts had insisted on coming to Royal Empire with his friends. Don't know what made me think so but I'm just sure. There must be a reason for leaving America's Best University to attend The third best University.

I don't really know why I feel this way but I'm sure time will tell.

I smiled at my friends.

"They are cute." I said

"Totally adorable!"

"Hot as fuck!"

They both gushed and I couldn't help but smile. All is great, as long as they're happy.

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