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Chapter 2) Devil's Teenage Love


Today I married to her . Yes I married to the love of my life .. Piyali Rai is now my wife . Wife of Dr. Piyush Khanna

Piyali Piyush Khanna !! ,, This new feeling and her new name send me a tingling sensation to all over my body.

She did not wanted to marry me but Mayank mades her understand the situation that she needs to marry someone before showing her bump , before her family knows and try to harm her. Then why not marry to the best friend who knew her very well . I know how hard and her family Is . If Her family will comes to know about her pregnancy they will surely kill her , her baby and that man too . And thanks to God that She understood his words and At last she agreed . We went to court and signed the marriage certificate .

She didn't even look at me the whole time and that hurted me a lot .

I just wanted to protect her from her family and the cruel Society.

She was crying and continuously crying . I wanted to hold her in my arms and consoles her but I did not want her to think that I was taking advantage of her.

She love YUVRAAJ ! and here she got married to one of her best friend.

I felt bad for her but it was best for her and also for the baby .

Baby !! I get attach to the baby When the very first time I heard the low sound of heartbeats of the baby , I instantly felt a unconditional love , unbreakable bond with the baby .

I'm going to love this baby as mine ...

My baby !!

Piyush Khanna !!

19 years boy was again reading the journey of his father . His father is no more in this world but always with him .

He controlled his emotions again to stopped the tears . He closed his eyes and again said in his mind

Neil POV :-

Dad ! I swear I'll chase him and kill him !! ...

I never shed a single tear for you and I'll never Because You are living in my heart , my mind and in my every thought. This heart is only belongs to you and I can't share with anyone not even with my girlfriend ..

My Girlfriend !!

Avni Raj !!

I'm with her from two years. yes , It's been one year of our relationship . I love my Avu so much and she loves me back with the same passion . She makes me crazy for her and I'll never ever leave her ... ,, Neil thought and again started to read a new page of his father's journal then suddenly a girl came and hug him.

He turned around and saw his love was looking at him with blue striking eyes . He smiled and pulled her towards his chest and captured her lips in a sweet passionate kiss.

Girl smile and said I love you baby ...

I love You too Baby !! ... ,, He said and hold her firmly ...

Neil ! Why are you always reading this book ... ,, she saw journal book in his hands again and asked him

It's my life Baby that's why !! .. ,, he replied and put the journal book back into his Backpack

But I am with you and you are busy with this book .. ,, She pouted and played with his shirt's button .

He rubbed her cheeks with his back of hands and stared into her ocean blue eyes which hold affection for him

She again said ... ,, My boyfriend loves his Book more than his girlfriend ... ,,she wiped her fake tears

Avu !! It's true that I love my book more than anything in the entire world .. ,, Neil words were true because he cares about his family and including his friends .

(You know them already)

Oh really then Let's get break up ... ,, She casually said and He fisted her hairs and she yelped in pain .

Don't you ever utter these words ... ,, He gritted his teeth and loosen his grip on her hairs and held her waist tightly

Her Blue eyes were looking deep into his Hazel eyes .

She was afraid of his reaction when he will get to know about her real intentions but she controlled her hammering heart and asked stutteredly

"What would you do when I'll disappear from your life" ... ,, She badly wanted to know his answer

"I'll chase you , search you , find you , capture you , torture you and at last ill kill you " ... ,, Neil said and his eyes were red as burning fire .

That girl trembled at his words ...

She feared of him and his dangerous aura . She knows that she was playing with fire and this fire will only burn her but she was not that naive . She made a perfect plan to escape from him

From the Devil

From his boyfriend

Neil Khanna !!

She gulped down and kissed his lips. His hungry desires were awaken by her moves . He kissed her roughly and hardly mades bruises on her lips .



Neil are you going back to your Brother ? ... ,, Avni asked

And he nodded ..

Yes Avu ! He is my family and I can't live without my family ... ,, He said

But he don't like me and feelings are mutual ... ,, Avni said and looked down

I know that you both have some issues and I can't help you with him . I Love him more than you baby ... ,, He chin up her face and said

He kissed her forehead lovingly and said ... ,, We will meet next week baby .

And left her alone and went back to his brothers .

Girl was clenching unclenching her fist and flared Up ..



Arjun was waiting for Neil to come back from that girl . For some reasons , Arjun didn't like Avni and Avni knew this very well .. Arjun warned Neil few times but when Arjun saw how much Neil was deeply in love with her , he shut his mouth and completely ignored her existence .

You came back ... ,, Arjun asked

Yeah !! .. ,, Neil replied

Good !! .. ,, Arjun said

Jun ! I know that you don't like My Avni but I madly love her ... ,, Neil said

I know Neil that's why I am tolerating her existence in our family .. ,, Arjun said

Jun !! I love you more than her but I also don't want you to disrespect her . She is my love , My Ruling Star ... ,, Neil replied

Neil !! I'm sorry if my words hurts you but your Ruling Star mades me to think about how to protect you from her .... ,,

Hahaha !! Jun she is a fragile woman and 100% pure ... ,, Neil said

Okay ! We will see but remember one thing what Piyush Uncle and Dad always said that " Choose our lady wisely , because they represent Us " ... ,, Arjun said and went to attend his classes

Neil sighed and closed his eyes...

He remembered his father and Uncles words .. They always taught them how to stay safe from the world's Cruelity .

But I love her damn much that it's even hurts to think about leaving her and Arjun you are my everything . My brother , my family and I don't want to go against your words ... ,, Neil said in his low voice



After one month :-

Baby !! .. ,, Avni came running towards him and jumped into his arms

Hey Avu !! ... ,, Neil embraces her in his arms and hold her body tightly

Why are you so happy today huh What's the Matter ? ... ,, Neil asked

I got selected in "World Fashion Competition" in Paris . They sent me an offer to join them inthe next session workshop ... ,, She smiled and he felt happy for her

But suddenly her face was turned sour ...

Neil watched and asked her " what's wrong baby "

Nothing !! ... ,, She whispered

Tell me ! I'm your boyfriend baby so don't hide anything from me ... ,, Neil said

I need to go there immediately ... ,, Her voice was merely a whisper

When ? .. ,, he asked

In a week ... ,, She said and looked at him

Then go ... ,, He genuinely said

No baby !! I won't ... ,, She said and tears welled up in her eyes

Baby ! Go and follow your dreams and I'll follow you around ... ,, He happily said to her and claimed her lips

I love You Avi !! My butterfly !! ... ,, He said

I love you too !! My Sky !! ... ,, She replied




Neil and his girlfriend Avni is madly in love with each other then what's the role of Aashmaan ??

Thank you

ShineeSunshine ❤️

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