TITLE: Doomed
Octavia POV
Ever since mother Lia suggested that I go out at night and have fun, my life has changed from worst to a more comfortable one. I always go out every night for fresh air, and at times, I use the opportunity to free my wolf, and let it take over me.
Going out of the house is very fun, even if it's not in the daylight. At least, I know what the pack look like. Too bad I can't see the beauty of it.
"You have to please be careful my child, don't put yourself in trouble, and make sure you come home early enough, don't go too far in the woods, we have enemies alot, and I wouldn't want one of them, hurting you. Please be safe for me, ok?" Mother said worriedly.
"You've said that like a million times now mother, and I always told you that I'll do just that, can you please stop getting worried over nothing?" I sighed frustratingly, crossing my arms on my chest.
"I know I've said that alot, but I still have to tell you, so you won't forget..."
"Ok mom, I've heard you now, so can I go now?" I rolled my eyes at her.
"Yes, but remember..."
"Not to go close to the palace to avoid getting myself into a big mess." I helped her complete her statement.
"Good girl. Now take care, ok?" She cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead, before pulling me into her warm arms.
"I'll he fine mom." I said after pulling away from the hug, and with that, I left the house and sped into the thick forest, not after looking around carefully, to avoid anyone getting a glimpse of me.
A smile crept on my face, as I inhaled the fresh air, which I always longed to have every minute. It feels so good, being out here. if wishes were horses, then I would've loved to know how this will feel in the daylight, but I'm just a girl, living under her parent's shadows, no one knows of my existence. I so much want to tell the whole world about myself, I want to make friends like every other persons, I so much want to know how it'll feel, being around people that are not my family, but it seems to be the dreams that'll never come through for me, my life has already been designed, even before my birth, my fate has already been written, even before I came to this world, but too bad that it's all in misery, too bad that I'll have to live the rest of my life as nothing, but a shadow. I wish I can do something about this, but there's nothing that can be done, not even my parents, or mother Lia, can help change my destiny. At times I wonder if there's any other person, suffering same fate as me, sometimes I wonder, if I'm a curse, but then, I know that no matter what, I still have to accept my fate, and live with it, as that's the only way, I'll have peace, and give my poor parents peace.
I stroll down to the mountain, where I usually have some rest, and get a better view of the forest. I sat on my usual spot, staring at the waterfall, as a smile crept on my face. The only thing I find fun, is using my power, it's so fun, seeing my power work on water.
My eyes changed to deep blue, as I gaze at the waterfall, making some chants in my mind, and in the next seconds, the water started bubbling really hard, and I just couldn't help, but chuckled lightly. I guess my power is the only friend I have, it is the only thing that keeps me company, whenever I'm bored.
"That's really a beautiful sight to behold." A masculine voice said behind me.
Snapping my head at the direction, I was welcomed with a pair of green eyes, smiling at me.
"Who...who are you?" I stuttered in fear, as I quickly stood up, and took a step back in fear, my heart thumping heavily against my ribcage, like it'll pop out of my chest anytime soon.
He chuckled softly, showing his one side dimple.
I got lost, staring at the handsome creature, standing before me. Mother had told me about werewolves, being the most beautiful creatures of all magic creatures, even the men are breathtaking, but all these while, I never got to meet or see any, as I've always been locked inside, and now that I see one, my doubt has been cleared, werewolves are indeed beautiful creatures.
"You're such a scared cat." His sweetest voice, jolted me back to reality.
Snapping out of my world of fantasy, I picked to my heels, and started running as fast as my legs could carry me. Mother warned me not to talk to any stranger, they might be one of the pack's enemies.
I felt like my legs were slacking, so I shifted into my wolf form, as I galloped farther into the woods, and soon, my wolf was exhausted, as I've shifted for three times in just two days. I slowed down my pace, as I started walking down the woods, making my way home.
I stride down the woods, my exhausted wolf, breathing heavily.
I was almost home, when my wolf smelt a strong scent, coming from nowhere. Even if the scent was far, I could feel that it was coming from a very strong creature, and the aura seem to be dark and intimidating. Mother had told me about how strong the Alpha's aura can be, and the one I'm feeling right now, seem not to be different from the one she told me about. But what could an Alpha be doing in the woods by this time of the night?
A strong wave of curiosity flashed through me, and giving in to it, I found myself, tracing the scent, trying to at least get a glimpse of where it was coming from. My wolf kept sniffing and tracing the strong scent, till I found myself in a beautiful garden.
Changing to my human form, I looked around the beautiful garden, filled with beautiful flowers, and trust me, it's really a beautiful sight to behold. I walked comfortably around the garden, like it belongs to my farher, sniffing and feeling every flower I could lay my hands on. You wouldn't blame me, right? I haven't seen a garden this beautiful in my entire life, and now that I've seen one, you wouldn't tell me not to savor the moment, yeah?
My eyes fell on a very beautiful flower, and the urge to pluck from it rushed through me. Not restraining myself, I reached out my hand to get a bunch of it, when a strong wave of violent wind, filled the entire place, sending me roughly to the ground, as I hurt my knees in the process.
Raising my gaze, I was met with the back view of a man, standing elegantly, just a few paces away from me...
I'm doomed...