They say old friends never die and I was beginning to believe that. If I would have known about his survival and impurification I would have gone to him and maybe we could be able to find answers ourselves.
He looked at me as if looking at a deranged two year old that was babbling nonsense. He focused his gaze on my face and his eye widened with recognition.
"Oh... I remember you. From the hospital..." He said lowly. The constant sobbing and crying from the girl on the floor was getting even louder.
"You're that dead kid from the hospital..." He said again.
'Dead kid?' I mentally asked myself.
"So you were also—"
"Let's figure it out together... We both do not remember our past we could figure it out..." I said.
"What?" He asked. "I recovered my memories three months ago, I remember everything about myself." He said it with a nasty sneer.
"Oh," I said.
"Wait... Don't tell you are still blanked," He said, and I looked at him, feeling a bit of shame.
"Oh no—SILENCE YOU WRETCH!" He bellowed at the girl that was still crying at his feet and the need I had to protect her grew even more. She didn't need to die. She didn't have to.
"Blanked? What do you mean?" I asked him, diverting his attention and focusing on our conversation. He looked at me as if I was supposed to know what he meant. The way he said it was like I had been deprived of a very crucial part of something.
"It doesn't matter, some vampires take longer to remember their past lives, but it shouldn't really matter, I mean you are one of us now so who needs their past life anyway?" He guffawed loudly, throwing his head back. His laughter seemed to echo endlessly through open air.
'You are a powerful being, use your power to trample on these weak, pathetic humans," He said it with so much hate at the girl that was crying at his feet who I seemed to feel a strange attachment to.
‘Maybe I could reason with him.'
'But you were once human too," I said, 'you were like her before your impurification. When we were both in that hospital it was fellow humans who took care of us, day after day. Those humans showered us with love and compassion, they were like our family. So why kill a human if all they've done is show you love?"
He looked at me sceptically, and for a moment I thought I had gotten to him but he threw his head and guffawed loudly.
'Do you think I don't know that? It should I say, I once believed that lie. Those humans didn't love us, couldn't you see the hate and disgust that lay masked behind their eyes? Your cancer must have are up your brain cells for you not to be able to see it.
'So consider this revenge, revenge for all the hate the had me—for us."
He bent over, veering back his lips and revealing his fangs over the girl's neck. I couldn't see this happen, not when I could stop it—if only that was the reason.
I could see that there was no changing his mind now, he was delusional, filled with hate. But I couldn't let him kill her, so maybe I could try a different approach to saving her.
"I said she is my kill?" Maybe if I claimed her as my own kill he would let her go and I could save her.
He looked at me, a red glint of anger burning in his eyes.
'Very well then, kill her," He said, 'kill her now."
I wasn't counting on that, so I just stood there, lost for why to say.
I heard the loud crack but I was too late. He grabbed me by my throat, lifting me off the ground.
"Weak," He sneered. He was squeezing so hard on my throat I thought he'd break me. He sent his fist into my chest and next thing I knew, I was tumbling through the air. My body crashed into something, hard.
I groaned in pain. Something was definitely broken. I felt my spine snapping back into place and feeling returned back to my legs.
I turned on the ground and caught the sight as he held her in his arms, ready to bite.
"No..." I said to myself. His prolonged canines got closer and closer to her neck. The tiny distance between teeth and skin closing. He was about a centimeter away from drinking her blood and probably killing her when I spotted a piece of the broken tree.
My face twisted with rage as I grabbed the piece of wood and in an instance, so fast I could barely even understand what happened myself; I was at his front and I plunged the piece of wood straight through his heart.
He dropped the girl, who apparently had finally passed out. His eyes widened and his mouth was agape, quivering slightly. I saw his eyes roll back and then his skin started to singe and evaporate in a burning like manner. I backed away from him, frightened by what I had done.
His skin burned away and then the tissue under burned away as well. He didn't even scream, only gasping slightly until his entire body, bone, tissue and all evaporated into the air and the wooden stake dropped to the ground, the blood on it evaporating also. There was nothing left of him. He was gone.
Then I looked at the girl's neck. I saw two superficial wounds in the form of two small slashed lines parallel to each other. He had started digging his teeth into her skin before I mauled him.
The girl was out cold. I needed to leave this place before someone sees me. In my desperation and fear, I grabbed the girl and carried her to the red car. I dropped her down. I needed a plan. Pushing a car was like pushing a sofa. I pushed her car, gaining it speed and then crashing it into the tree I had broken. The windshield of the car shattered.
Next I took her and placed her on the drivers seat carefully setting her in such a position that her head leaned against the steering wheel. I pushed the top part of the tree, which had broken partly and fallen over, and placed it beside her car. Next, I hammered at all the windows with my fist so they cracked and shattered. It looked like she had crashed into the tree, causing it to break and fall over. I got her purse from where it fell and hung it loosely off her shoulders.
Something fell out of it. I looked at the small rectangular card. It was a student's ID. I hastily grabbed it and stowed it into my pants pockets and then in a loud crack, I dashed away from the incident and towards home. I ran as fast as I could keeping to the darkness. My heart was thumping in my chest as fear seethed in me.
'What have I done?' I asked myself as I raced home like a scared little puppy.
I couldn't let anyone find out, I wouldn't even tell Leya, this had to remain with me. I got to the start of the town and passed a few houses. I passed the spot where the woman from earlier lay dead, but she wasn't there.
I just kept on moving forward and forward until I saw the black roof of our house. I turned to the back of the house, a large garden was here—one which Leya had been tending to.
The door wasn't locked, so I slipped in. No one was in sight, good. I took the stairs, carefully counting my steps one at a time. I got to up, it was dark. I tried calming myself and controlling my breathing before I walked straight to the last door which led to my attic-room. I was only a few more paces away from the door when I heard someone behind me.
I almost jumped out of my skin. Tia stood behind me, looking rather disturbed, her lips pressed to a tight line and her hands on her hips.
'Where were you?" She asked, and I was sure she wasn't going to repeat herself.
'I…err…I just took a little longer…" My voice was shaky and cracked at every opportunity.
'Jereum told you ten minutes, maybe even thirty would have been fine. You stayed out for two hours," She shouted the last part and I heard Jereum's door open. He lolled on his door frame, looking annoying as always. He never slept, he Jhan and Tia.
She took a step closer (intimidating) and I took one back, I was a Supreme, I was stronger, but there was no way my amateur self would go against Tia. She would beat me as easily as the adjudicator had.
I took another step back, desperate a good enough distance between myself and her, and I felt my back touch the door.
'I'm sorry," I whispered. I knew Tia had a soft spot for me, if I could just act as pathetic as possible maybe she would calm down and let me go with a grimaced.
She just looked at me, the anger in her eyes slowly fading. I looked at her, putting as much pity in my eyes as I could.
'Just don't do it again," She said sternly, turning back and marching towards her room door.
I glanced at Jereum, he was still looking annoying. I opened the door and took the short stairs up, up to my solace.