Read with BonusRead with Bonus


The pack couldn't believe their eyes as they stared at the woman standing in front of them and the past alpha. The silence grow amongst the crowd as it took a moment for them to process the words Layton, their soon to retire alpha had just announced.

A female as an alpha?

A hashed common broke amongst the men and women in the crowd, exchanging their pure confusion and anger amongst each other as they glanced every now and then to Hope, Layton's successor ,as well as eldest daughter, who didn't seem to cower under the taunting gaze of the crowd. Clearly, many of the men were not pleased with the entire arrangement and the fact that a female was to become alpha when, in fact, all they had known was that a male was the only one to gain such a position. Female were never seen fit to run a pack especially down in the battle field. An alpha was always on the front lines in the battle field so that he's pack could gain courage in seeing him offer his life up first than most. Women and children were always protected by the men and that was what they had all believed and lived through each generation.

And yet it had to change today.

"I know many of you don't want to accept this sudden change of our long written history," Layton began, his voice beaming through the crowd and silencing them in an instant. "We've always known women to be behind the walls, sheltered behind the backs of leading male warriors. We all believed women were meant to be protected at all costs. That men are far much stronger than women, despite all our efforts to work every single sun rise and sun set, our male numbers have gradually dropped in every battle we fight. So tell me, how long will it take for the women we want to protect to start protecting themselves?" He asked as he took a step forward to the edge of the large rock and gazed down at the crowd that began to nod in realization, yet others still showed their dislike to the whole idea.

"I can tell some of the men don't want me to become alpha." Hope interrupted as she walked forward as well and held her hands behind her back, grinning down at the crowd. "But I am strong enough to lead both men and women, even in battle. I shall prove my worth, tonight, in a battle of strength against anyone." With that, the crowd broke into hushed mummers as others seemed shocked, excited and pitiful. "I'll take anyone on."

"All front war liners will challenge her in strength, of which only three are to participate in the challenge. Anyone who brings out a whimper fails immediately. If she fails, we will decide another alpha. However, if she succeeds, every Grallen pack member must accept her as alpha." Layton said as he smiled towards his grinning daughter who seemed sure of herself. "First front liner, Hope, please proceed."

Hope nodded before leaping off the edge of the rock, instantly morphing her body into her werewolf, landing at the foot of the rock and growling as the crowd dispersed to give room for the battle. The first front liner, a man in his early fifties stepped forward, removing his shirt and tossing it to his side before transforming into his black shade werewolf within seconds. Hope's bright brown fur glazed under the taunting soft light of the moon as the two wolves began to circle each other challengingly.

"Begin." The moment the words slipped out of Layton's lips, the black werewolf charged towards Hope with its feet scraping off the ground. Hope remained in her stance as the werewolf got closer until it was within her reach that she lowered her head while it leaped for her. With one snap on its leg as it missed her head by mere inches, she whipped her head to the side with enough strength in her jaw, tossing the werewolf to the side. The force was too strong that the werewolf hit into the tree against its back, forcing a whimper out of it as the sharp piercing pain vibrated through its body.

A smile spread across Layton's lips before he turned his gaze to his daughter to remain untouched. "Second front liner, step forward." Without warning, a deep chocolate shade werewolf leaped from the crowd and snapped at Hope's arm, throwing them both off balance, but didn't manage to get her to whimper. She immediately recovered from the shock and snapped at the leg of her competitor, struggling to pull him off of her as his jaw locked her leg in. They continued to roll around, none leaving the other as they growled. Standing to her feet, she quickly charged towards the trees and threw herself forward. Before landing, she turned her back, rolling the competitor over her shoulder and into her point of impact before they hit into the tree together with him as her pillow. However, he didn't let out a whimper but eventually lost grip of Hope's legs. She quickly got up from the ground and stood in front of the competitor who struggled to get up from the hit. She quickly forced her head down to the wolf with as much force as she could, banging their heads together and instantly forcing him unconscious.

She stumbled back a few steps in a daze at the impact and how much it took out of her. Hardly given time to calm her pain down, she was shoved off the ground with her last competitor who suddenly appeared. Her flew over the ground and rolled a couple of times before she came to a stop, but the competitor couldn't let her get to her feet as she was knocked down again. He clenched onto her leg as she fell and whipped his head to the side, throwing her off as he used her own tactic against her. She flew towards the trees, hitting her back against the tree. A whimper nearly escaped her mouth but she managed to hold it back when she clenched her jaw tight and forced herself on her feet. The grey wolf charged towards her as she readied herself. He leaped with his claws spread out to take his final blow when she suddenly moved from her soot, forcing him into the tree, but it wasn't enough to stop him. However, she couldn't let him gain senses as she snapped against his leg and quickly swung her head around, rotating completely and banged him against the tree, forcing a whimper from him in an instant.

She let him go and couldn't help but smile to herself as she walked back to the crowd that stood in shock.

"I believe we have a winner. Hope is now Grallen pack's alpha." Layton said proudly as he turned his gaze from his daughter to the crowd that slowly began to cheer, sooner, they erupted him massive screams of joy. Hope walked up to the rock where a few maids rushed to her as she morphed back into her human form. They instantly wrapped shielded her from the crowd with a sheet as the other maid quickly pulled on her dress. It too mere seconds until she was standing beside her father who smiled down at her.

Her mother, Gemini smiled from behind them together with her sisters Penelope, her second oldest, Lilian, the youngest daughter who was in fact sick with a striking case of diabetes and her youngest brother Gabriel who was supposed to become alpha but had to step back due to the fact he was forced onto the wheelchair by a bullet many years back. But that didn't stop Gabriel from being proud of his sister who deserved it all to be an alpha, even he knew the strength of his own sister. The strength of a woman born to become an alpha and lead a pack.

The ceremony ended that instant and Hope was officially the alpha of the Grallen Pack with her best friend Harley Collins as her beta. After the challenge, none could object to it knowing the strength she had.

"You hardly look scratched." Penelope chuckled the moment they began to walk towards the hall for the feast waiting them.

"My head kind of hurts, but it's not bad." Hope chuckled as she waved at Harley who waved back at her while he talked animatedly to Gabriel. "Want to go watch a movie? Just heard they released an incredible horror." She chuckled as she grabbed Penelope's arm and whispered into her ear.

"Don't want to listen to Dad's long speech?" Penelope chuckle as they began to sneak away from the crowd.

"It's always the same old speech over and over again, I've heard it over and over even during dad's ceremony." Hope laughed out as they both ran towards their family mansion.

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