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Harley sighed out in defeat as he glanced down at his hands, slowly curling his fingers until he clenched them tightly before clenching his jaw.

"The more you try to convince yourself you don't like her, makes this worse, doesn't it, Harley?" Penelope asked with a softer voice this time as she noticed him battling with his own thoughts.

Of course he loved Hope with all his heart and always wanted to protect her no matter what, but, he didn't really see her romantically either. He was sworn to protect her, to be the pillow she would lean onto when she needed him the most. He was so determined to be that man for her. He wanted nothing more than to be the only man she knew who would protect her, despite the fact she was stronger than him, and he just wanted to let her know he could be strong for her.

The bare thought of staring into Hope's eyes and looking at her, not as a friend, but as a woman made him tense at the thought and he had always brushed off the thought of it whenever he imagined it.

Hope was beautiful in his eyes. A strong dependable woman with a wild spirit and cheerful charisma. A woman who didn't frail from the bigger things than her, in fact, it always excited Hope whenever she had to be challenged. That was just how Hope was born.

"Still confused, Harley?" She asked as she tiled her head to get the view of his face.

"You're forcing me to feel that way, of course I would be confused." Harley hissed as he looked away with a flushed expression.

"I'm not forcing you into anything." She chuckled out you already felt that way so actually feeling it is confusing. I understand this situation here." She nodded to her own suggestion and smiled cheekily. "What if Hope asked you to become her mate. Would you say yes?" He paused at the question and shot her a shocked glance to which she rolled her eyes to. "Just answer the question. Would you say yes?"

A deep silence fell into the space between Penelope and Harley as she waited for him to reply while he waited for her to change the subject. Though even he knew that once Penelope was determined to prove a point, she wasn't going to back off until she heard the answer.

Harley opened his mouth to finally state his answer when Hope suddenly appeared into the corridor with Ronan by her side, instantly forcing a frown on Harley who looked away.

Noticing Harley's sudden irritation, Penelope glanced over her shoulder only to stare into Hope's eyes. She frowned when her eyes landed on Ronan who wasn't smiling either.

"You better go." Hope said softly as she patted Ronan's shoulder and nodded towards the door. "It's pretty late and the party should be ending soon anyway. I'll see you in the morning." She forced on a smile as he sighed out heavily and walked towards the large black doors, stepping out within seconds and closing the door behind him. The moment the door clicked shut, Harley shot Hope a glare to which she raised her brows to in question.

"You seriously went back?" Harley asked with a sharper displeased tone.

"I thought you left like half an hour ago." Hope said as she glanced at the clock a bit far from her and closer to the door. "You said you were going-"

"You know, I thought you were a really mature woman but you're pretty childish at times, Hope. Especially now. And you're not being childish in a good way either." Harley hissed as he folded his arms across his chest whilst Penelope studied her sister who stared at Harley with a rather normal expression for someone being scolded. "I can't believe you still want to continue your marriage with him!"

"I didn't say I was talking to him to forgive him, Harley." Hope frowned deeply and pinched her brows together in irritation. "I told you I needed to talk to him. I didn't say I was forgetting what he did. You can't just assume I'm childish without even asking what me intentions were!" She yelled in anger as she glared at Harley who should have known better. "I thought you knew me, Harley. I'm childish at times but I'm not stupid! You even called me stupid behind my back there and said all sorts of things that really hurt me in deeply. You even threatened to leave me... To let me fight for myself the next time I break down again and you have no idea how badly I wanted to beat the heck out of you for being such a drag. It hurt me, Harley." She blinked away a few tears and sighed out shakily when he eased his shoulders and frowned deeply. "I really love you Harley. I mean, you've been my best friend since forever and you're like a twin brother or something like that.... You are supposed to stand by me even when I make stupid decisions, that's what best friends are for. I'd even stand by you with your stupid decisions... And not to lie, you've made a lot of stupid decisions." She chuckled out, getting Penelope to laugh out as Harley smiled slightly. "I mean, one of them could be you denying that pretty rich girl on her mating ceremony. She really liked you though, she was pretty too. Another one could be you trying to leave me. You wicked wrench." She wiped her tears that continued to slide down her cheeks. "Back there when you said you were leaving I thought that we would never be normal again." She sniffed and sighed out shakily a she glanced towards Harley who stared back at her with slightly wide eyes.

"I didn't say I was going to stop being your best friend." He smiled slightly a she turned from him to wipe more of her tears. "I wouldn't just stop being your best friend because of Ronan. Who would you steal steak with when the chefs aren't looking?" He chuckled as she smiled out.

"Well, a part of you was leaving back there." She sighed as she finally turned to him when her tears dried out. "The caring you was about to die."

"I was really angry about it. I didn't mean to say it like that." He sighed out, running a hand through his hair.

"I could tell you were angry." She smiled slightly. "You didn't even want to see me." She chuckled and he nodded slowly. "I'm sorry too. For making you worry like that."

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