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Margret glanced over to Valentine who cleared his throat as he took a sharp sip off his mug as he glanced around awkwardly, knowing too well how Emily wasn't going to let it go that easily.

Her parents had thought about the situation despite feeling very relieved when they heard she finally went through the ceremony this time, but, they were also concerned because it had to be Jason whom she finally becomes a woman with. Not that they did not like Jason, as a matter of fact, it was quite the opposite. They had always treated Jason as a part of the family and always loved his presence. He was a very charismatic man who always loved to crack joked with them and wouldn't try to upset them in any way. Jason had always been a humble man with the natural urge to treat the men and women older than with some degree of respect. The old beta had always loved Jason and so it was the sworn reason he gave the spot to him, because he was just a good person and very strong at that whilst the position of alpha still remained with Valentine whom was still in search for his own descendant.

Emily, noticing the unusual air decided it was best she took her leave and leave her parents to their decisions. However, she wasn't changing with hers and her parents knew that very well than anyone.

"Excuse me." Emily said grumpily as she got up from the seat and shoved it back a little to free her legs. "May I be excused now?"

"Oh sure." Margret smiled out and waved at her daughter who nodded and padded across the room and out of the dining doors, letting the air a little loosed than it was a moment ago. Even for the old beta who sighed out in relief.

"Your daughter seems pretty attached to Jason. Perhaps they've been seeing each other behind your back." Roderick chuckled lightly as he glanced at Valentine who groaned out and rubbed his fingers against his temple, trying to think of a way that could make him and her daughter both happy.

"I highly doubt it." Valentine said as he glanced up to meet Roderick's eyes. "He's always been like an older brother to her and she never showed interest in him until yesterday. Neither both of them seemed compelled to each other. Maybe Emily, since she did always seem radiant around him but he didn't seem to act different around her." He sighed out and clicked his tongue as he glanced at Margret who chuckled under a breath.

"She's always liked Jason," Margret pointed out as she smiled out. "The only problem was that he never noticed."

"That aside, we still need to fix this problem somehow." Valentine said as he sat still and leaned onto the table. "We need to help Emily. Jason is a married man and there is no way they will live together. He seems devoted to his wife, Melanie. So how do you suggest he will be able to cope with Emily?"

"We also can't let Jason have two wives since it will only harm his image as a beta." Roderick sighed out as he leaned back into the seat and glanced up at the ceiling. "This is hopeless, Kelvin would have made things easier from us all if she trusted him enough and if he did not try to force her."

"Who is this Kelvin anyway?" Margret asked as she raised her brows. "A pack member from the city? Haven't heard much of those that live in the human city. They almost blend in too well, hardly transform, hardly attend ceremonies and hardly have mates. No wonder Emily didn't like him. He's a city boy now with little to no respect for how we run things here." She hissed out lowly, getting Valentine to chuckle under his breath.

"He's rich apparently in the human city. Far much richer than I possibly am since they don't talk about alphas there they talk about CEOs and bosses. His father is a CEO of some stock trading company. Didn't really want to listen to the rest of his boasting last night so I forgot much of the rest." He chuckled as Roderick laughed out.

"He was so sure of himself that Kelvin was going to connect you two. That in quote 'you would become a powerful empire. Rich in the city and rich in the pack. The golden family', neither did he know his son was a desperate one and ruined his chance." Roderick burst out laughing even more as he smacked his knee and held onto his stomach as he continued his harsh laughing.

"Unfortunately indeed." Valentine chuckled. "He really did seem so sure about it. Almost made me worry becoming his relative. He was mostly focused on the idea that his son was going to succeed my position as alpha here and then inherit his father's position as CEO there." Valentine pinched his brows in thought.

"Wow that was a very good idea." Roderick stopped laughing once he heard Kelvin's father's plan. "Kelvin would have a lot of power balancing in his palm. He would be rich beyond measure that kid. His father probably planned out the entire situation and knew his son was going to be so wealthy that even he couldn't handle do much money."

"Now that I think about it that was a really good idea." Valentine nodded slowly. "But nonetheless, the boy would hardly win in terms of strength and brute force. An alpha needs to be a strong man, fearless and always upfront in war and not cowering in the back with the women and children as shelter. Kelvin seems like a highly intelligent boy but I highly doubt she even has the muscle to stand in the position as alpha." Valentine sighed out deeply as he glanced down at his partially empty plate.

"Since you'll be holding a challenge for the position any time from now, why don't you let Kelvin and Emily get along for a while even if she hates the idea. The challenge will be a way to offer any man her hand in marriage and she's just going to have to accept it since the man that went through the ceremony with her is married. You won't tell the pack but just Emily and Kelvin. It might make him train for the day and if he wins, then the better isn't it?" Roderick explained with a grin on his face. "It's a good enough idea."

"The only question is if she will be willing to marry Kelvin or whomever becomes alpha." Margret pointed out with a frown. "Emily is quite sensitive, you know."

"Very true, we'll try to talk with her into agreeing. If she denies, we'll have to let her spend time with Kelvin to get to know him. If we're lucky, she'll find a husband very soon." Valentine smiled slightly as Margret nodded slowly, knowing it wasn't going to be easy.

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