Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

The staffs of JJ group &co stood up and bowed as the Chairman of the group walked graciously into the building with an overly frowning face, not even sparing a glance at his employees.

His personal assistant hurriedly rushed over to the elevator and pressed the button, not wanting to get on the chairman's side. After a while, they got to the CEO's office. He barged in angrily to see the CEO and his secretary working on something best known to them. The moment Daniel Rowling saw his father, he hurriedly stood up and ordered his secretary to leave the office.

Ronald Rowling angrily slapped him. Not once! Not twice! Until the side of his face reddened while Daniel frowned.

" And father, what's the meaning of this nonsense?" He growled angrily.

" You are a failure to me! I hate to admit that! Why should you be the only one every time?" He replied in anger.

" Father! Go straight to the point!"

His father sighed and threw a newspaper at him while Daniel's eyes widened.

  • JJ group& co's CEO caught on the camera having countless sex with bitches.

  • JJ group& co's CEO image deformed.

  • JJ group& co's Ceo squandered the company's money. Is it okay to sign a business deal with such an incompetent man?

Scandal! This was what he was scared of. How the hell did this matter get to the public? Who the hell did this to him? Someone is definitely trying to tarnish his image. He thought angrily and folded his fist.

" Father! I know nothing about this issue and..."

" Shut up! I think I've been too lenient on you! The company I've worked hard to build is going down the drain all because of you!"

" Father, I am innocent of these accusations. Where did you see his news paper from? We need to sue the publishing media!"

" no need for that. I have come up with a solution"

He said calmly and passed him a picture while Daniel frowned. His father was usually the arrogant type. Why is he unusually calm?

Is he safe? He thought.

" What's this for?" Daniel asked with a deep frown plastered on his face.

" Teresa. She's the lady you're getting married to on Saturday!"

" What? How many times do I have to let you know that I'm married? I have a woman I love?"

" She's the only woman that can save your face. I hate it if anything happens to the company I worked so hard to build! She is our saving grace! Her family is all we need to get out of the mess you have created." His father said instead.

" Can't you understand what I'm saying? I said I'm married, father!"

He knew it would result in this.

For the past three years, his father had been working on getting him married as soon as possible but then, Daniel, being the cold and stubborn man he was, he refused to listen to him and would hide under the pretense that he was married. But now, it seemed that would not be working anymore as he could see the determination in his father's eyes.

" I've done a background check on you. You aren't married. If you are, you would have introduced her to me a long time ago."

" Dad, just give me some time, okay? I..."

" This Saturday. Theresa would be getting married to you. I've arranged a date for you guys. Tomorrow, unique islands. 6 pm"

" I won't go."

" You have destroyed my reputation in the business world. Only Theresa can save us. She's our saving grace. Do you think your opinion matters to me?" He asked with a deadly gaze.

" Father, can't you see that this is a scandal? It's purely to get you to do your bidding!" Daniel said and stopped.

Something struck within him and for a while, he smiled sarcastically. He was sure that his father was behind this mess! He wanted to get him to do his biddings.

" Dad, just give me some time. I promise that I will bring my woman to the house."

" I don't care about that. I have given you enough time, okay?" He said and stormed out of the office while his personal assistant hurriedly bowed and left the office with him. He sighed angrily and looked around.

Why can't that old man understand that he's not getting married yet?

" Sir, your father just called to let you know that plans have shifted to the next two days. Miss Theresa will be coming to your office and the dinner will be at the same Venue and..." His secretary said as she hurriedly entered the office a few minutes later.

" Just shut it, Monica!" Daniel glared at his secretary who bowed.

" I'm not getting married and I don't want to hear that crap"

" Your wife is here to see you, sir" she said again.

" My wife?" He asked and furrowed his brows as he wondered when he got married.

" Yeah. Miss Linda"

" She's not my wife. Let her in" he said and glared at her. Monica bowed and left the office.

" Darling..." A young woman said smiling as he looked at Daniel but the moment he shot her a glare, she kept her mouth shut.

" Linda, how many times have I told you that I don't mix my social life with my work? What are you doing here?"

" Obviously to see you"

" to see me? Are you okay? What business do we have in common?" He asked angrily.

" I'm your wife and..."

" Socially, you are my wife. I pay you for the disguise. Stop telling people that we are married when we are not! You are nothing but my worker!"

" but that's too harsh. We can work something out. Me and you. It's three years that we have been faking this relationship. Why can't I?.."

" I think I should find a replacement for you at this rate."

" what? Boss. No! I'm fine with posing as your wife" she said and frowned as she lowered her head.

No matter how much she tried to seduce her boss, it just never worked. A bachelor at 27. Why didn't he still desired her? She's pretty and believes that she has what it takes to be his wife! But why was all these not working?

" good! Let this be the last time you will ever come to my office. When I need you, I will call you. And prepare to pose as my wife in the next two days. Now, leave!" He said while she grumpily bowed and left the office.

" sir, you have a meeting with miss Theresa's father" his secretary said again as she hurriedly entered.

" I'm not available for that" he said and stood up.

A few minutes later, he had asked his driver to drive him to the bar. He needed to cool off his head. He needed a break from the mess his father had created for him.

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