Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I flutter my eyes open once I start feeling cold. I opened and closed my eyes twice to make sure I opened them because even though my eyes were opened, I was still faced with total darkness. I shouldn't be surprised the room they kept me in has no light. I should even be grateful they have not tortured me to my death yet. I feel very cold, so I rub my hands up and down my arms as I pull my legs closer to me.

As I sit on the ground in this place, I can't help and think what my life would have been if things went differently and I didn't steal Thomas's money for James. I genuinely wish that day I met Thomas never went the way James hoped. Maybe I won't have to be praying for my death not to be painful.

The past (The day Melina met Thomas)

"James, you told me Jacob was the last one. I don't want to do this again," I say, whining.

I hate when James makes me trick men into falling in love with me so we can easily con them of their money. I don't want to do it, but I don't have a choice. James never takes no for an answer.

"I know I said that honey, but I promise you this is the last one. After this one, we will have all the money we need in the world," James says, pulling my hair behind my ear as he caresses my face.

"Promise" I look into his eyes to make sure he is not lying. I am not able to tell if he is or not. James is very good at hiding his emotions in his eyes. I can never know if he is sincere or not from his eyes.

"I promise," He says, kissing my forehead.

"Thank you," "You can show me what he looks like again," I say, moving closer to him on the couch. He showed me the picture of the new man he wanted me to seduce.

"His name is Thomas Costanzo. He is one of the richest men in Italy and the US. Tonight you will bump into him. You need to make sure you leave a good impression of yourself while bumping into him. That way, he will want you." James says, showing me pictures of a handsome man on his phone. James can't compare to him in looks, but James is still the hottest man alive to me because he is the man I am in love with.

"How sure are you it will work? You bump into women every day. I don't see you falling in love with them."

"That's true, but if I wasn't married to you and a woman like you bumps into me. There is no way I won't ask her to have coffee with me the next day."

"You make it sound like I am the prettiest woman in the world," I say, blushing.

"That's because you are my dear. You are the most beautiful woman on this earth," James says, caressing my face.

"Thank you," I say, smiling.

Later at night, James and I are about to leave the house for a party Thomas Costanzo will be attending tonight. I just hope everything goes as James wants because I am always at the receiving end of his anger when things don't. I smack my lips together as I check myself and make sure I look perfect for tonight.

"You look perfect, let's go," James says, coming up behind me dressed in a black tux. I am wearing a sparkling champagne nude tulle gown with shiny handmade embroideries. He grabs my hands, and we walk together outside to be on our way to the party.

It's been an hour or so since James and I arrived at the party. We haven't executed the plan because we haven't been able to catch Thomas alone. I can only get Thomas's attention if I bump into him while he is alone. I am scrolling through my phone when I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. I turn towards the person to see it, James. James left a few minutes ago to say hi to a few friends of his at the party. My legs were killing me from standing for a long time because of my heels, so I didn't follow him.

"It's time; I saw him on his way to the bathroom. Ambush him on his way out," James says,

"Alright, which way is the men's room," I ask, putting my phone in my clutch as I pick my glass of wine.

"That way," James says, pointing to the left.


"Good luck, baby," James says, pecking my lips. I give him a tight-lipped smile before I walk away.

As I walk towards the men's room. I can't help and ask myself if what I am doing is indeed worth it. I sometimes wonder how James is comfortable with me seducing other men. I don't like it, but I have to do it because I love James, and I don't want to be on the receiving end of his anger. I always wondered how he is so sure I won't fall for them and leave him.

"Watch where you are going, young lady," A deep husky voice says, trying to bring me back to earth, but it is a little late because I still end up bumping into the owner of the voice. My drink spills and stains both of us.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry I should have been looking at where I was going," I say, attempting to clean the wine stain off his shirt. Oh my God, I can't believe I poured my drink on someone else instead of Thomas. I just hope James was not looking because if he was, he would kill me.

"It's fine, no harm done," The man says, gently placing his hands above mine to remove it away from his body.

"I am so sorry," I say, still trying to wipe away the stain with my hands

"As I said, Bella (Beautiful), it's fine," The man says, in a thick Italian accent. He sounds too calm for someone who just got his shirt ruined at a party.

I lift my eyes away from his shirt to see the man before me that shows no sign of anger, having had his shirt ruined by me. My eyes widen once I know who the man is. I am starting to feel like today is my lucky day. The man before me is none other than the one I was sent to charm tonight. He looks even more handsome up close. He has piercing blue eyes with full long eyelashes that fan his face anytime he blinks. His nose is long and pointed. He has a well-defined jaw, so sharp and carved to make his face look handsome. The one thing that stands out the most on his face is his lips. I swallow a lump that forms in my throat as I stare at his beautiful plum light pink lips. It seems he notices me staring because I am suddenly graced with his pearl white teeth and a dimple on his left cheeks. How can such a man exist on this earth? He is magnificent.

"Uhmm," He says, clearing his throat.

"Sorry," I say and quickly try to compose myself. I can feel my cheeks heating up from having been caught staring.

"It's fine; I am used to it." He smiles as he talks to me. I wonder why he is smiling. He is supposed to be angry, not happy. I ruined his shirt.

"Used to what?" I ask, confused as to what he is talking about

"That's not important. I own the hotel. Why don't we go upstairs and get out of these clothes while I have my assistant get us new ones."

"There won't be any need for that. I could simply use the restroom and get all the stains out."

"No, there is no need for you to do that. Come with me," He says, grabbing my hand.

He laces our fingers together, and a warmth spreads through my body as my small hand settles in his big one. His palm feels warm against mine. As I stare at our hands, something in my heart moves. I don't know why but our hands look perfectly joined together. I snap out of my thoughts once he gives my hand a little squeeze. He must have caught me staring again. My head drops as I make my hair cover my face. My face must be beet red right now from embarrassment. I don't understand what is wrong with me today. This has never happened before with any other man, not even James. Why do I keep getting caught in my thoughts around Thomas?

"Is something wrong, Bella (Beautiful)," Thomas says, using his other hands to lift my chin up? He pushes my hair that is covering my face away. I watch him with great intensity as he does this.

"Nothing," I say, staring at him like he is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. I can feel my heartbeat increase the more I stare at him. There is this look in his eyes, and it's making me go crazy right now. I don't know how to explain it, but he has this amazing look in his eyes. It's so mesmerizing to stare at.

"Alright, let's go then" He pulls me with him towards the entrance of the ballroom before I can even protest.

James is not going to be happy if he sees us. He asked me to bump into him and leave. That way, it will make him want me more. This is not what James had in mind.

"What is your name Bella (Beautiful)?" He asks, pressing the elevator button

"Melina, Melina Davis" I step into the elevator once it opens up

'Hello Melina Davis, I am Thomas Costanzo. Nice to me, you," He says, smiling, stepping into the elevator too

"Nice to meet you too," I say with a fake smile.

I have a fake smile on because I have this dread feeling in my belly that things aren't going to go the way James hopes. Something about Thomas speaks to me that he is someone who should not be messed with.

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