Read with BonusRead with Bonus


My train of thought is interrupted once the lights come on. I close my eyes because of the sudden exposure to light. Before I can open them back and try to get comfortable with the light, I feel someone grab my arm. I quickly open my eyes to find out who and why. Before fully seeing the person holding my right arm, I find another person grabbing my left arm. I am lifted off the ground and dragged out of the room.

"Is it time?" I ask the two bulky men dragging me to only God knows where. None of them respond to my question.

They throw me on the first chair we come across outside the holding cell. One of the men starts using cable ties to tie my hands and legs to the chair. I wonder what they want to do to me. Once he is done, he moves away and stands by the side. I look around the room, and the things I see before my eyes horrify me more than any horror movie I have watched. On the table not far away from me, there are different types of knives on it. Knives I have never seen in my life and don't even understand why they exist. There are also pliers, sponge, and scissors on the table with what looks like a car battery, if I am not wrong. What are they planning to do to me, God?

I start to panic as all the horrible things serial killers do to their victims swim in my head. My heart rate increases as I hear footsteps approaching the room from outside. I am guessing it's a woman because of the sound the shoes make against the floor.

"Hello Melina, it's been a while since we last saw each other," She says, walking towards me with a smirk on her face.

"Hi Kimberley, it's nice to see you again."

Kimberley is a beautiful lady with lovely brown eyes. She is Thomas's family friend. She hates me for reasons only known to her. I never did anything to her, but she hates me a lot.

"Now, out of courtesy of Thomas, he has asked me to give you three chances before I fry out your brains." She says before turning to face the table at the side. She picks one of the small knives and drags the tip of her blade on my body as she walks around me. She is not putting pressure, so it's not cutting my skin. "Where is the money?" She asks once she stands in front of me again.

"I don't know, I don't have it," I answer truthfully, but I doubt she will believe me since I am the one who helped James steal it.

"It seems someone wants to see what the Costanzo family mafia does to people like you. I will ask again. Where is the money?" She moves her face closer to mine. I can see her nose flaring as she glares at me. She is pissed off. She has a blade on my thigh, and I can bet if I say or do anything wrong, she will press it into my skin.

"I already answered, I don't know. James has it"

"If James has it, where is James?"

"I also don't know; I haven't spoken to him in months."

"I find that hard to believe since he is your husband. And that was also your last chance to come clean. We will do things a little differently. I am going to ask you again, and if you don't tell me the truth, you will face the result of it."

"I swear to you I am not lying."

"We will see about that once I am done with you. Now, where is the money?" She walks towards the tables and picks up a cable with pliers attached to it. This cable is connected to the battery on the table. I begin to shake my head as she sticks a sponge to it. She dips it into a bucket of water under the table. I didn't even see the bucket of water under the table when I looked around the room.

"I swear I don't know. Please don't do that" I try to get away from her as she walks back to me with the wet sponge attached to the pliers. I am tied to the chair, so I can run to nowhere. I can only squeeze myself as much as I can into the chair.

Kimberly smirks as she approaches me. She ignores my pleads and presses the wet sponge into my ribs. I scream at the top of my lungs as my body vibrates vigorously. I feel my whole body fry from the inside as electricity passes through me. I stop screaming once she takes the sponge away from my body. My head falls as I feel a lot of energy drained out of me. That hurt like hell. Please, she shouldn't do that again. I will die from the pain.

"You either tell me now, or I make you feel worse than what you felt a moment ago."

"I swear to you, I don't know," I rasp out.

"Alright, suit yourself." Kimberley places the sponge on my ribs again.

I can't believe I thought they would bless me with an easy death. My whole body is in pain from the electrocuting. I never thought I would pray for death the way I do now. Kimberley is about to shock me again when a voice from the door stops her.

"That's enough for today. You can try again tomorrow," Thomas says,

I look towards the door where he is standing. I can't really see his face clearly, but I can see his eyes. From the look in his eyes, I can tell he is furious that I am not saying where James is or where the money is. I wish I knew where both were so I could give it to him, but unfortunately, I don't.

The men from earlier untie me from the chair and drag me back to my cell. I lie on the cold floor and think about the day I found out who Thomas really is and why I panicked so much once I heard his voice in the restaurant.

After I was able to make Thomas sign the deal with James. James ran away with all the money and left me behind. I haven't heard from him in six months, but I know Thomas will never believe me since I am the one who introduced James to him and since he is also my husband, actually my ex-husband.

I can still remember the morning I woke up after he ran away with all the money. I woke up to divorce papers on our breakfast table. I was glad he divorced me because if he didn't, he would have killed me with his hands in a matter of days. It was also the same day I found out about Thomas's real identity. He left me a video of Thomas beating someone to death.

I was horrified that Thomas could beat someone to death, but that's not how I knew he was in the mafia. After Thomas beat the man to death, he spat on him and said, "No one messes with me. I am the second in command to the Costanzo mafia. No one crosses me and lives to see tomorrow," Thomas says, with his clothes filled with blood.

I was beyond shocked when I watched the video, but then many things I noticed while dating Thomas started to make sense. He and his bodyguards had the same tattoos on their bodies. I found it a little odd how a boss and his bodyguard would have the same tattoos on their body. The tattoos they had must be the gang symbol. He also had a gun, but it's normal to have a gun for protection in America, so that was not too odd.

I think one of the reasons why James went AWOL was because he found out who Thomas was and knew he would be dead meat the moment he found him. Unfortunately for me, I could not escape Thomas, and I don't even know how much torture I could bear at the hands of Kimberly before she killed me.

I come back from my thoughts when I hear footsteps approaching me. I sit up and wait for the person to enter.

"Thomas," I say once he walks inside. I was surprised to see him. I didn't expect him. I didn't even think he would ever want to see me again.

He does not say anything but stares at me. He stares at me without blinking. I try to hold his gaze, but the burning rage in his eyes is too painful to look at, knowing I am the reason for it.

He slowly walks towards me and bends to my level on the ground. His warm fingers gently lift my chin, and I become at eye level with him.

"I still can't believe it."

"Believe what?" I ask confused

"Believe how I didn't see it."

"See what"

"See, the vixen you are the day I laid my eyes on you," He says, tracing his finger on my face. I shut my eyes tight as I waited for the slap to get inflicted. I know he didn't slap me in the restaurant, but there is no reason he wouldn't now.

"Oh," I should be hurt; he called me a vixen, but I can't because that's what I am, a vixen, a beautiful woman who seduced him.

"Open your eyes and look at me." He says, holding my chin. It's not tight, so he is not hurting me. I gently open my eyes but quickly look away. I can't hold my gaze with him when he has so much hatred for me in his eyes. It breaks my heart.

"Keep eye contact with me," He says, putting pressure on my chin

"Sorry," I say as tears start to build in my eyes from the pain from his hand on my chin. I can't even dare and tell him he is hurting me. I think it might even make him increase his pressure on it, so I choke down my words.

"Do you know the funniest part?"

"No, I don't," I say as I bite my lips to muff my pain. His hold on my chin is getting tighter.

"It's the fact that I Thomas Costanzo fell for you and let you dupe me still amazes me all the time."

"I am sorry."

"I don't want sorry. All I want is for you to tell me where James is. I could care less about the money. All I want is James. He needs to pay for crossing me."

"I swear like I have been saying since, at the restaurant, I don't know."

"Wow, so the torture you underwent this night was not enough. It seems you want more," He says, smirking, but it's not a good one. It's an evil smirk.

"No, please, no more," I say, pleading with him. The pain I underwent tonight was excruciating. I can't imagine going through that again.

"Then tell me where he is."

I don't even bother saying I don't know because I can't count the number of times I have said it since I met Thomas. I just keep quiet because I don't think even if I say it 100 times, he will believe me.

"You have decided then," He says roughly, releasing my face. "I will let Kimberley have her way with you," He says, standing up straight.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, panicking. Kimberley hated me when I dated Thomas. I don't even want to imagine what she will do to me if he allows her to have her way with me. She can even ask someone to rape me. Oh my God, please, he shouldn't let her do such a thing to me. It would destroy me. I know Kimberley is a woman, and I shouldn't be thinking of her allowing such a thing to happen to me, but you will be surprised by how evil some women can be. It pains me every time I hear a woman is a reason for another woman's pain.

"You will see tomorrow," he says, walking towards the door.

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