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Thomas gently places Melina on the bed. He stares at the wounds on her body, and a deep frown appears on his face as he stares at them. Every fiber in his body is boiling with rage just from gazing at her. There is no one on this earth he hates more than her. Betrayal is not something he takes lightly, and the fact that it was her just makes it ten times worse. Thomas snaps out of his trance once the doctor knocks on the door. He tells him to come in as he walks away from the bed to give the doctor room to work.

"Make sure she doesn't die," Thomas plans to kill Melina but not yet. He is not going to give her the glory of an easy death. He will make sure that she will regret the day she poured her wine on him by the time He is done with Melina.

"I will, sir," The doctor replies and begins to clean Melina's wounds.

Thomas walks to his bathroom to take a shower. He needs to cool down, and he also needs to wash off some of Melina's blood that got on his body and clothes. Kimberly really did a number on her. He is even surprised Melina lasted as long as she did before she passed out.

Thomas spends more time than necessary in the bathroom. He got lost in his thoughts. He walks out of the bathroom to see Melina entirely stitched up. He checks to make sure she is still alive before walking to his closet to put on some clothes. He puts on something casual and walks out of his bedroom to get some work done.

He walks into his office to see his IT analyst and Leo waiting for him. Thomas stays in the mafia house in Italy. His elder brother, the don of the Costanzo mafia, travels a lot, so Thomas manages most of their affairs here in Sicily while Stefano handles most of their international business.

"What have you found on her phone Richard," Thomas asks his IT analyst as he takes his seat behind the desk.

"Unfortunately, nothing, sir."

"How is that possible?" Thomas is surprised Richard couldn't get any leads on finding James through Melina's phone.

"Melina hasn't been in contact with James in the last six months. The last time they spoke to each other was the month they disappeared from LA."

"Did you check all her social media accounts? He might not be using his real name to chat with her online. Did you check the messages with all the people she spoke to online?"

"I did, sir, and I found nothing."

"Wow, they must be using a very secretive way to communicate with each other while apart."

"I believe so, sir."

"Keep digging; I am sure you will find it. They have been doing this for a long time. There is no way we can't find James through Melina."

"Got it, sir, I will take my leave now," Richard stands up to leave. Thomas waves him off as he walks to the door.

Richard and Leo leave Thomas alone in his office. He tries to get some work done, but it's hard because his mind is filled with thoughts of the blonde, blue-eyed woman in his bed. He hates that she is in his head. Thomas gives up trying to get some work done and walks upstairs to know how she is doing.

Thomas walks into his room to find his bed empty. Anger surges through his body, realizing he didn't think of the possibility of Melina running away. She keeps making a fool out of him, and this time when he finds her, he will make sure to allow Kimberly to design her face the way she wishes. Thomas pulls out his phone and quickly dials Leo's number. He is about to bark orders to find Melina when his bathroom door creaks open, and Melina steps out. Thomas ends the call and puts his phone away.

"Do you love him that much" Thomas asks a question that has been roaming his head all night? It is one of the many questions roaming his head since yesterday after her first torture session.

"Oh my God! Thomas, you scared me," Melina says, placing her hand on her racing heart. She was lost in her thoughts and didn't see Thomas as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Answer me?" Thomas feels angry for so many reasons. One of the reasons is one he would like to tell himself is not one of the reasons he is curious to know the answer to his question.

"No, I don't," Melina knows immediately who he is talking about. She knows it's useless to speak the truth, but she will still tell the truth regardless of whether he will believe her or not.

"Don't fucking lie to me," Thomas walks closer to Melina. She doesn't move from her spot in front of the bathroom door. She has nowhere to run to as he blocks her path with his body.

"I am not lying, and as much as you might not believe me. I don't love him, and I am not lying about not knowing where he is because I don't love him, so I am not trying to save………….."

The last word hooks in Melina's throat as she gets cut off as Thomas wraps his rough muscular hand around her tiny neck. Melina's hands try to crawl Thomas away as he blocks her airflow, but her hands are small and have little strength in them compared to Thomas's strong hands.

"Will you stop fucking lying to me? Do you think I won't kill you because of it?" Thomas's nails dig into Melina's neck as he chokes the life out of her. Melina's veins on her face almost pop out the more Thomas squeezes her neck. Her nails scratch his hands to prey it away but to no avail.

"Please," Melina manages to rasp out with all the lack of air going into her body. She tries to plead with him using her eyes. Melina thought she was ready to die, but she was wrong. She doesn't want to die. She actually wants to live, but it seems that choice is not hers right now.

Thomas stares back into Melina's eyes as he watches her life slowly fade away as she begs him to stop choking her. He wants to finish the job as quickly as possible, but he remembers why he shouldn't and begins to reduce the pressure on her neck.

"Please, Thomas, I don't want to die," Melina pleas as a drop of tears leaves her eyes.

There is no way in hell I will let her die so easy, Thomas thinks to himself as he removes his hands from around her neck once her eyes begin to close. Melina's legs give out as her body harshly kisses the ground.

Melina is barely alive after the torture she underwent at the hands of Kimberly, and now Thomas almost choked her to death. Loud wails of pain erupt from the depth of Melina's heart as the reality of her life drowns on her. This is what her life will be like from now on. Every day she will undergo the torture of the soul and body. The body can be healed, but Melina knows the heart might never be fixed because this time. She truly believes it's broken beyond repair. The one-man Melina thought on this earth would never lay a hand on her just did. Melina wonders if he is worth all the pain she is going through right now after what just happened.

Melina hits her chest to stop the aching pain there. She feels pain like never before in her heart right now. Melina does not understand why her heart is aching so badly. It feels like someone is drilling a hole in her heart. Thomas notices Melina hitting her chest as tears stream down her face. He walks towards her to find out if something is wrong with her chest. He took a few steps away from her after he released her neck.

"Why are you hitting your chest," Thomas asks, sounding annoyed with Melina's actions right now.

"It hurts," Melina's face is red and filled with tears. She rubs viciously on the area above her left breast. She stares at Thomas as he crunches down to her level on the ground. She can't help the more tears that fall from her eyes as he shows no concern for her right now.

"What hurts? Did any of your wounds reopen" Thomas asks, sounding neutral about her situation? He doesn't seem concerned, but he is still asking her what's wrong.

Thomas tries to check if the cuts around Melina's neck have reopened but does not get a chance to as Melina moves away from him. Thomas does not seem to care about this and tries again to check on her wounds. Melina dodges his hand again, and this only makes Thomas angry. He is getting annoyed by Melina not allowing him to examine her injuries. He moves his hand faster than before and rips her shirt open.

Melina's eyes go wide as she watches the buttons of the shirt that was worn on her while she was asleep scatter all over the room. She quickly uses her hands to cover her chest area that is covered in bandages. Kimberly made sure to add more scars to her chest area. The old ones might have healed over time, but they reopened tonight. It even feels like a good thing because at least she knows this time. The scars will be for true love and not for a false one.

Thomas roughly removes her hand and inspects her chest area.

"You are ……………." Thomas is interrupted when a loud knock is heard from the door. "Who is it?" Thomas barks at the person at the door.

"It's me, sir,"

"Who the fuck is me,"

"Sorry, sir, it's Richard. I have something important to tell you."

"Can't it wait till tomorrow Richard?"

"I wish it could, but I am sure you will want to know what I found."

"Alright, I am coming. Wait for me in my office."

"Okay, sir,"

"Stop hitting your chest; you will open up your stitches." Thomas says, standing up, "Take off your shirt."

"Huh," Melina asks, surprised. She wonders if she heard Thomas well

"I said take off your shirt," He disappears into another area in the room

Melina looks at his back as he walks away. She does not understand why he wants her to take off her shirt. She feels a little hesitant about taking off her shirt. Melina stays in her spot unmoving as she debates if she should take off her shirt or not. She snaps out of it once she feels something thrown at her.

"Change your shirt and ask Leo to take you back to your cell," Thomas says as he approaches the door.

"Thank you,"

"Don't thank me, quickly change and get the fuck gone by the time I am back," Thomas says and walks out of the room.

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