Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

Arya raced to her basement room. She looked the door and contemplated putting a chair under the knob. She ran her hands through her red hair.

"He's going to tell others." Arya's voice cracked.

Growing up she'd kept her hair dangling over her eyes. Sometimes they were brighter like now, other times they were pale and harder to see. Arya hated their blows that left cuts and bruises on her. Though, there was another abuse Arya feared. She could fend off a wolf when it was in heat. The sight of her beautiful glowing eyes might arouse lust in these men that even they didn't know they had. Arya feared it would surely be the end for her.

She rummaged under her bed for her precious box. She clutched the calendar to her chest, letting her tears wet the pages.

"Three more months. That's all I have to get through."

Arya was committed to not speaking until the time was up, not looking anyone in the eye until her birthday. She had to stay clear of Ace, he'd caused her enough damage already.

"You're late Ace!" The Alpha's deep voice boom that it rattled the birds in their backyard.

Ace had grown accustomed to his father's constantly angry voice that he didn't shudder anymore.

"I'm sorry." Ace repeated the words he'd been uttering since he was old enough to hit a punching bag. They'd lost their meaning long ago, they were just means to prevent arguments.

His younger brother Dash, stood at attention on the blue sparing matt. Two battered training dummies were stuck into the ground with long wooden poles. Each brother took a wooden stick. They both knew the drill.

Dash was younger by two years, though appeared his brother's age. He smirked at his brother before striking the dummy.

Ace sighed, he'd done this over a thousand times. Their father stood behind them watching. Ace took a step forward while his brother pummeled the dummy. Ace took the stick in his weaker hand and sliced the dummy's head clean off. Cotton spewed out of its dismembered body.

"Damn," Dash said.

The stick slipped from Ace's grip. The second it clattered on the matt, something smashed into Ace's knee. A boot slammed into the back of his thigh, sending Ace to his knees.

"Fuck." He spat.

His father appeared in front of him. "You let your guard down!" He spat.

"My opponent was down!"

"Your enemies will always have backup. Your brother never let's his guard down. You need to concentrate Ace."

Ace groaned and got to his feet.

"Something to say boy?" Alpha growled.

Ace kept walking, "Training's over."

"Good go. Watch your brother become a better warrior."

He could have taken his motorcycle and drove until he was in a different state, but he urged to be here somewhere particular. Yesterday he found Arya by the river, he hated how he felt when he was near her. There was so much to hate about her, her parents were traitors, but there was a lot he desired so much he couldn't explain.

On his way to the river he thought about how his father always hounded pressure on him. Ace knew no matter how much Dash trained he would never be half as good as Ace. Ace was the next Alpha he had to be rough unchallengeable even. Still he couldn't help think there was more to his father's behavior. He chucked the memories away when he looked up he spotted Arya lugging a heavy book bag and carrying some with in her boney hands. As she got closer, heat built up in him. What would happen if his father found out about his interest in Arya. It was nothing, he told himself she's the daughter of two traitors he reminded himself. He didn't realize how close be got to her.

Arya bumped into Ace's chest and stumbled back. She looked up, her green eyes widening.

"Watch it!" Ace yanked the books from her chest and hurled them six feet away.

Arya shivered and stumbled backwards. She couldn't even open her mouth to form an apology. Ace ripped the last book clutched to her chest. Paper littered the floor beneath them.

Arya gasped. All her hard work lay waste at her feet. Tears sprung to her eyes and Ace knew he fucked up yet again. Arya pulled her heavy bag to her chest, fearing Ace would destroy what was left. She turned and ran back to the restaurant.

"Arya…" he sighed, but it was too late to say anything her petite frame had disappeared.

Ace kicked a rock in front of him and it flew all the way to the lake. He could hear his wolf tormenting him already.

The sun was setting when Ace returned to his double story mansion. His mother's SUV was parked in the driveway, he could only assume his father was home too and parked his white sports car in the garage where Ace and Dash parked their vehicles.

Arya still played on his mind, her cries tormented his mind. He kicked the door shut and slipped out of his jacket.

"I don't want to think about her." He murmured.

Plates and pots clanged in the kitchen, the family room was quiet. Could mean his parents were upstairs playing pool. Ran upstairs to the theatre room. Sometimes he didn't even watch the movies his thoughts grabbed all his attention at this point it was Arya.

The action movie playing on the TV that look up most of the wall in front of him did nothing to capture his time. The gunshots and yells only irritated him so he shut the screen off. The lights came on as the screen dimed.

He ran a hand down his face. A lightbulb went on in his head, he patted the seat next to him for a tablet. He hoped there was one up here he didn't want to go down stairs to find another one. He picked up the purple tablet that belonged to his mother.

He'd just buy Arya other books. The prettiest ones the internet could find. Then she'd be out of his head and he would stir clear of her. His mother's suggestions popped up and a pair of gold and black sunglasses grabbed his interest.

Arya's beautiful emerald eyes appeared in his mind again. He didn't think he'd ever see eyes as beautiful as hers. The gold would compliment her eyes, though he hoped they would do something to hide her appearance for her own good if any.

Dash landed on the next seat and tapped the screen on. Ace growled.

"Where've you been all day?" Dash tossed a pillow at his brother's head.

"Why does it matter?"

"It really doesn't, just that you made me train alone for two hours."

Ace shook his head. He had trained for six hours at night while his father slept and threatened to beat his ass if he stopped.

"Come on Ace, lighten up. Don't let the old man get to you." Dash shoved his shoulder.

"I'm fine, Dash." Ace said through clenched teeth.

"No, you're not. Otherwise you wouldn't be looking at me like you want to rip my head off." Dash laughed.

Ace snapped and growled he stood tall, every vain in his body bulging. "I've got more than one reason to rip your head off and it isn't a grumpy old man!"

Dash shrunk into his seat, eyes wide. "Geez, fine alright. Don't miss dinner okay?" Dash said, before he marched out of the room.

Ace slumped forward in his seat. He let his heart beat steady before he picked himself up and left the room.

The Alpha left early because of urge business in the pack. Times were fragile among the wolves. Which only left the Luna who ate breakfast outside on the patio with Dash. When his package arrived there was no one there to spy on him. He sighed for the package and placed it on the kitchen isle. He thought it was crazy that he spent two hundred dollars on a pair of sunglasses. Arya had grown up eating scraps and wearing hand me downs she wouldn't appreciate a pair of designer glasses. In a lot of ways he didn't care if she wore it or not. As long as she didn't see him as a monster and he didn't remember her crying and fleeing. Dumped the box and tossed the case with the glasses in his backpack.

"Ace!" The Luna called.

So much for a clean getaway, Ace thought.

Various fruits that didn't nearly outweigh the level of meat on the clear glass table between his mother and brother. The Luna a woman fit to take on any Alpha was a tall slender woman with curves that the best potter couldn't imitate. Her white hair fell to her laps and her mesmerizing blue eyes could set the hardest head into a trance. Ace couldn't help but think there was a rival to those eyes.


"Your father needs you today. You know issues of peace are more important than war."

"If he needed me he would have said so." Ace said through clenched teeth.

If he ever chose one of them to accompany him it was Dash. Their mother knew it was true too.

"Maybe if you showed any interest…"

"I don't have time for this conversation Mom I've got other things to do."

"Ace— I don't need to remind you—"

"No one needs to remind me I'll be Alpha one day. Someone needs to remind me when to sit the fuck down because all I'm ever told about is that stupid mantel."

"Ace…" She warned.

Ace turned and marched into the house and exited through the front door. A confrontation with his mother was the last thing on his agenda. He got on his motorcycle, he only had one thing on his mind. Find Arya.

Arya held her legs up to her chin. The water serenely flowing could put her into a blissful sleep. She'd finished all the cooking for dinner before five, she did all the washing that had been flung at her and the mopping. All she wanted was a little alone time. All of the work was done without as much as a nod. Arya was determined to be as low as possible until her time was up, silently counting the days until lonely days blended into months.

A twig snapped behind her. Her head gently turned and she discovered it was Ace back again. She got to her feet as if the person in front of her was a wild animal.

"I was just leaving."

"Wait, don't go." Ace said softly.

Ace wore a dark leather jacket, his blond hair ruffled by the helmet. What did he want? Another glimpse at her eyes Arya hoped not.

Ace went to his back pocket. Arya's body tensed wondering what device of torment he was going to pull out. A black case rested in his palm. What was inside? A dagger? Dead animal to scare her? She wouldn't expect any less.

"Take it," he urged.

Arya picked the case with shaky hands. She fumbled to open it, a pair of black and gold sunglasses sat in the plush case. Arya looked up at Ace who only scrutinized her movements.

"Why?" Arya's voice cracked.

Ace smirked, "What else are sunglasses for? Put them on."

Arya set the case down and pulled the shades up her nose. She frowned, she couldn't see anything, how would she walk? She instantly pulled the off. Giving them back wasn't an option if she didn't want to offend Ace and ultimately regret it.

"Thank you… you didn't have to." She kept her head down.

"You should were them, might keep you from getting beat up." He meant it as a joke, but Arya wasn't laughing.

The chances of her getting beat up because she wore them were higher than not. She looked at the restaurant then back at Ace. She ought to leave she'd been around him long enough to know he could switch up any second and make her run home in tears.

"I should go." She cleared her throat.

Ace straightened his back and stared at where he his motorcycle between the bushes. He'd done what he wanted there was no reason to stay. He wished her red frizzy hair wasn't covering her eyes. Arya turned and headed for the restaurant her strides large and quick.

Before she was supposed to head to the dining room to help serve the wolves the glasses had to be hidden. Ace was crazy if he thought she was going to wear them in public.

"Well, well Arya what do you have there?"

Arya swallowed; her hand was on the knob to the kitchen, she turned her head and faced three scrawny boys who usually hung out with Cora.

"He's talking to you!" The one with cooper hair barked and the others barked.

"You like nice things now? We'll see about that."

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