Chapter Three (Amaya)
I wandered around the area; I was in the middle of a dense forest.Everything was black and I could see no lights. Where the hell am I?
Cursing Sin, as if that was even his name. What was he, exactly? Humans couldn’t do what he did. Where did he leave me anyway, and why was he so intent that I make a deal with him?
I wandered aimlessly, not really knowing where to go, doing my best to head in the same direction, figuring the woods would have to break into a field, road, or something at some point.
Unsure of how much time had passed, I came across a small cottage. I peaked in the window, not seeing anyone. I made my way to the door. Just as I was about to turn the handle, I heard something move behind me.
"What are you doing, girl?" A woman spoke with a gravelly voice. “And what on earth are you wearing?”
I spun around and a little old lady stood before me wearing a long old style black and white dress with a white bonnet which had a black cap placed on top. She looked at my clothing as if studying it, with her beady little eyes.
“What’s wrong with my outfit?” I defended, looking down at the black jeans and t-shirt that I was wearing. It wasn’t revealing. What’s this lady’s problem?”
“Witch hunters are about, walking around like that. They'll think you are a witch.”
“Witch hunters?” I asked dumbly. Just where in the hell am I?
“You lose your senses, girl.” She asked, approaching me looking at my head for an injury.
“No, my head is fine, but can I ask you where I am?”
“You are on the outskirts of Salem. what on earth have you done to your ears and face?” She questioned, looking at my piercings.
"They are piercings." I pointed out, confused, "many people have them."
"Better lose those too, you'll stand out like a sore thumb."
Confused by her reaction, a thought occurred to me. "What year is it?" I asked, holding my breath as she raised her grey brows at me, like I was crazy.
“16...92” I stuttered. Trying to wrap my head around it. How is that even possible? I was just in downtown Winnipeg in 2022? How did Sin get me here, and what was he?
The old woman said, “Yes, now why don’t you come inside, and I will give you something suitable to wear. My name is Abigail.”
She opened the cottage door, and I followed her in. “I’m Amaya. If they are hunting suspected witches, why are you helping me?”
“They’ve gone mad with their beliefs, and anything they don’t understand is witchcraft.” She shook her head. “I am the town healer. It’s only a matter of time before they point me out as one.”
Her cottage was rustic, made of logs, and consisted of three rooms. An enormous fireplace was on one wall. A kettle hung from a hook above it, a rocking chair sat near the hearth, and a small table was placed opposite of the hearth with two chairs placed beside it.
Turning from me, she went into another room. I could hear her rummaging around. After a few minutes, she came out with a pile of clothes and a cloth bag.
“You can dress in there.” She said, pointing to the room she had just exited and handed me the clothes and bag. "These were my sisters. She had left them here after she got married."
I nodded, "Thank you."
I entered the room she had pointed to; it was a sparse bedroom, the only furniture was a small bed and dresser. A cross hung on the wall above the headboard.
I undressed putting my old clothes in the bag, then struggled to dress in the new ones she had given me. The clothes were itchy and coarse against my skin. This is going to take some getting used to. Hopefully that stupid whatever he is will be coming back to take me home. Once I was dressed, I exited the room.
"Don't forget what did you call them.... the piercings as well." She reminded me, preoccupied with gathering wood from the pile and putting them in the fireplace.
"Right, " I nodded and removed the earrings and rings and putting them in my jeans pocket before returning my jeans to the bag. It had been years since I had my piercings done and I felt naked without them. First chance I get, they go back in. I promised myself.
Abigail was making a fire in the hearth and motioned for me to sit down at the table, before looking in the kettle and placing it on the hook and joining me.
“So, what brings you to Salem?”
“Umm…” What was I supposed to say? A strange man kidnapped me and time travelled with me here. Instead, I replied, “I got separated from my travel companions and ended up wandering through the woods, lost until I came upon your cottage.” I half lied. Sin had, after all, got separated from me. Although it was more like he abandoned me here.
She nodded, "and the strange clothes?" She asked, scrutinizing my reaction. This woman was nosey. What am I under interrogation, or is she planning on calling me a witch and dragging me into town?
“Travel clothes given to me by my father, my dresses had been ruined and we were far from any towns.” I lied again, frowning at how easy it was. "Why do you live in the forest and not in town?" I asked, changing the subject.
“I like my privacy. Being a healer, it’s easier if people come out here for healing. It can be messy, and townsfolk don’t have the disposition or understanding to deal with or hear the injured.” She spoke frankly.
I nodded. If it was the year she said, then it would be understandable they wouldn’t want the smell of death in proximity to their homes.
“Thank you for the clothes and for helping me. I won’t take up anymore of your time.” I expressed as I rose to leave grabbing my bag.
“You don’t have to leave.” She laughed, “It’s nice to have the company, and to be honest, I need an apprentice. You can stay here and if anyone asks you are my granddaughter visiting from Malden, I have a son that lives there, so it’s believable.”
She rose and took the bag from me. I paused, unsure if this was a good idea or not. Where else was I going to go?
"Thank you. I honestly don’t know where I would’ve gone.”
"Get a good night's sleep because tomorrow we will go search for herbs. My supplies are running low, and of course I'll want to show off my beautiful granddaughter in town." She winked.
She left the room, coming back with some bedding, which she laid out in front of the fire. “It’s not much, but you should at least be warm."
“Thank you, Abigail.”
“You better call me Grandma from now on. Better if it becomes habit, the folks around here will look for anything amiss. Lest we have to explain the way you really came here, time traveler.” She smiled. “The man that left you here was quite attractive.” She stated as she turned to go into her room. "I hope we see him again soon." She sighed.
Just how long has this woman been aware I was here? Had she followed me as I wandered around the forest, lost?