Chapter Four (Tyr)

We led the Goblin army away from their target as planned. It also took a lot longer for us to lose them. Their tracking abilities were uncanny, at least they fell for our trick. By morning, we were finally able to lose them and circle back to where we had left the targets.

Ezryn knelt beside the tracks we had found and studied them; "it looks like they are heading this way." He deduced as he pointed upstream.

Nodding, Mohan and I followed as he led the way. Eventually, the tracks led to the river.

“What now?” Mohan asked, slightly annoyed.

“We can assume they went upriver and look at the banks and travel upriver as well, and hope we find their trail again.” I suggested.

“If that doesn’t work, we can always come back here and do the same the opposite way.” Ezryn shared.

“Okay, it’s settled.” Mohan agreed.

We headed upriver scanning the banks for tracks. A few miles up, we found what we were looking for. Heading in that direction, we zigzagged back and forth through the forest, having trouble finding their tracks. Eventually, after what felt like hours, we came to a small clearing beside a creek. We fanned out and searched the area, looking for clues.

Tired, I leaned up against a rock that had vines on it and fell through, landing on my ass. I stood up and looked around. I had fallen into a small cave that had been occupied recently by the looks of it. Remnants of a fire sat in the center and footprints we scattered around in the loose dirt.

I knelt beside the fire as Ezryn, and Mohan came into the cave. The embers were cold. They were here but hours ago.

Sighing, I stood up and dusted my hands off on my pants. “Looks like we missed them. Did you find anymore tracks?”

Ezryn nodded. “Yeah, I think I know which way they went.” He motioned for us to follow him.

He led us back into the forest. Around noon, we stopped for a quick bite to eat before continuing on our journey. “How had they gotten so far in so few hours?”

“Maybe they are fast, or maybe we are just slow.” Mohan frowned as he moved a branch out of the way.

“Shh.” Ezryn mumbled; I hear something.

We stopped moving and could hear movement in the trees beside us. Bracing ourselves, we quietly pulled out our weapons, no sooner had we armed ourselves when three Goblin soldiers launched themselves at us.

A scout team no doubt, I surmised as I blocked the first blow, Mohan and Ezryn fighting beside me.

I barely blocked the next blow, as he went to take my head. Quickly I ducked down and, slipping a dagger from my sleeve, I stabbed the soldier in the stomach. His eyes widened in surprise as he sank to the forest floor.

Mohan had defeated his assailant without issue, Ezryn had just blocked what would have been a fatal blow, as he attacked, lopping off the soldier's arm and quickly beheading him.

“Bloody Goblins are a menace.” He hissed as he spat on the Goblins' face.

“If they are sending scouts, the army isn’t too far behind.” I concluded. I looked at Ezryn, “I need you to go to the King and report back, request the aid of his army. Tell them that the Goblins are after the sisters of the prophecy. Hopefully, it will be enough to sway him.”

“I can’t leave you here, sire.” He replied, looking both torn between obeying my order and his duty to protect me.

“It’s an order. Mohan and I will continue to track the sisters and try to buy some time. The direction the sisters are going in is towards our kingdom. With any luck, they will beat us there.”

He nodded and sheathing his sword; he started running toward my father's kingdom.

Mohan and I quickly hid the bodies and erased our tracks before following the sister's trail, covering any tracks we could along the way.

“Hopefully, this will work.” Mohan muttered as he ducked under a low-hanging limb.

“It has to. If the sisters from the prophecy die, the Goblins and their allies will take our realm over.” I frowned.

They allied with the Drow. The Drow were dark elves whose signature trait was blue grey skin and white hair with black eyes. They had red tattoos that looked like claw marks on their arms. My Grandfather had banished them to the under realm, but the Goblins somehow helped them back to our realm. They could make a person feel despair and make them relive their worst nightmares if you got too close to their dark aura. The best way to kill one was from a distance.

They reveled in hunting down our people and seeking revenge for their banishment. I hope the Goblin army didn’t have the Drow with them. It would complicate matters. They seemed to be working separately at the moment, receiving orders from the Goblin king and heading out to complete them.

The Drow were attacking Elf villages while the Goblins were attacking the Pixies and Fairies. The Goblins seemed intent on wiping out the pixies allies.

The way things were going, the entire realm will be at war with each other and it would be a bloodbath.

“We should stop here for the night.” Mohan suggested as he studied the small clearing we had come to. “I can go scout out the Goblins and see how far behind they are from us.”

“Sounds like a plan. Once you find them, report back. We will need to plan our next moves according to the time we have available.”

“Yes, sire.” He replied before disappearing into the trees.

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