Chapter Five
I walk out of the building to find him leaning against his car. More like leaning his butt since he's tall but I can't help eye his body. He is wearing his Ray Ban sunglasses which makes him stand out more. People passes but they aren't satisfied, not until they glance at him. I find this funny so I end up smiling like an idiot.
Alex looks around until he finds me standing—looking back at him—he immediately stands up straight, fixing his shirt before walking toward me. My smile end up being a smirk when I see him fastening his steps to reach me faster. Once we are close enough, he puts his hand behind my waist before leading me back to his car.
''Is this one of your gentleman act?'' I roll my eyes once I've entered his car. He suit afterwards.
''There's a lot of reporters here without you noticing so—'' He shrugs before he drives away.
Right. We are both acting. He wants to catch attention and this is what he is doing. We both are pretending. Pretending so that the press would believe we are a happy couple. I don't know about his so—called—plans for tonight but I know that whenever he acts sweet around me, he's pretending.
So let's not fall for his acts, shall we.
''Where are we going?'' I raise an eyebrow at him as I turn to look. His eyes are focused on the road, not even glancing at me.
''We're going see your hair stylist and fashion designer.'' He replies.
Fashion designer? Hair stylist? What are those for?
''W—what for?'' I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I tie my hair up into a ponytail.
We stop at a traffic light and he take his chance to turn and look at me. Even though I can't see his eyes but I can somehow feel the way he gazes at me through those sunglasses. I don't even have the intention to look away, ''We have an event tonight. Ring any bells?'' He smirks a little, ''How can you forget such small details.'' He mutters under his breath. It sounded more like he's talking to himself but I could hear him completely.
''Because it's not important to me?'' I was stating the truth but it sounded more like a question. I find his smirk widen as he turn to look at the road again. I shake my head in disbelief before crossing my arms and look at the window.
We both stay in silent, none of us wanted to start a conversation. I guess it's better this way. Until we reach at our destination. I unbuckle my seat belt before stepping out of the car. In an instant, I find Alex holding my waist, assuring me to move on.
I look up at the building in front of me. It looks like a wedding boutique but once we both entered, we are greeted with the cold air conditioner. I look around to find the boutique—dress are everywhere in different shapes and sizes—but there isn't anyone here.
''Are we supposed to treat ourselves?'' I look to Alex but he just shrug it off.
''Ah, Alexander!'' An exciting voice greets me which cause me to blink immediately. She is around her late thirties with her dark brown hair and enchanting dark brown eyes. Her eyes are exotic and I can definitely stare into them for a long time and it won't bother me. She looks at me and her smiles widen, ''Ms. Delaney.''
''Hi.'' I wave slowly at her with a smile.
She walk toward me before pulling me in for a tight hug. Alex has slipped his hand away, knowing that she might want to crash me into a bone crushing hug. I pat her back, hugging her. I try my best to breathe until she pulls away, ''Oh, I apologise for not introducing myself. I'm Marissa and starting from today, I'm your fashion designer.'' Marissa seems excited about the word fashion designer.
''Where's Phil?'' Alex suddenly ask before pulling a chair and sits down.
I am still standing at the same spot. Marissa rubs her chin, ''Oh, he's on his way. Don't worry we have lots of time.'' She turns to me, ''Um, Ms. Delaney, may I ask your size?''
My head turns to look at Alex who is looking at me intensely, ''You can just call me Athena, I would feel more comfortable.'' I nod at her and her eyes seem to widen in surprise, ''Y—you okay?'' I stutter.
''Y—yes, Ms. Del—Athena.'' She nods at me returning my smile.
''And um, I think I'm a size two?'' I raise an eyebrow at her.
Marissa let out a laugh before pulling me by the arm, ''Come on dear, let's measure you up.'' And we walk inside toward the back. I find Alex chuckling as he plays with his phone. Once we get to the back, I can lots of dresses from different sizes to choose. I can't believe I would be feeling this one day. I've always wished to be living the life ever since I was little.
''We have tons of dresses.'' She takes out my measurement, ''You can choose.''
''Anything?'' I blink as I feel some of the dresses's material.
''Anything, dear. This all belongs to you.'' When she replies, I couldn't believe her word, ''Well, according to your size. We will send clothing according to your size as soon as you move in with Alexander.''
Then it hit me, ''You know?''
''Yes, dear. I know, I have been assigned to work for you by Alexander himself.'' She pulls me once more, ''Come on dear, choose your dress for the event tonight.'' I see her clapping her hand before she point at a few dresses of her choice.
I can't help but chuckle at her action. Well, it's going to be a one tough decision because all of the dresses are extremely beautiful.
I try on a purple dress which ends at my knee but when I walk out of the fitting room, I find Marissa frowning, ''No no no.'' She shakes her head before pushing me back into the fitting room. Then I try on a blood red dress. It hugs my body nicely which ends at the tips of my finger toes. I walk out smiling at Marissa, thinking that this dress could be the one but all she does is gag her mouth, ''No dear. No no, get back in.'' I shrug before getting back in.
This time, I walk out and I can see Marissa nodding as she wipe her nonexistent tears. I turn around to look at myself in the mirror. The beautiful rose gold dress which glitters nicely on my body, showing off my curves that I never knew looked good. The back shows off my skin nicely, not too much. I love how it ends right up my bottom.
I can find myself staring at a princess right now, princess in a beautiful dress. I can't really seem to believe that I am looking at myself. The dress covers my front nicely, not showing even a little bit. It shows enough at the back. The material ends a bit longer than my feet but it doesn't matter, it's perfect.
''What do you think?'' I mutter under my breath as I turn to look at Marissa again.
She walk toward me, holding both of my arms, ''You are the most beautiful woman alive.'' The words sink deep in me as I pull her for a hug. She gladly reply the hug.
Suddenly the door bursts open and I look up immediately to find a man with long dark hair looking at me and Marissa. We break the hug to look at the unfamiliar man in front of us. He walk toward us but he eyes my dress, his eyes glittering, ''Oh my, Marissa, please tell me this is one of your design?''
Marissa chuckles, ''Oh Phil, do you like it?''
Phil nods eagerly, ''I love it!'' He looks at me before smiling widely, ''And you look absolutely stunning in it. Magnificent.'' I can't help but smile back. I turn around to look into the mirror again. They're right. It shapes my long legs nicely.
''Marissa, you should get Alexander ready too. I'm going to do Athena's hair.'' Phil touches my waist, gesturing me to walk toward the makeup table. The wall is filled with mirrors so it would be easier.
Marissa walks out and closes the door once more. I sit down and Phil starts to brush my hair, ''I think I know what I'm going to do with your hair.'' And then he starts to smile at me. I chuckle and nod my head, trusting him with my hair.
I can see how he focus while he's doing my hair. The way he brushes it gently and blowing my hair to tame it. He pumps a few drops of serum before putting it on my hair. Then he brushes my hair once more before slowly putting it up. I fell asleep afterwards, not really remembering much.
''Athena?'' A faint voice calls out and I open my eyes slowly, revealing Phil's face.
''Um, Phil.'' I mutter before sitting up straight and when I look in the mirror, I see my hair up into an elegant high bun. It's a bit messy as he let a few strands of hair down but it looks beautiful. My brown hair somehow complimented the bun, ''You did this?'' I look up at him and he nods with a grin.
''Do you like it, Athena?'' He holds the brush closer toward his chest.
''I love it, Phil. Thank you.'' I stand up, pulling him for a hug and he hugs me back.
''Now now, we don't want to ruin that hair of yours.'' He chuckles, ''Let's do your makeup.''
I nod and I sit back down. He puts on a foundation all over my face, setting it up with a loose powder. Then he fills in my brows, using a more darker shade than my hair. I can see my defined eyebrows in the mirror. I close my eyes as he puts a darker shade at my crease—more like a bronze colour. Phil highlight the inner corner of my eyes, making my eyes open up.
He contours my cheek and the bridge of my nose before adding a natural coloured matte lipstick on my lips. I stand up, walking toward the full sized mirror. I look at my face, my hair and down to my dress. I look like myself yet I look different. Good different.
''Ready to show it to your man?'' Phil says as he wiggle his eyebrow. I laugh at him as I put on my white ankle strap heels.
We both walk out from the back and as soon as we step out, I can see Alex's back facing me. He is putting on his tie. He is wearing a beige coloured shirt with a black tuxedo and black pants. Alex is busy looking in the mirror that he hasn't notice me yet. Marissa is walking toward him holding his leather shoes.
Phil clears his throat from beside me and I turn to look at Phil, trying to hide my embarrassment. When I look at Alex, he has already turned around.
His eyes meets mine and he looks down at my dress in an instant. I can tell from the way he looks at me, he actually likes it? He clenches his jaw as he watch my bare back from the side. I take my chance to look at him too. I can see his brown hair looking the same as ever but somehow his face is glowing.
Alex walk toward me, holding my left hand up, looking at the ring. I gulp, feeling my heartbeat raising.
''You're beautiful.'' He looks into my eyes, giving me one of his rare smiles. I almost died, right here, right now.
''Thank you.'' I feel my cheeks heat up, luckily the blusher covered up, ''You look good as well.''
He chuckles, ''Haven't I always?'' And he raises an eyebrow at me.
I end up rolling my eyes but when his hand make contact with my bare back, I feel tingles spreading all over my body. I don't know if it was just me or him too but I can't help but feel myself getting hotter—as if temperature raising.
''Will I make a good first impression?'' I joke and I find him smiling once more.
''Of course you will.'' He replies, still looking into my eyes. I start to feel uncomfortable but I let it slide. For now, I don't remember any agreement with him. I'm only enjoying the moment, feeling his hand on me and loving his warmth near me. I inhale his scent, the same masculine vanilla scent.
Marissa stands in front of us with Phil as she smile widely, ''You both look beautiful.'' She claps before gasping, ''Right, Phil. Take my camera.'' And Phil quickly give Marissa her camera. I laugh at and I can see Alex's lips curve up.
''Okay, snuggle up!'' Marissa joke and I just end up furrowing my eyebrows but end up laughing.
Alex pulls me closer that my arm touches his body. I look up at him and I see him smiling at the camera. I smile but before I could turn to look at the camera, the flash went on. I turn to look at her, ''Um, wait I wasn't ready.'' I say in confusion.
She is using a polaroid camera so the picture went out. She smiles as she shake the picture.
''No you were ready, Athena.'' Marissa wiggle her eyebrow.
I gulp and when it is clear enough for us to see the picture, I take it from her hold. I look down to find that I am looking at Alex and smiling at him. As for Alex, he is smiling widely at the camera but his hand holds me tightly. In this picture, we look like a happy couple and somehow it makes me shiver.
Alex stands in front of me before taking the picture slowly. I look up to study his expression but he just stares. He smirks before looking at me, ''It's a good picture.'' He gives it back to me and I immediately give it back to Marissa.
Before she could say anything, I clear my throat, ''Let's get going, we don't want to be late.''
Alex nods his head before taking his car keys. We walk out and as soon as we reach his car, Marissa hands me my clutch, smiling at me, ''Tell me all the details soon.'' And she waves at me. I wave back at her before entering the car.
The car is filled with Alex's cologne mixed with mine. Somehow it smells good.
Alex drives away and I just sit uncomfortably at my seat. I don't know but I sort of feel like he's staring at my bare neck but he's not. His eyes are focusing at the road—trust me, I've checked.
After a few minutes of driving in silence, we arrive at the destination.
''So, what kind of event is this?'' I raise an eyebrow at him as he stops the car. There are a lot of reporters outside, trying their best to see who's in the car. Lucky enough, Alex's car has dark tinted windows.
''Actually it's a red carpet event but me and a few other footballers were invited. Simon thought it would be a good time to officially announce our engagement.'' He looks down at my hand before holding it, giving me an assuring squeeze, ''You okay?''
Our eyes meet once more, I gulp, ''Y—yeah.''
''Good, you'll wait till I arrive at your door.'' I nod and he steps out of his car. I can see the reporters going crazy but the bodyguards are holding them off, quite far from us. I breathe in and out and when Alex arrives at my door, he opens it slowly. He stands in front of me, raising an eyebrow. I nod once more and he steps aside.
I step out and then some of them start asking questions.
''Who is she?''
''Is she the mystery woman?''
''Yes she is!''
''Alexander! Tell us who she is.''
''Tell us her name!''
''Get more shots of her!
Alex's hand moves to my back, holding me by my waist. I lick my lower lip and I can feel Alex's breath on my neck, ''You okay?'' He asks once more, his lips brushing against my earlobe. I nod at him before giving him a smile. He smiles back and we start walking inside.
The reporters won't stop taking pictures of us and it kinds of hurt me, the camera flashes. I just hope I don't look stupid in the news tomorrow. I clear my thought as I look down, walking slowly, avoiding any embarrassing falls.
Once we step inside, we both are greeted with the calming environment.
''There are a few reporters inside but don't worry, they won't attack us.'' I hear a playful hint in his voice but I just nod at him.
''Alexander, you came.'' We both turn to the voice—a beautiful woman with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes—but her fair skin complimented her features. I smile at her as she smiles back at me, ''Oh, is this the mystery woman?'' She chuckles at the end.
I can feel myself blushing.
''Yeah, she is.'' Alex holds me tighter, ''Not a mystery anymore, isn't it?''
She nods, ''You're right.'' She walk toward me before gesturing me to shake her hand, I did, ''I'm Sarah, a friend of Alex.'' When she can see that I am not as cheerful as she is, ''Don't worry, Alex and I are just friends. Nothing more, I am with one of Alex's teammates.'' I can see her cheeks turn slightly pink.
''Oh no no, it's totally fine.'' I smile at her.
Knowing that she isn't one of Alex's one night stand or scandals somehow make me feel at ease. Even though no one has ever heard of Alex's love life before, who knows he might just have one? I don't really know him well and I haven't touch that topic yet so... soon maybe.
''Alexander Herrera, if you don't mind me asking a few questions to please the press?'' A reporter came toward us and I look at them in surprise. Alex's brushes his nose against my hair—that is how close we are—as he turn to look at the reporter.
Sarah smiles before walking away into the crowd.
I look around to see a few men holding a camera. They are taking pictures—our pictures—mostly but I ignore them and I focus on the reporter in front of me and Alex.
''Yeah, sure.'' Alex answers beside me. He smiles a bit before looking down to look at me.
''May I confirm this? Is she the mystery woman?'' He holds out the mic toward Alex. I just stand uncomfortably. Most of the reporters are now focusing on us as they make their way toward us. Within seconds, there are more than five cameras capturing our attention.
''Yes.'' Alex replies, calmly.
Well, we had expected this. At least they are not attacking us and are asking us nicely.
''Are you and the mystery woman have some sort of relationship and may I know any further that if—'' He goes on and on but Alex cuts him off by holding his hand up to stop him. He raises an eyebrow at Alex but did as told.
''This might be a shocking news for everyone, including my family.'' Alex starts and I know where this is going. Camera flashing at us and I just smile awkwardly. I don't even know where to look so I end up turning my head and look at Alex. He acts natural, of course, he has been through this lots of time.
The reporters keep quiet, letting him continue.
''But we can't really hold it anymore. We are both excited about this. The mystery woman is actually...'' He looks down at me before looking at the cameras again, ''My fianceè.'' Then the reporters start to get wild. They keep asking questions, like how we met and how he proposed but Alex just smile and ignore their questions.
''We are getting married soon and I would be thankful if everyone just stop invading our privacy.'' He adds and with that, four bodyguards came to our side, slowly blocking the reporters. Me and Alex make our way out from the reporters but I am still a bit blank.
Call me stupid but I guess we just got ourselves in a deep... mess because I'm sure they won't leave us alone.