Chapter 2
I followed them all the way back to the turf where Coach Wilson stood talking to reporters on the track that surrounded the field. There weren't cameras or anything, only written reporters. They wanted to get the scoop on such a 'progressive' school. I wouldn't be surprised if letting me try out was just a publicity stunt. It would be best if I didn't get my hopes up.
As much a I wanted this, I honestly couldn't blame them if they didn't want to go through the trouble of having me on the team.
I jogged past them and across the field to my bag. I grabbed my half frozen water out of my black duffle bag and took a sip while eyeing the three guys a few feet away to my right. Their backs were to me as they chatted and joked around with eachother. They were all coated in sweat and the sun glistened off their muscles. Just looking at them reminded me of how hot I was in this heat. I might be from California but I was defiantly built for the cold.
I pulled my maroon and white girls pinny over my head with my free hand and dropped it in my bag leaving me in a black sports bra from Victoria's Secret that probably had more weight than a kevlar vest. No one had returned to the field yet and I didn't bother to check the time, it was probably a 40 minute run.
I dropped my waterbottle into my bag with a thud and grabbed my stick. The noise caused all three of them to turn and face me. The one in the middle had blonde hair and was on the shorter side, probably only 5'8". He had a softer jaw but a serious, almost scary face that somehow suited his surfer like beauty. The one on the left was the tallest, probably 6'4" with jet black hair and vibrant green eyes. He seemed the friendliest despite the fact he was also glaring at me.
Finally, there was the one on the right who stepped over a duffle bag to get closer to me. Call it dramatic but somehow he made the move work. He was a solid 6' 1" or 2" with dirty blonde hair swept up and to the side. He had deep green almost emerald eyes, contrasting with his friends light green.
He crossed his arms when he was a foot away from me and glared. I didn't miss how his eyes swept over my body, I was only dressed in black spandex and a sports bra. He was shirtless and in navy blue gym shorts with the high school Whale on them.
Yep, the Groton Whales. That's what you get for living in a sea town with a navy base.
Had he not been speaking to me, I would have taken more note of his carved abs and jaw, or the way his arms bulged when he crossed them. I could appreciate when someone works hard for their body, even if I wasn't interested. I'd been surrounded by fit men all my life and I'd be an idiot to fall for their charms.
"You think you're bad ass, don't you? First girl to try out for a boys team. You carry yourself like your the shit. You don't belong in this school or even on this team. What the hell are you even doing here?" His deep voice sneered. His lips curled almost cruelly. He was trying to intimidate me into dropping the try out. If he though I came all the way here to blow it than he was crazy. I knew there would be assholes like him and I was prepared to deal with it.
"Trying to make the team, as you pointed out a second ago. And I will make it, so I suggest you back the fuck off. I'm allergic to sexism." I retorted when brushing past him to make my way to the home depot bucket filled with yellow balls. I bent over and picked two up in my hand.
"Watch it sweetheart, I've been the Varsity Captain since sophomore year. No one's gonna go easy on you because you're a girl." He called out from behind me.
So he was the captain. Griffin Riley.
He was good, but I was confident I could give him a run for his money. One of the balls dropped from my hand to the ground and I put the other in my stick crosse. My head turned to Finn and I smirked.
"I didn't plan on it." I replied cockily before turning and launching the ball all the way down the terf and into the overturned goal on the other side of the field.
I turned back to Finn on my right and glanced at the boys on my left. Shocked expressions flickered across their faces. Boys lacrosse sticks needed a lot more force to throw farther because the pocket was deeper. I probably didn't look strong enough to them.
"I'm stronger than I look," was all I spat before I stalked off to practice my bounce shots.
Once the whole team had finished their run, we began the rest of tryouts. School started tomorrow and they wanted to get this over with so they could start training on day one. Lacrosse was a year round sport here.
We did weave drills, passing, face offs, shooting, and all that jazz. See, most of those activities required a partner and I got stuck with the blondie from Finn's crew. His name was Sam but we didn't say anything to eachother except for the occasional 'go' and 'open'.
I later found out that he's the goalie and I couldn't help but feel like I got partnered with him for face offs because he never had to do them. Finn probably just assumed I couldn't take it against anyone else on this team. Although, Sam was good at face offs, especially for a goalie. Either way, it still pissed me the fuck off.
When it came time for scrimmages Sam was in the goal and the players trying out for Varsity gathered on half the field. The heat hadn't lessened up considering it was almost 6 pm. We had been here for three hours already and I was sweating like a pig. Everyone was.
"Raise your hand if you're new!" Wilson boomed in a raised voice while we all took a knee in front of him.
I raised my hand confidently and I held my chin high. I wouldn't seem like I wasn't confident. I had to act like I thought I belonged. My eyes scanned the other boys momentarily but no one moved. All eyes were on me when he started to ask me questions.
"Sylvia,right? Tell us how long you've been playing, where, and what position."
I stayed on my knee and pulled off my helmet and mouthgaurd, putting them under my arm. "Sylvia Mason, I'm a senior, 17 and I've been playing for ten years. I went to St. Stephen's Highschool in California and was the Captain of the Varsity team all three years. I play center defense."
I noticed Finn roll his eyes when I mentioned how I was captain and his black haired friend didn't look much happier. Something tells me they didn't like competition. Most people probably faultered under their intense gazes but I refused too. I wouldn't be distracted by their masculinity, hierarchy, or their glares. Truth be told, it was difficult but I had to stay strong. This is my future, we're talking about.
"Mason, we will be glad to have you if you're good enough. From what I heard, that shouldn't be a problem. Lucky for you, our right center graduated last year." He paused and surveyed us all. "We're doing a half field scrimmage."
Wilson went on to call out names and positions and guys started to get up and move to their spots on the field. There were about 20 of us so half were off the field at a time.
Through the grated mask of my helmet, I noticed Finn's dark haired friend was the person I would guard or be guarded by. That's what sucked about half field games, you had to play both positions. It really only made the midfielders look good, if we are being honest.
I held my stick out at an angle in a ready position and bent my right knee, hunching forward. My pads were almost touching his as I watched the two boys on the ground about to start the face off. One of them was Finn, unsurprisingly. Midis were usually, but not always, captains and got all the glory. Sort of like the quarterback of a football team.
Their sticks were lined up and the whistle blew. Both boy's sticks flicked down onto their sides and they pushed eachother aggressively until Finn flicked his stick to the side and the ball went flying through the air and into the crosse of the left wing player on his team. They wore white jerseys while my team wore navy.
My mark was off and sprinting up the field in seconds. My feet pounded in sync while I held my stick head in front of his with one hand. His body bumped me mid-step and I almost stumbled. But, I managed to stay up and only slightly deter off path.
It was the perfect opportunity for the white player with the ball to pass across the field to Finn's friend. My stick shot forward and whacked the ball out of the air, at the last second, and onto the ground.
I was down and scooping the ball while boxing the raven haired boy out like lighting. He pushed me hard with his lower body but I covered the ball with my stick and raked it before he could get around me. I loved being able to cover and rake, another thing the girls couldn't do.
I let my feet carry me up the field to the half, where the face off just took place so I could recheck the ball. Once I did, I turned to face Finn's friend and Finn guarding me with their bodies almost pushing me down. Their figures were like a wall, pressed up close against me. I faked a role to the left and dodged to the right giving me an opertunity to launch a shot down field to the right wing who was open near the goal. As soon as the ball left my stick, I pushed past my guy and barreled back down the field with Finn a few feet to my right. The ball was being passed on the far right since the white team made a good defensive wall, effectively blocking my team in near the sideline.
I faked my guy again and ran through the 10 meter arch and yelled that I was open. The guy on my team managed to throw me the ball just as I crossed in front of the goal. I switched to my left hand side and executed a side arm shot as I kept running. The ball almost hit Sam when he moved to block it but ultimately the ball slid into the goal with a whoosh.
I was definitely making the team after that show.